

golden ticket member
How progressive of them. Can't they just make XXX places for people to go watch porn?? Why the library? The 'catch' might be you can only watch "Nancy Does Haight-Ashbury"!!!!

San Francisco Public Library Installs Plastic Privacy Screens So Patrons Can Watch Porno…

How progressive.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 25, 2012 – Rather than restrict access to pornography on its computers, the San Francisco Public Library has installed plastic privacy screens so visitors can view pornography more discreetly, according to a recent New York Times report.

“It’s for their privacy, and for ours,” said library spokeswoman Michelle Jeffers.
The move came in response to complaints from library patrons that some computer users were watching hard-core porn in full view of anyone who passed by.

A woman who was exposed to pornography after she passed someone watching hard-core pornography suggested that the library create specific areas or rooms for internet pornography users. But library officials told her that nothing like that would be done, although the facility has designated rooms such as the James Hormel Gay and Lesbian Reading Center that caters to homosexual clientele.


golden ticket member
So if Jews don’t mindlessly vote Democrat they’re being manipulated?

Via Weekly Standard:
In an interview, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi said that she believes Republican Jews are “being exploited,” but she was sure to add, “And they’re smart people.”

Pelosi made the comments in response to whether Jewish voters would support President Barack Obama in the presidential election later this year.

“I think [Obama] will” win the Jewish vote, Pelosi said, when pressed on the subject. “I think that he will, because the fact is when the facts get out. You know, as many of the Republicans are using Israel as an excuse, what they really want are tax cuts for the wealthy. So Israel, that can be one reason they put forth.”

The interviewer then added, “That’s why some of the Republican Jewish supporters are really active.”
Pelosi responded, “Well, that’s how they’re being exploited. And they’re smart people. They follow these issues. But they have to know the facts. And the fact is that President Obama has been the strongest person in terms of sanctions on Iran, which is important to Israel.


golden ticket member
Her rationale sounds pre-dementia to me!!

Then show us some proof . . . wait, you don’t have any?
Via Washington Examiner:
Rep. Nancy Pelosi D-Calif. is backing up Sen. Harry Reid D-Nev. baseless accusation that Mitt Romney hasn’t paid taxes for ten years.

“Harry Reid made a statement that is true. Somebody told him. It is a fact,” Pelosi told The Huffington Post in a Sunday interview. “Whether he did or not can easily be disposed of: Mitt Romney can release his tax returns and show whether he paid taxes.”

Pelosi also added that “Harry Reid is a person who is, as we know, A, is a fighter, B, he wouldn’t say this unless it was true that somebody told him that.”


Well-Known Member
Great and she is the minority leader and former speaker.
Nancy Pelosi: I Hear Dead People

I’m not sure if this is surprising or confirms previous suspicions that NP is completely off her rocker.
Watch the video of the House Minority Leader telling a Women’s Political Committee recently about
how she felt (and heard) the spirits of women suffragists during the first meeting she had with
President Bush. Decide for yourself:

Nancy Pelosi: I Hear Dead People - Leah Barkoukis


golden ticket member
Ding Dong the witch is dead.........

Not only will Nancy Pelosi not become the next Speaker of the House, she will in fact, lose her congressional seat to challenger, Krissy Keefer, a veteran anti-war activist/choreographer.

Good things come to those who wait !!!


The Nim
Ding Dong the witch is dead.........

Not only will Nancy Pelosi not become the next Speaker of the House, she will in fact, lose her congressional seat to challenger, Krissy Keefer, a veteran anti-war activist/choreographer.

Good things come to those who wait !!!

I have no clue what you're talking about after the comma. Pelosi was against John Dennis and won. I find nothing obviously political when I google search Krissy Keefer.


golden ticket member
I have no clue what you're talking about after the comma. Pelosi was against John Dennis and won. I find nothing obviously political when I google search Krissy Keefer.

Don't you think it's strange that I enter "Pelosi 2012 election" and get nothing definite?


The Nim
I did some more searching and I see they Krissy Keefer was the green party candidate in 2006 vs Polosi, but I see nothing within the past year searching that has any political reference to the election.

As said I'd love for Pelosi to be out of office, but I really am not seeing anything here. If anyone had a chance to unseat Pelosi there would be multiple things, at the very least blogs reporting on it.


golden ticket member
I did some more searching and I see they Krissy Keefer was the green party candidate in 2006 vs Polosi, but I see nothing within the past year searching that has any political reference to the election.

As said I'd love for Pelosi to be out of office, but I really am not seeing anything here. If anyone had a chance to unseat Pelosi there would be multiple things, at the very least blogs reporting on it.
Yeah, when I couldn't find any additional stories, I was suspicious about the truthfulness. Originally a friend sent me an e-mail declaring the Pelosi loss. I thought it was strange that I hadn't heard that. I'm usually on top of all that junk.


Staff member
Yeah, when I couldn't find any additional stories, I was suspicious about the truthfulness. Originally a friend sent me an e-mail declaring the Pelosi loss. I thought it was strange that I hadn't heard that. I'm usually on top of all that junk.
Eeiiiieww. Please don't mention Pelosi's "junk".


golden ticket member
We'll know tomorrow !!!!

(Politico) — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi plans to reveal Wednesday whether she’ll stay on as the leader of House Democrats.

“I’ll see you right at 10 a.m. tomorrow,” Pelosi told reporters at a news conference at the Capitol Tuesday. “While I love you all very dearly, I thought I would talk to my own caucus” first.


golden ticket member
I think the Botox seeped into her brain again.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Democratic women held a press conference to highlight the historic number of women elected as part of the House Democratic Caucus.

During the presser Pelosi mistakenly said that “we have the gavel.” She quickly corrected herself, “We don’t have the gavel. We don’t have the majority”


golden ticket member
Via The Hill:

Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah) “won’t be voting” for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to remain in her position.

“I think it is time to shake things up within the Democratic Caucus. I think we should look for some new leadership,” Matheson told the Salt Lake Tribune. “I wont be voting for Nancy Pelosi.”

The centrist Democrat represents the most Republican Democrat-held district in the country, and is fresh off surviving a tough challenge after redistricting, winning with 49 percent of the vote.