Appreciate your response. I also explain the process and do my best to make sure the customer packs it correctly. Unfortunately our understanding isn’t the same as theirsLol, no sir. I've caught a lot of flak over calltag pick-ups that I've brought back to the building exactly as the customer left it.
It got to the point where one of my on-roads said "If it doesn't look like something you'd be comfortable delivering, it's probably not okay to pick up."
Problem is, when I tell a customer that I can't accept that they fire back with "Well Amazon said it was okay" and I still haven't figured out a response that will defuse the situation and not escalate into a complaint.
Now I'm all about doing what the custy wants. Like, you want to ship 30 loose items in a garbage bag? And you want me to just put the label on the plastic? Sure thing, boss, you got it.
With so many miles to cover I do my best to recover the box at the first opportunity. I probably should have done a better job explaining. I posted based on the worst case