Package car drivers who give out dog treats


Well-Known Member
There is a stigma with them. So people have a fear of them. Dogs smell the fear. The mainstream is to look at that breed of dog differently. Who can blame someone for stigmatizing the breed. A lot of ignorant people get these dogs to fight them. Some of these fighting dogs have gotten out and killed people.

What the mainstream media should have did is put the focus on these monsters who own these fighting dogs. Show who these people are. Why and from what background.

I have a halfbreed pit right now and I'll tell you she can make some really scary noises when we at horsing around or playing fetch. I can see why people are like be scared of these noises. I can also tell you this whenever we take her to the dog park she is the most submissive dog there. Wouldn't hurt a fly.

She's hurt me before though. Hit me right in the nuts with her big head. Sent me to my knees and my eyes slightly watered. She's a wimpy brute.
Maybe she just likes what your packing ?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
As a UPS driver, I would much rather deal with a pit bull than a German Shepherd or a Chow. In 27 years I have yet to have a single problem with a pit bull, and every pit bull currently on my route is a lick-o-matic. There are only a couple of German Sheperds on my route that are even remotely friendly, and several that are quite mean. I don't trust them. Same with Chows.
I feel almost the same way about German Shepards as Pits. But they aren't as common in my area.