Mueller report


Well-Known Member
Blumenthal asked Barr if he could have a memo. Barr bluntly said no. Why do you need it?

Left Blumenthal speechless.
Actually his answer was .......NO!:thumbup1:
Take that punk (not you, Blumenthal). .............better response,
"Sure you can have them, I left them in Vietnam where you have claimed to serve duty, punk!

Sid vicious was referring to the notes from phone call w/Mueller.
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Rutherford B Hays

gun accipere, et abire cannoli
Maybe the joke is whomever has damaging evidence against Hillary dies an untimely death
Illuminati or secret society of the stone cutters?
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Inordinately Right
The mueller report clearly showed the Trump campaign met with and encouraged Russians to meddle in our elections, and failed to report it to the authorities.

Republicans don't seem to care about that fact. Sad.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
and a flaming liberal who voted for Hillary.

and also paid by CNN, MSNBC and NBC and any other network that invites him which has been quite a few.

i dont know how you guys disregard the obvious. in this case you're either ignorant or dishonest?

I'm probably giving them too much credit...dishonest.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
The Dems were too busy grandstanding for media attention to care about facts or listen to answers to questions.

Most of them still have aspirations for 2020.
The Senator from my state NJ Spartacus and his Tears of Rage band was especially verbose he should forever have the nickname Count Grandstandgela what a jack ass !