Oil reaching the Gulf Coast


Für Meno :)
and in 2009 when the citizens of Iran had those demonstrations against the ruling elite and they asked the USA for assistance , just how did the messiah respond ?

Exactly what the US should have been doing since after world war 2. Leave the countries deal with their own problems !


Für Meno :)
If that were the case, you'd be speaking Russian!

I wonder who started that arms race, anyways ?
And as fas as I know, the East Germans still speak german, the polish still polish, the czechs, still czecks, etc.

Besides, all that was a group effort from Nato. Yes, if Nato, or the UN agrees on something.... we must act upon it.... but the US going solo in wars, like Vietnam, Iraq, etc...and sticking their noses in the middle east, supporting Taliban and Al Quada on their own was stupity.

Then you wonder why most of these Middle Eastern countries name the US enemy number 1.
(It;s not because they are jelous of the american lifestyle, but because you took their's away from them).


Staff member
The current situation in Iran is our fault.

Iran was a democracy until 1953, when their Prime Minister Mossadeq decided to nationalize the Iranian oil industry. In response to this, the CIA and its British counterpart MI6 had him overthrown and replaced with the Shah, who was pro-Western and willing to allow BP to maintain its monopoly on Iranian oil reserves. The Shah ruled his country with an iron fist and thousands of Iranians were tortured and executed by his secret police (SAVAK) with the training and support of the CIA.

When the Shah was finally overthrown in 1979 and replaced by the Ayatollah Khomeni, we responded by supporting Saddam Hussein when Iraq invaded Iran in 1980. WE supplied the mustard gas and chemical weapons that Iraq used to kill thousands of Iranians during that war. WE provided the munitions and financial support that allowed the war to drag on for 8 bloody years. Oddly enough, it is a little-known fact that during the war Iran recieved military and logistical support from, of all countries, Israel. (unlike the Arab countries, Iran did not participate in the 1973 oil embargo against the U.S and Israel) Both nations now deny this fact, but it is true.

It is arrogant and hypocritical of us to blame modern-day Iran for the troubles in the Middle East. Instead, we need to look in the mirror.
Yet another Rev. Wright convert. Welcome aboard.


Strength through joy
Then you wonder why most of these Middle Eastern countries name the US enemy number 1.
(It;s not because they are jelous of the american lifestyle, but because you took their's away from them).
took what away from whom ?
are not their leaders still corrupt ? isn't their religious system still operating in the 14th century mindset ? aren't most still wearing clothes from the 14th century, and living in 1st century buildings ?


Für Meno :)
I tell you something, Canada would be living like that, too, if the US and UK would take all of our oil from us, and give us 10 cents on the dollar for it.


I wonder who started that arms race, anyways ?
And as fas as I know, the East Germans still speak german, the polish still polish, the czechs, still czecks, etc.

Besides, all that was a group effort from Nato. Yes, if Nato, or the UN agrees on something.... we must act upon it.... but the US going solo in wars, like Vietnam, Iraq, etc...and sticking their noses in the middle east, supporting Taliban and Al Quada on their own was stupity.

Then you wonder why most of these Middle Eastern countries name the US enemy number 1.
(It;s not because they are jelous of the american lifestyle, but because you took their's away from them).
Okay, but what does this have to do with YOU speaking Russian?


Well-Known Member
Arab countries have no problem taking the American dollar. Were would these countries be without America buying all its oil. Many nations where the USA has no influence, dislikes us. We're the greatest nation ever. People have come to this great and will be coming here to our country looking for whatever they can't find in their own motherland. Prosperity, individual freedom, religious freedom...


Staff member
Arab countries have no problem taking the American dollar. Were would these countries be without America buying all its oil. Many nations where the USA has no influence, dislikes us. We're the greatest nation ever. People have come to this great and will be coming here to our country looking for whatever they can't find in their own motherland. Prosperity, individual freedom, religious freedom...

.....taxpayer provided healthcare, foodstamps, government assistance.....


Strength through joy
Officially it is no longer to be called an oil spill.
The new phrase is BP's environmental problem.
See he is the messiah because he made the oil spill go away.


Well-Known Member
To frustrated Americans who have begun boycotting BP: Welcome to the club. It’s great not to be the only member any more!
Does boycotting BP really make sense? Perhaps not. After all, many BP filling stations are actually owned by local people, not the corporation itself. Besides, when you’re filling up at a Shell or ExxonMobil station, it’s hard to feel much sense of moral triumph. Nonetheless, I reserve my right to drive by BP stations. I started doing it long before this year’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
My decision not to give this company my business came after I learned about its role in another kind of “spill” entirely — the destruction of Iran’s democracy more than half a century ago.

BP's Other Gulf Disaster


Strength through joy
BILOXI, Miss. — University scientists have spotted the first indications oil is entering the Gulf seafood chain — in crab larvae — and one expert warns the effect on fisheries could last “years, probably not a matter of months” and affect many species.
Scientists with the University of Southern Mississippi and Tulane University in New Orleans have found droplets of oil in the larvae of blue crabs and fiddler crabs sampled from Louisiana to Pensacola, Fla.

Read more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/07/...ing.html#storylink=omni_popular#ixzz0scrHs6jf


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Other than a few articles Baba gounj, and wkmac, has posted, thanks. Why is there no coverage? Why are the residents not speaking on TV ad nauseum? During Katrina you couldnt stop the coverage, during the tsunami, during every earthquake, and hurricane. Who is shutting these people up? Are they dead, or has Obama taken over the internet? The media, and the radio? I would think there would be residents telling their stories all over the place, and just like on here, it has dropped to the bottom of the list.


Other than a few articles Baba gounj, and wkmac, has posted, thanks. Why is there no coverage? Why are the residents not speaking on TV ad nauseum? During Katrina you couldnt stop the coverage, during the tsunami, during every earthquake, and hurricane. Who is shutting these people up? Are they dead, or has Obama taken over the internet? The media, and the radio? I would think there would be residents telling their stories all over the place, and just like on here, it has dropped to the bottom of the list.
Because the media just found out that Lyndsay Lohan is going to jail for 90 days.


Strength through joy
WASHINGTON The Obama administration has asked a federal court in Louisiana to reinstate the ban on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, saying the moratorium was a rational response to the unprecedented emergency of the BP oil spill.
The action has put hundreds of people who operate and service deepwater wells out of work and brought long-term uncertainty to the Gulf Coast economy. Politicians all along the coast have called the moratorium a case of federal overkill that threatens the livelihood of the region.


Strength through joy
The Washington Examiner reported: Obama’s ‘Command-and-Control’ An Illusion: Who’s In Charge?
“Parish officials maintain that the federal government has not been in control since day one. In four separate interviews, senior-ranking Parish officials described how, until the President’s visit on May 28, 2010, BP was in charge. According to one official, “until two weeks ago [after the President’s May 28, 2010, visit], BP was in charge and the Coast Guard looked to them for direction.” Furthermore, “Coast Guard asks BP,” not vice-versa. When specifically asked to agree or disagree with the assertion that the federal government had been in control since day one, another official firmly disagreed. Mr. Nungesser told staff that “today, I can’t tell you who is in control,” and invited committee investigators to visit the command center to see for themselves.”
Resources Used as Bargaining Chip to Mute Criticism
“In some instances, it appears that equipment is provided simply to quiet public criticism. Mr. Nungesser, who has frequently appeared on local and national television, was apparently visited by two White House officials at his office on Fathers’ Day. According to Mr. Nungesser, the purpose of their visit was to find a way to keep him from calling attention to the lack of equipment. Specifically, they asked him, “What do we have to do to keep you off tv?” He simply replied, “give me what I need.” On another occasion, Placquemines Parish officials requested 20 skimmers at a town hall meeting held by the Coast Guard. According to Mr. Nungesser, “They gave us two skimmers to shut us up.” These accounts raise serious questions about whether the Administration is more concerned with fighting a public relations battle than combating the oil spill.”


Strength through joy
Last week the San Francisco Chronicle and CNN reported on the government’s effort to keep pesky journalists exercising the First Amendment from reporting on the supposed oil cleanup and the environmental impact of the worst oil disaster in history.
“Under threat of a federal felony, National Incident Commander Thad Allen has banned all media access to boom operation sites and clean up sites,” writes Yobie Benjamin. “Allen’s orders effectively bans all media — print, television, radio and Internet bloggers from talking to to any clean-up worker or to even come close to take pictures or videos of booms, clean-up workers, oil soaked birds, dead dolphins, dead marine life, burned and dead endangered sea turtles.”