Mike Vick


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Actually this isnt about the type of dogs, as much as the type of people who would do it. I dont like pits, I think they have bad wiring. I wouldnt turn my back no matter how sweet someone said it is. Or how cuddly it was to me. Same with dalmations while we are at it.
If this guy did what he is accused of, he should be shot. AS should the many others across the country, its as big as chicken (cock) ((no smart remarks))fighting used to be. Ive found many dead dogs stuffed in hefty bags, all maimed. Yes I have to look when I see a lg bag laying on a desolate street. I call the animal charities and they retrieve them. Makes me mad. Ive had many houses on my route busted, and they are out of jail that night or the next day. Problem is when these dogs get out. Innocent people can get hurt. I dont know the answer, I just think if found guilty, hang them by their gonads, or fingernails til dead.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
In my area the Pit-Bulls are also known as "White Trash Security Systems." LOL! When I see a Pit-Bull out on a route 95% of the time it's in a lower income neighborhood or out in the country. And they are usually chained to a tree or inside a small fenced in area. They sure do try and break free of those chains too. I hope Vick get's whats comming to him. I'm sure he's guilty because people involved in federal indictments usually don't come out on top. Cruelty to animals is something I take very seriously. It's bad enough when it's humans beings but worse when it involves animals. They are so helpless.


golden ticket member
I know he's innocent 'til proven otherwise....but c'mon, they couldn't find anyone else to honor??? Like O.J. or Michael Jackson ??:sad:


You smell that?
Cruelty to animals is something I take very seriously. It's bad enough when it's humans beings but worse when it involves animals.

That's screwed up. You honestly think it's worse when it's animals over humans? That's sick.


Well-Known Member

I hope there are some animal lovers in the federal prison where Vick will be going, I wouldn't think he'd be well received.

Such a talented athlete, but a liar as well. Didn't know about any activity on his property? Finally admitted his involvement only after his co defendants copped a plea and were going to testify against him. So all the sickening details won't be exposed during a trial.

Now I would guess he's lying again regarding gambling, as he's stated he was involved in loaning money for gambling, but did not gamble himself.

He only took part in killing 6 dogs who lost fights.

I surely hope the judge imposes his own sentence as opposed to the prosecution recommendation of 12-18 months.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member

Well, Vick was finally a man today and owed up to what he has done, I'll give him that much. If he had come clean in the first place, he probably wouldn't have got himself in this deep. I'm amazed that some people have the attitude that "they were just dogs, so what"? My experience with people who get pleasure in torturing animals is that they have serious mental issues. I wouldn't trust anybody who thinks it is okay to mistreat animals like this for "sport". Above is a link that has the original indictment that has a lot of details about this. At the Atlanta Humane Society, they are using donated Michael Vick shirts to clean up dog crap.:poop:


golden ticket member
Isn't it amazing how quickly guys like Vick "find Jesus" ?? What a self -obssessed piece of :censored2: he is. I hope he really enjoys his "down time" !!!


Well-Known Member
The dog will be behind bars where he belongs. Takes a coward to hurt animals that can not defend themselves.

Scratch- When I win the Browncafe fant foot pool, is it possible to change my screen name to the Browncafe Champion?


You smell that?
I'm amazed that some people have the attitude that "they were just dogs, so what"? I wouldn't trust anybody who thinks it is okay to mistreat animals like this for "sport".

My main problem with this is that it is entirely possible that Vick is gonna serve more time for this then some people serve for murder of a human being. That sickens me.

My other problem is that people that get all upset over cruelty to dogs have no problem with cruelty to other animals that aren't quite as cute.


Leona Helmsley passed away and left $12 million to her dog.David Letterman suggests the dog should use that money to invest in organized fights between NFL players.