Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
and its the same argument made by previous administrations. everything you bash Trump for on this issue is a bash of Obama. If you liked GW its a bash of GW. you tube is loaded with video's of any democratic president or presidential candidate you like making the same immigration arguments as Trump.

you cant isolate it on Trump no matter how hard you try
Sure I can. Every previous administration had the same option but decided child abuse was not a humane policy. They all decided to keep families together. Trump is the only one that chose to abuse children to show how tough he is. Obama tried imprisoning families and got sued and lost for it. Trump’s solution to that lawsuit was to abduct the children, deport the parents and wash his hands of any reunification attempt.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Sure I can. Every previous administration had the same option but decided child separation was not a humane policy. They all decided to keep families together. Trump is the only one that chose to separate children to show how tough he is. Obama tried imprisoning families and got sued and lost for it. Trump’s solution to that lawsuit was to separate the children, deport the parents and wash his hands of any reunification attempt.
Not sure if you are serious but that is funny regardless .

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
He’s serious. They are a delusional bunch of progressives.

This is like a fairy tale they tell their children. How great obama was and how he never did anything wrong.
Not sure how you read Obama was imprisoning families until he was sued to stop as praising Obama.


Well-Known Member
Sure I can. Every previous administration had the same option but decided child abuse was not a humane policy. They all decided to keep families together. Trump is the only one that chose to abuse children to show how tough he is. Obama tried imprisoning families and got sued and lost for it. Trump’s solution to that lawsuit was to abduct the children, deport the parents and wash his hands of any reunification attempt.

you're plain wrong

here is what started the latest immigration fight . your guys trying to make Trump look bad with a video that was actually under Obama

Trump correct that Democrats mistakenly tweeted 2014 photo


Well-Known Member
Y'all can go round and round all you want but if you focus on what is happening right now families aren't being separated anymore. Trying to say they're trying to escape horrendously dangerous situations isn't the case except maybe in a few situations. Gangs have not completely taken over those countries. Not even close. What you have is activists encouraging people to come and use these arguments under the asylum laws to get them in. And do they vote? Some most likely do. The same phony papers they use to get driver's licenses and public assistance and employment will also get them on voter rolls. And don't tell me the people in charge don't know what's going on there. A wink and a nod. But more importantly is the desire to provide a blanket amnesty to as many illegals as possible with a path to citizenship. Trump was actually very generous in his offer on the DACA kids. But Dems turned it down. It's all about politics. Can't give Trump a win, especially in a compromise that would have funded the wall and stopped chain migration. And greatly slow the flow of illegal immigrants. Bottom line is this is all an attempt to bring in millions, make them citizens, get their vote in exchange for assistance, insure control of the government, and continue progressive/socialist policies that will bankrupt this country and eventually tear it apart. All those years of worrying about the Soviet Union when it turns out our biggest worry was amongst our own citizenry.
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Well-Known Member
If I was to drag my child through the desert while breaking the law dcfs would separate me from my child rightfully so. Come through the front door with real claims for asylum.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I say bullschat. You guys are attacking a lot of dedicated public servants in a desperate attack to try to get a Trump. Did I show you the children in the cage pics under Obama enough?
This is PBS newshour reporting on a lawsuit. I’m sure you’ll watch and research the suit to determine the merits before defending the child abuser-in-chief.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I say bullschat. You guys are attacking a lot of dedicated public servants in a desperate attack to try to get a Trump. Did I show you the children in the cage pics under Obama enough?


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