Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

Just saying. Why don’t you go for a walk and come back when you’re not :censored2: for brains
not gonna lie, I thought the "if we don't fight them over there, we'll have to fight them over here" crowd had all been thoroughly humiliated into silence by 20 years of constant foreign policy failure, stupidity, and defeat, but there you are anyways lol
Bottom line is Iran needs to be taken off the map and all the oil there should go to the country that pushed the button first
nah, how about we mind our own :censored2:ing business and they can do what want in the ME

outside of North America and the Pacific I really truly don't give a :censored2: what other countries do


Legio patria nostra
Ok, let’s use a tactical nuclear weapon on Gaza and a few on the West Bank. How will China and Russia react? Pakistan? North Korea? How long before other nuclear weapons fly?

Women and children that are just trying to scrape by held hostage by both the terrorists of Hamas and the state of Israel cooked to the bone.

Still think it would be worth it?
LOL. Shouldn’t you stay focused on President Trump revealing the US’s deepest secrets rather than cloud your mind with anything other than Trump???


Inordinately Right
Israel gets attacked by terrorists and all these radical leftists Democrats can do is bitch and moan about Republicans.

Hurr durr there's no house speaker hurr durr Trump Saudi Arabia hurr durr Iraq was about oil.

You people are sick in the head.


Strength through joy
Nice move by Israel.
One of the first counter strikes was to take out the Gaza National Bank.
Hope it shutdown their whole banking system.


Legio patria nostra
Hezbollah, although Shia, has an equivalent hatred for Israel and the West.
The US has a weak and incompetent president/cabinet at the moment and the sharks can easily smell blood.
There are an infinite number of scenarios to work through and in almost all of them, the US comes out very badly.

Let's focus on energy on Trump though...


Well-Known Member
They’ve been fighting for 5000+ years over this land and they’ll be fighting for 5000+ more. Unless someone uses nukes and the land becomes glowing.

Nothing any US president does will fix anything.
the US is allied with israel - one of hte most aggressive nations in the world
The president is ordering the USS Gerald Ford carrier strike group to the region. Hopefully this helps convince Iran and elements in Lebanon to stay the hell out of the situation further.

Israel will do what they have to do to repel and destroy Hamas. A lot of innocents will get killed in the process but that’s what needs to happen from our point of view. It’s not pretty. That’s reality, however.

May this end as swiftly possible.
Tubs should just pull for a bill to stop what he thinks is abortion via military spending. But that’s not what this is really about.

In the meantime I suspect we will see a couple of positions filled one by one. Which expends extra time but is the only path forward since Tubs hates America and the military so much.


Well-Known Member
The president is ordering the USS Gerald Ford carrier strike group to the region. Hopefully this helps convince Iran and elements in Lebanon to stay the hell out of the situation further.

Israel will do what they have to do to repel and destroy Hamas. A lot of innocents will get killed in the process but that’s what needs to happen from our point of view. It’s not pretty. That’s reality, however.

May this end as swiftly possible.
israel currently runs the worlds largest open air prison


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Back when this movie came out I thought it was just a comedy. But as time went on, I came to realize it was a parody of reality.



Legio patria nostra
The president is ordering the USS Gerald Ford carrier strike group to the region. Hopefully this helps convince Iran and elements in Lebanon to stay the hell out of the situation further.

Israel will do what they have to do to repel and destroy Hamas. A lot of innocents will get killed in the process but that’s what needs to happen from our point of view. It’s not pretty. That’s reality, however.

May this end as swiftly possible.
Dementia Joe couldn't order an ice cream cone without a cue card to read off of, and he'd still babble, blabber and freeze....
It's Homie, the SecDef that does the ordering...


But, but...what about Trump??????

Oh, BTW, the Ford is already in the Med. (CSG 12, plus DESRON 2, and some secret ships)