Pennsylvania Certifies


Inordinately Right
You are a day late and a Dollar short as always.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Earlier today Pennsylvania certified it's election results which showed that Biden beat Trump by 81,000 votes.
So throw up all the snide and dismissive remarks you want but ample time was afforded the Trump campaign to PROVE not just allege or claim that fraudulent or illegal methods were used to achieve the results but failed to do so.
Who filled out all those extra ballots?


Well-Known Member
Could be illegal, maybe not?

We need voter ID laws and scanning technology. I would cross match the data base with other state databases and government death databases. So easy to purge illegal voters.
“The point is that the case for ‘fraud’ is so bad that it’s quite clear it only exists for one reason: they don’t like the result. Nothing could have been done to avoid this, and that was obvious even before the ’16 election–before the mail surge. If we had an election where every state had photo ID, in-person voting, and reported all of its results at once we would be in… exactly the same place.”

Nate Cohn
Could be illegal, maybe not?

We need voter ID laws and scanning technology. I would cross match the data base with other state databases and government death databases. So easy to purge illegal voters.
Why not just a computer chip that is inserted at birth and updated through out a persons life? Sort of like what they do with dogs.


Well-Known Member
Correction: Mitch McConnell's legacy. Trump was just carrying Mitch's water. Mitch has been planning and plotting about this for decades.
It was Trump who nominated them. Democrats could've thwarted McConnell at any time by voting in a Democratic president and a majority Democratic Senate. Took Trump defeating Hillary and Republicans holding the Senate to get us where we are today. Judging by all the House seats flipped in California things are looking good for Republicans to take the House in 2022.


Well-Known Member
Earlier today Pennsylvania certified it's election results which showed that Biden beat Trump by 81,000 votes.
So throw up all the snide and dismissive remarks you want but ample time was afforded the Trump campaign to PROVE not just allege or claim that fraudulent or illegal methods were used to achieve the results but failed to do so.
you must think DJT is reading your posts. the rest of us here including yourself dont really matter or prove anything here.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, if Biden can get through Congress a bill to amend Medicare lowering the eligibility age to 60 you'll be right there to sign up.
the only thing Biden will be trying to get through is his wrinkled pecker on an underage female.


Well-Known Member
That’s why he’s so sure there was fraud. Trump is just surprised he didn’t commit enough fraud to win. All of Trump’s evidence is self incriminating so he can’t present it in court.

if biden gets in it will be fun watching you and him try to alibi his poor employment results.