
Well-Known Member
No one knows what the next one will do. Omicron is infecting prior infected.
You're right. It's never going to stop. Mankind is doomed. If this one won't get us the next one will. I'm already doing stretching exercises so that I can put my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye. Nice knowing you!


Well-Known Member
They can keep it going as long as they want. They told everyone the tests are phony, and people still accept the numbers without question, and even inflate them in their own minds, like certain idiot SCOTUS Justices. They have established they can do and say whatever they want, all attempts to stop them have failed.
If hospitals are empty then it's over.


Well-Known Member
That will never happen. Hospitals already operate at 85% capacity to maintain profitability. They can adjust capacity by laying off nurses as needed.
So you think going forward hospitals will tell people they have covid when they don't? How'd hospitals ever survive before covid?


I'm a star
So you think going forward hospitals will tell people they have covid when they don't? How'd hospitals ever survive before covid?

You aren't getting it. They have been telling people they have covid when they don't the whole time. The tests are phony. They don't work, never did, and they have admitted it. How can they know for sure anyone ever had covid? How do we know that most covid cases haven't been seasonal cold or flu cases? How many people have tested positive without actually having anything at all? It is not in anyway an exaggeration to say that we literally have no idea the impact that covid has actually had.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
People do get sick, people do die, and Omicron is so contagious that it's spreading very much like that movie with Dustin Hoffman. But it's not killing anywhere near the same rate. So hopefully it'll run through the population very quickly, cases will drop way down, and things will get back to normal. That's what happened in South Africa. Whether you believe there's a legitimate virus out there or not, the powers that be are pushing it. If cases drop to almost nothing there's no longer a weaponized pandemic to scare everyone with. At some point given the above scenario things will have to reopen. Milk it all they want but I doubt they can stretch lock downs until the election with hospitals empty. Not saying this is exactly what will happen, just hoping it plays out this way.
Until the next variant.



Well-Known Member
You aren't getting it. They have been telling people they have covid when they don't the whole time. The tests are phony. They don't work, never did, and they have admitted it. How can they know for sure anyone ever had covid? How do we know that most covid cases haven't been seasonal cold or flu cases? How many people have tested positive without actually having anything at all? It is not in anyway an exaggeration to say that we literally have no idea the impact that covid has actually had.
There's how many dead worldwide? About 20 million? If this is a flu then it's a flu pandemic if not a covid 19 pandemic. It's obviously something that's killing people. To do what you're saying it not only takes the cooperation of medical staff and hospital administrators worldwide but all those millions who rushed to the hospital for treatment of severe symptoms, many of whom died. Were they faking death too? We have on one hand officials who went way overboard in their response to the virus and may have done so for increased power. On the other hand we have those in complete denial who try to explain away everything from the position it's all a conspiracy. As usual the truth lies in the middle.


I'm a star
There's how many dead worldwide? About 20 million? If this is a flu then it's a flu pandemic if not a covid 19 pandemic. It's obviously something that's killing people. To do what you're saying it not only takes the cooperation of medical staff and hospital administrators worldwide but all those millions who rushed to the hospital for treatment of severe symptoms, many of whom died. Were they faking death too? We have on one hand officials who went way overboard in their response to the virus and may have done so for increased power. On the other hand we have those in complete denial who try to explain away everything from the position it's all a conspiracy. As usual the truth lies in the middle.

Have you looked into all cause deaths year to year? It's flat. What is happening is that you are being made aware of just how many people die every year. With nearly 8 billion people, even a 1% death rate is a lot of deaths every year. People die. It's what they do. It doesn't require a vast conspiracy, it requires centralized control and manipliation of information. The truth is almost never somewhere in the middle. What people are willing to believe usually is, though. It's called the gray fallacy.
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Well-Known Member
Have you looked into all cause deaths year to year? It's flat. What is happening is that you are being made aware of just how many people die every year. With nearly 8 billion people, even a 1% death rate is a lot of deaths every year. People die. It's what they do. It doesn't require a vast conspiracy, it requires centralized control and manipliation of information. The truth is almost never somewhere in the middle. What people are willing to believe usually is, though. It's called the gray fallacy.
Uh-huh. No doubt deaths were attributed to covid that weren't covid caused. But to say there was no covid virus, it was all manipulated, we've been bamboozled.......


I'm a star
Uh-huh. No doubt deaths were attributed to covid that weren't covid caused. But to say there was no covid virus, it was all manipulated, we've been bamboozled.......

Did I say there was no virus? Can you read back through my posts and tell me what my claim was? It wasn't that there is no virus. But yes, there has been plenty of manipulation and even supreme court justices have been bamboozled.

On the subject of the virus itself, do you know what the process is that they use to identify viruses? If you don't, what is your process for determining that this virus exists? You depend on experts. How do you know the experts aren't wrong or politically motivated in their claims? You probably don't. If you can't verify something on your own, then there is always room for being manipulated. A system of highly specialized authorities, combined with a poorly educated population is a recipe for disaster.

Pay close attention. In that last paragraph, I still didn't claim, or even imply, there was no virus.


Have you looked into all cause deaths year to year? It's flat. What is happening is that you are being made aware of just how many people die every year. With nearly 8 billion people, even a 1% death rate is a lot of deaths every year. People die. It's what they do. It doesn't require a vast conspiracy, it requires centralized control and manipliation of information. The truth is almost never somewhere in the middle. What people are willing to believe usually is, though. It's called the gray fallacy.
Not so flat in the USA.


Well-Known Member
You aren't getting it. They have been telling people they have covid when they don't the whole time. The tests are phony. They don't work, never did, and they have admitted it. How can they know for sure anyone ever had covid? How do we know that most covid cases haven't been seasonal cold or flu cases? How many people have tested positive without actually having anything at all? It is not in anyway an exaggeration to say that we literally have no idea the impact that covid has actually had.
Sure looks to me that you are saying there's no covid virus here.


I'm a star
"How can they know for sure anyone ever had covid?" Uh-huh.

Which post are you quoting? It is a legitimate question, regardless. It's not the same as claiming there is no virus. I found someone on another board that explained to me how they've been sequencing covid. They don't isolate the virus like they are supposed to. They culture it in a living tissue sample, then sequence everything in the petri dish, then use computers to build a model of the genome based on probability. Still, no one has answered that legitimate question.