I wanted to give it a week of use before I gave my opinion, so overall, the Leo is OK, but I miss the powerpad.
Firstly, logging in on Leo is a pain. You have to type in your ID number AND your password. No more just quickly scanning your ID badge.
Secondly, filling out your timecard is more of a pain because it won't let you enter activities you will be doing in the near future. For example, if you clock in at 0730 the only thing you will be able to enter is your 48. Normally, I will go ahead and enter my 48, 40, and 53 all at once, but the Leo won't let you enter a future time on the timecard. You have to actually wait until 0735 to do your 40 and 0740 to enter your 53.
Thirdly, my biggest gripe, I don't like how the Leo has my delivery stops ordered. My station is SRA. With the powerpad, my stops are listed in alphabetical order, P1s first, then P2s. There seems to be no order on the Leo. They are broken down by commit time, but within their commit time category, the stops are listed randomly making it very difficult to find them. This past week, it has been critically important for me to set up my truck in delivery order because I will not be able to find stops on the Leo. I dearly wish there was a way for my to get the addresses put in ABC order like I am used to.
Lastly, I do question the durability of these things. The Leo device I was given on Friday already had a broken yellow scan button. We have only had these for a week, and buttons are already starting to break.
On the plus side, doing pups is faster. You can scan immediately after opening up a stop and not have to keep hitting OK with the DG warnings on the Powerpad.
Battery life has been excellent. I work about 10.5 hours most days, and it never dropped lower than 25%. The powerpad was usually down to 10% at the end of my day.
I like how it automatically connects to dispatch and gives them your stop count so you don't have to enter it in manually anymore.
And your time card gets printed automatically when you enter your print timecard; you don't have to "shoot" it like you do the powerpad.
So overall, it has some upsides for sure, but not being able to quickly find delivery addresses is a huge pain. It almost makes me want to put freight in the cab with me so I can look at the addresses of my next few stops. Won't be able to find them on the Leo.