millions of americans will be homeless today


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
A lot of this thread shows a lot of what’s wrong with American politics. You have multiple issues surrounding this renter/landlord thing. First issue being a trump/Covid economic downturn caused a lot of renters to lose jobs.
Main issue is government getting involved where it wasn't needed.

Notice how the government didn't call it a loan? You say loan and that you will he paying it back, people act differently. Many thought it was a get out of rent jail-free card.


Well-Known Member
Okay tell that to everyone who is going to lose their residence because democrats convinced them we can just stay home for months on end and not pay bills. Then fall back on lol CDC said so.
The trump CDC pushed for the eviction moratorium. The trump cdc was instrumental in the lockdowns. Wtf are you talking? Anyway those people shouldn’t be evicted. There was no way to prevent a gigantic economic recession with a global pandemic spreading. Lockdowns or not a bunch of industries were going to crater as 100’s of millions of people voluntarily took precautions. So again what’s your point other then telling me you were wrong about the lockdowns?


Well-Known Member
Main issue is government getting involved where it wasn't needed.

Notice how the government didn't call it a loan? You say loan and that you will he paying it back, people act differently. Many thought it was a get out of rent jail-free card.
Government getting involved where it’s not needed, is just mostly nonsense.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you?


Well-Known Member
How many spent rent money on things not necessary?

This is that made up imaginary these renters are scum approach to an issue impacting 10’s of millions that doesn’t make sense. Again the facts are unemployment checks were severely delayed for millions of people for many many months. Second the money allocated for rent support only a small fraction has went out. Thirdly some landlords are rejecting that government money because it comes with the stipulation that you can’t evict renters.
These are the major issues not your imaginary these renters are scum nonsense.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Guarantee, no government involvement, a whole lot more folk conveniently discover rent money. Don't need a loan.


Well-Known Member
Guarantee, no government involvement, a whole lot more folk conveniently discover rent money. Don't need a loan.
This poster wants to be delusional. People lost jobs, whole sectors of the economy shut down, people voluntarily stopped going out and economic growth tanked. There were no jobs to be had. This person rejects this reality because he wants to create these imaginary renters who are scum and therefore are undeserving of assistance. This is a warped view of reality a deliberate rejection of a facts based understanding of this issue to go with made up nonsense. In a nation of 100’s of millions we can’t craft public policy on willful ignorance or small minded prejudices. It is irrational.
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Staff member
This poster wants to be delusional. People lost jobs, whole sectors of the economy shut down, people voluntarily stopped going out and economic growth tanked. There were no jobs to be had. This person rejects this reality because he wants to create these imaginary renters who are scum and therefore are undeserving of assistance. This is a warped view of reality a deliberate rejection of a facts based understanding of this issue to go with made up nonsense. In a nation of 10’s of millions we can’t craft public policy on willful ignorance or small minded prejudices. It is irrational.
I hate to have to be the one telling you this, but "your truth" sucks, and is wrong.

A lot of people are going to do the minimum. Period. So when the bar is lowered, and they aren't being forced to pay their rent by threat of eviction, they decide they won't try as hard.

This isn't a hard concept. You can see it every day in the potheads leaving the unload after less than 3 hours.
They don't want their contractual guarantee, yet will complain about how they don't have money.


Well-Known Member
This poster wants to be delusional. People lost jobs, whole sectors of the economy shut down, people voluntarily stopped going out and economic growth tanked. There were no jobs to be had. This person rejects this reality because he wants to create these imaginary renters who are scum and therefore are undeserving of assistance. This is a warped view of reality a deliberate rejection of a facts based understanding of this issue to go with made up nonsense. In a nation of 100’s of millions we can’t craft public policy on willful ignorance or small minded prejudices. It is irrational.
And yet the Amish managed to get by with no issues. I'm sure you'll have an amazing response.


Well-Known Member
I hate to have to be the one telling you this, but "your truth" sucks, and is wrong.

A lot of people are going to do the minimum. Period. So when the bar is lowered, and they aren't being forced to pay their rent by threat of eviction, they decide they won't try as hard.

This isn't a hard concept. You can see it every day in the potheads leaving the unload after less than 3 hours.
They don't want their contractual guarantee, yet will complain about how they don't have money.
Here we go again with imaginary undeserving bad renters. Versus the reality of what actually happened. Yes making up imaginary people is not hard.

again there was a trump/covid recession. 10’s of millions of people lost their jobs. Whole industries were decimated. There were no jobs. Trump’s CDC said you can’t
evict all of these families and republicans and trump with democrats passed rent payments. The Biden administration has done the same. The reality is unemployment checks were delayed for millions of people for many many months and only a small fraction of the rent payment money has went out to renters and some landlords reject the rent assistance because they won’t be able to evict tenants if they take the money.
this is the objective reality of what’s going on. We can know this stuff. Instead of inventing and discussing imaginary undeserving bad people to justify dumb policy beliefs.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Maybe now those who are capable of working will get off their lazy asses and get a job---but I doubt it. Every business in the USA is begging for help so I don't shed too many tears for the "homeless". Do like we did when I graduated high school. Get 3 or 4 of your buddies and rent an apartment. Rent split up 3 or 4 ways is very doable.
Sounds Mexican.


Well-Known Member
People who pay rent are deserving of the housing, and people who don't pay rent are not.

That is objective reality to anyone who is not a radical marxist.
No this is not objective reality. That’s not even a true belief amongst most republicans. But authoritarian hateful republicans love that sick type of thinking. You think children should be homeless? Guess what if children shouldn’t be homeless than neither should their parents, what about the disabled, or the elderly and ill people. Your vision of the world is truly sick and brain poisoned even for a Republican.