New Training Designed To Oppress


Nine Lives
The New Training being taught to the driver supervisors is designed to beat the driver down and make him or her scared to resist. Seems UPS likes the "Slave Owner " style. They figure they have enough lawmakers and judges in their back pocket that they are above the law. This training taught states that a :censored2: off employee is a more productive employee. The "NEW" performance ride is not designed to help you correct poor methods, It's designed to Harass, intimidate, and cause you to make any little mistake that you can be disciplined for. An employee who has been given enough progressive discipline will live in fear, work harder, not report injuries and keep quiet about contract and labor law violations. The company loves it and so does the Union.
Not exactly new ... that was common knowledge back in the 80's.
UPS has always considered "comfortable" and "complacent" and "relaxed" as playthings of the devil.
Never let your employees or yourself fall into these tar pits of non-achievement.

And you are correct, when the Teamsters negotiate the contract, their message to UPS is Teamster employees want it that way ... they want to work hard for their compensation. Needless to say ... Not all employees feel that way.
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Not exactly new ... that was common knowledge back in the 80's.
UPS has always considered "comfortable" and "complacent" and "relaxed" as playthings of the devil.
Never let your employees or yourself fall into these tar pits of non-achievement.

And you are correct, when the Teamsters negotiate the contract, their message to UPS is UPS employees want it that way ... they want to work hard for their compensation. Needless to say ... Not all employees feel that way.
And some employees are over worked and abused.


Here in the Central States Region, alot of the members are not aware that when we came out of a Central States Pension Fund and went into the UPS/IBT plan in 2007, that the Buisness Agents also negotiated themselves out of Central States into the UPS Pension. That to me is a conflict of intrest when representing members intrest.

My BA's years at the local (along with the rest of the local's officers/agents/staff) are still in Central States.


60 months and counting
Only because they are P*!
I know right , you use to have to wear full on wool uniform and a bow tie in the hot Georgia sun.. You would fall over of heat exhaustion, get right up take a swig of scotch, jump back up into ol' number 1 and keep on trucking...screw this new generation of scrub "drivers" , couldn't hit 100 sporh to save their lives... P's!!!