New Congress


Well-Known Member
Jeb Bush put her in office you twit! OOO wait, are you now trying to tell us Bush isn't replublican?

you have me confused with a jeb bush fan twit. who put her in office is totally irrelevant . I realize you're too stupid to understand my post .

the election has to be counted consistently according to law. when that does not happen, when one county or the other can not execute as required , when they can not report on vote counts and report on the number of remaining vote counts while the other 65 counties have no problems doing so then it erodes voter confidence in the process. when this vote count ends up in the courts then the voters no longer decide the election.

that twitty is a very non partisan statement I just made. are you capable of the same?


Well-Known Member
Low IQ Libturd.

Jeb Bush appointed her as a temporary replacement for the last Dim screwball in there.
She has run as a Dim the last four elections where she was elected by the Low IQ voters in Broward County.

Now you can tell everyone you learned something new today ... a rare occurrence for you.

he wont retain it. collect his tuition check before he forgets.


Well-Known Member
Soooooooo, you are inferring that when Bush put her in she was a smart Republican, but the last 4 elections she switched to Democratic and in doing so is suddenly "low IQ?"

You do know she has a doctorate and used to manage a 16 school system right?

Mouse man, on your T. V. remote there are up and down arrow buttons. Try hitting one of them, you are suffering from Faux News Fantasy Syndrome.

Sooooo she said in an interview that she has always been a democrat . I guess you didn't see that on CNN



Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Clinton was a lame duck on his second term. there was no cloud of suspicion with Clinton everyone knew what he had done.assuming Mueller gives Trump a clean bill of health which is very likely considering absolutely nothing has been found to implicate him at this point. then your cloud of suspicion would only remain with the most hardcore trump haters who will never be persuaded otherwise.
the republican party will not be brokered . the Rino's have left . this is trumps party now

This right here is a prime example of the problem in this country! You get your news only from Trump T.V. and OAN! You whole line about follow the law is straight off of Dobb's and Hannity's zipper!

How do you know what has and has not been found by Mueller? The only information Mueller has released thus far is that he was informed of a sex allegation conspiracy and he forwarded it to the Justice Dept. That which can be found in written indictments and during actual trials where Trumps buddy was found guilty. Lastly, the only other info has been when his team has requested a delay in sentencing. So unless you are claiming to be god, you don't know dick about what Mueller has found or has not found!

It really is a shame you are unable to think for your self! Again, I blame the public school system or inbreeding....or both! Stop blindly following the Lair-In-Chief in allowing yourself to be lied to!

P.S. <----just for mouse-man. Please find that ever elusive, "shift" key on your keyboard. You can do it, I have faith in you!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
not my creation. classic liberal retort when you're getting you ass kicked with logic and you have nothing to rebut with.

It is of my opinion that getting things half right is about the best you can hope for in this life!


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
not my creation. classic liberal retort when you're getting you ass kicked with logic and you have nothing to rebut with.

Figured it'd at least had your implicit review and endorsement since you'd posted it. Not worried about being overwhelmed by Trumpian logic.


Well-Known Member
This right here is a prime example of the problem in this country! You get your news only from Trump T.V. and OAN! You whole line about follow the law is straight off of Dobb's and Hannity's zipper!

How do you know what has and has not been found by Mueller? The only information Mueller has released thus far is that he was informed of a sex allegation conspiracy and he forwarded it to the Justice Dept. That which can be found in written indictments and during actual trials where Trumps buddy was found guilty. Lastly, the only other info has been when his team has requested a delay in sentencing. So unless you are claiming to be god, you don't know dick about what Mueller has found or has not found!

It really is a shame you are unable to think for your self! Again, I blame the public school system or inbreeding....or both! Stop blindly following the Lair-In-Chief in allowing yourself to be lied to!

P.S. <----just for mouse-man. Please find that ever elusive, "shift" key on your keyboard. You can do it, I have faith in you!
That's at least twice you've spelled it lair instead of liar. Autocorrect issue or inbreeding?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
That's at least twice you've spelled it lair instead of liar. Autocorrect issue or inbreeding?

My universal test for inbreds is to say the phrase “Grab ‘em by the pusillanimous!” and see whether they give me a gap-toothed smile and/or a thumbs up without being given any further explanation.

They typically test positive in the areas of the country where you’d think they would.

Probably just an autocorrect issue since @Benben seems not to be a backwoods, sister-boinking Trump fanatic.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
As you guys have mentioned earlier, the worst outcome is that the Mueller investigation like the Clinton investigation finds some evidence of criminal wrongdoing but judged by DOJ to be insufficient to gain a conviction. So then what do you have? Trump becomes another Clinton finishing his time in public office under a cloud of suspicion and fails to gain renomination without the benefit of a brokered convention in 2020. If that were to be the case then ask yourself this question: Who could be the easy fall guy?........Pence.
Pence has more teflon on him than John Gotti


Well-Known Member
This right here is a prime example of the problem in this country! You get your news only from Trump T.V. and OAN! You whole line about follow the law is straight off of Dobb's and Hannity's zipper!

How do you know what has and has not been found by Mueller? The only information Mueller has released thus far is that he was informed of a sex allegation conspiracy and he forwarded it to the Justice Dept. That which can be found in written indictments and during actual trials where Trumps buddy was found guilty. Lastly, the only other info has been when his team has requested a delay in sentencing. So unless you are claiming to be god, you don't know dick about what Mueller has found or has not found!

It really is a shame you are unable to think for your self! Again, I blame the public school system or inbreeding....or both! Stop blindly following the Lair-In-Chief in allowing yourself to be lied to!

P.S. <----just for mouse-man. Please find that ever elusive, "shift" key on your keyboard. You can do it, I have faith in you!
Did CNN or MSNBC tell you to say so?