Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

One million civilians didn't die in Iraq
false, one million people died who wouldn't have otherwise died if we hadn't invaded
but the majority of citizens who did die were at the hands of al-Qaeda.
laughably wrong
Which was why local leaders switched allegiances to the U.S. and we won.
they didn't, the Shi'ites switched allegiance to Iran and coalesced around the government
the Sunnis were either dead, bent the knee, or became ISIS
With Obama announcing in advance we were withdrawing on a specific date it created a power vacuum that Iran was more than happy to fill.
is this a serious statement? you mean like the vacuum we created when we invaded the country with an insufficient force and then disbanded the whole :censored2:ing security apparatus with NO PLAN WHATSOEVER?


Well-Known Member
is this a serious statement? you mean like the vacuum we created when we invaded the country with an insufficient force and then disbanded the whole :censored2:ing security apparatus with NO PLAN WHATSOEVER?
As I pointed out, Obama announced in advance all of our plans. Are you saying I agree with that? I'm on record here saying that we shouldn't have gone into Iraq. I learned that over time reading numerous resources. Bush and company used 9/11 as a pretext to take out Hussein. Hussein WAS supporting terrorists actions against Israel. Also he was threatening to take Euros for his oil, threatening the Petrodollar. But it doesn't look like he had anything to do with 9/11.

One very serious side effect to removing Hussein. Iraq had the largest Christian community in the Middle East. About 2 million of them. Hussein protected them from harm. When he was removed the Muslims started attacking Christians. Almost all of them either fled or got murdered. There were monasteries there that were built as early as the 3rd Century that were full of priceless religious artifacts and manuscripts. Most of that destroyed. @rickyb These are the people you're supporting. Tell the Iraqis the Christians have the right to return and see what they do to you.


Well-Known Member
As I pointed out, Obama announced in advance all of our plans. Are you saying I agree with that? I'm on record here saying that we shouldn't have gone into Iraq. I learned that over time reading numerous resources. Bush and company used 9/11 as a pretext to take out Hussein. Hussein WAS supporting terrorists actions against Israel. Also he was threatening to take Euros for his oil, threatening the Petrodollar. But it doesn't look like he had anything to do with 9/11.

One very serious side effect to removing Hussein. Iraq had the largest Christian community in the Middle East. About 2 million of them. Hussein protected them from harm. When he was removed the Muslims started attacking Christians. Almost all of them either fled or got murdered. There were monasteries there that were built as early as the 3rd Century that were full of priceless religious artifacts and manuscripts. Most of that destroyed. @rickyb These are the people you're supporting. Tell the Iraqis the Christians have the right to return and see what they do to you.
by weakening iraq you strengthened iran. it was a huge strategic blunder not to mention a war crime


Well-Known Member
false, one million people died who wouldn't have otherwise died if we hadn't invaded

laughably wrong

they didn't, the Shi'ites switched allegiance to Iran and coalesced around the government
the Sunnis were either dead, bent the knee, or became ISIS
You need to stop listening to the libs. Check Iraq census figures after the war. Their population didn't go down by a million.

Furthermore the Shiites didn't switch to Iran during the war. The U.S. was able to convince enough local leadership to cooperate with them during the war that it tilted the balance in our favor. Most of al-Qaeda was from outside Iraq and they were extremely hard on the locals who didn't cooperate with them. The local leadership realized these were going to be their rulers if they defeated the U.S. and switched allegiances.

The majority of Iraqis are Shiite, as is Iran. Hussein was Sunni and had control of the army and oppressed the majority during his reign. The U.S. took out their oppressor and eventually defeated al-Qaeda, their new oppressors, who were also primarily Sunni. When Obama pulled us out it allowed Iran to have influence with their fellow Shia.


Well-Known Member
You need to stop listening to the libs. Check Iraq census figures after the war. Their population didn't go down by a million.

Furthermore the Shiites didn't switch to Iran during the war. The U.S. was able to convince enough local leadership to cooperate with them during the war that it tilted the balance in our favor. Most of al-Qaeda was from outside Iraq and they were extremely hard on the locals who didn't cooperate with them. The local leadership realized these were going to be their rulers if they defeated the U.S. and switched allegiances.

The majority of Iraqis are Shiite, as is Iran. Hussein was Sunni and had control of the army and oppressed the majority during his reign. The U.S. took out their oppressor and eventually defeated al-Qaeda, their new oppressors, who were also primarily Sunni. When Obama pulled us out it allowed Iran to have influence with their fellow Shia.
over 1 million dead iraqis



Well-Known Member
over 1 million dead iraqis

Not true. Official estimates are closer to 200,000. Was Ralph there to count them?


Well-Known Member
"offficial estimates" lol
Yah, let's discount government estimates in favor of far Left wingers who make up numbers. The Iraqi census doesn't show a million less people. And contrary to the Left the U.S. didn't just indiscriminately bomb the population. They had rules of engagement that most troops adhered to. Troops that didn't, a small minority, were prosecuted. For example some soldiers raped a 14 yr old Iraqi girl in her home and murdered her and her entire family to cover it up. They were found out and prosecuted. I don't recall the exact sentence but I think some of them got the death penalty. The majority of civilian deaths were by al-Qaeda attacks.


Well-Known Member
over 1 million dead iraqis

Your boy Nader is prone to exaggeration to try to convince you. He said 50 million Russians lost their lives in the two world wars. Not true. A Hell of a lot of people, true, but less than half what he said. If he plays fast and loose with the numbers why believe him on anything? It's because he's saying what you want to believe.


nowhere special
Your boy Nader is prone to exaggeration to try to convince you. He said 50 million Russians lost their lives in the two world wars. Not true. A Hell of a lot of people, true, but less than half what he said. If he plays fast and loose with the numbers why believe him on anything? It's because he's saying what you want to believe.
50 million is possible if you include the millions purged by Stalin between the wars. Not from fighting in the wars.