pet peeves


Staff member
Well, if everyone could speak english in this country it wouldn't be an issue. Why would you come to this country and expect to speak spanish?

I wouldn't move to Mexico and expect the entire country to understand english. Why is this any different?

You know what you are BH??? You're one of those ARROGANT Americans that my President has to keep apologizing for!
We should welcome these fine[-] illegal [/-] legally challenged people, and WE should learn their language. We should be happy.............

Oh I'll stop now..................


Well-Known Member
i gave the reason people come to this country

english is hard as hell to learn, and they honestly dont even need to learn it.....theres so many hispanics in this country you can get by pretty easily without learning english

does it really affect you that much???? i doubt it

My time is stolen every time I have to "Press 1 for English".

My money is stolen every time the government prints ballots in six languages.

Mostly I just grim and bear it, but someone who expresses annoyance about people who use him as a free resource to improve their Spanish isn't going to get much sympathy from me if he also says that English is hard to learn and evidently used English speakers in the past as a free resource to improve HIS English. Sauce for the gander...


Prblm found,part on order
I once was driving a different package car while mine was in for repairs and the right front wheel fell off it also. The mechanic actually answered the phone (small center you know) and his comeback statement was "Oh - did that fall off again?":faint:

One of my pet peeves are the horn buttons on the International package cars. I write mine up almost every day because it has a wicked bad dead spot. My mechanic says it's the worst design he's ever seen.
Got that rite!!!:biting:

I once had to call in for a flat front tire. I had already driven 30 highway miles, and 5 intown.
First words out of my sups mouth, "Didn't you do a pre-trip?".
LMAO, knowing you, you did a damn good pre- trip but you forgot to see into the future!! sorry:future:

Well, if everyone could speak english in this country it wouldn't be an issue. Why would you come to this country and expect to speak spanish? I'm sure that they say the same thing about us when we go down their and buy vacation homes' or investment property's or just go on vacation?

I wouldn't move to Mexico and expect the entire country to understand english. Why is this any different?

I hate center managers that have the power to fire you,with very small brains and no ethics.I want them to die in a single car preventable accident.
OMG,:hang::2guns::gun_banda:poop: their are other ways! LOL

You know what you are BH??? You're one of those ARROGANT Americans that my President has to keep apologizing for!
We should welcome these fine[-] illegal [/-] legally challenged people, and WE should learn their language. We should be happy.............

Oh I'll stop now..................
Don't stop I was enjoying that :soapbox: please continue?
and don't forget to press 1 for English!:taz:
i gave the reason people come to this country

english is hard as hell to learn, and they honestly dont even need to learn it.....theres so many hispanics in this country you can get by pretty easily without learning english

does it really affect you that much???? i doubt it

Yes, actually it does effect me. Not many days go by that I don't encounter at least one person that does not speak American (we don't really speak English here) and it causes delays in my work day. Delays that I have to explain.
I see no reason why anyone desiring to live in America should be exempt from having to learn at least speak the lingo. We not only enable these people to get by without learning the language by not making it a requirement, but we also prevent them from becoming prosperous contributing members of a society the CHOSE to be a part of. We already have enough indigent people on the welfare rolls as it is, we don't need to import more. Do you realize that is one reason medical costs in the USA are as high as they are? That's right, too many people NOT paying their bills due to being either unemployed or under-employed, because they can't speak American. THAT effects you as well as the rest of American citizens.
And while I am on my soapbox I will add; IMO, any immigrant here legally should be required (within a given period of time) to apply for and obtain legal citizen ship, or go back where they came from. If they have kids while they are not legalized citizens, the kids should not be considered citizens of the USA.
OK, now I will stop.
I'm sure that they say the same thing about us when we go down their and buy vacation homes' or investment property's or just go on vacation?
The vacation thing's a bit different, most tourist spots in Mexico are usually pretty well stocked with English speaking people because the want the money we bring them. They learn our language so they can do business with us, but when Aunt Juanita moves to the USA she doesn't.

Personally if I were planning on moving to, buying a vacation home or doing business in Mexico(other than a brief visit in a tourist town) I would learn to speak Mexican. I would not expect the people there to learn my language.

City Driver

Well-Known Member
Yes, actually it does effect me. Not many days go by that I don't encounter at least one person that does not speak American (we don't really speak English here) and it causes delays in my work day. Delays that I have to explain.
I see no reason why anyone desiring to live in America should be exempt from having to learn at least speak the lingo. We not only enable these people to get by without learning the language by not making it a requirement, but we also prevent them from becoming prosperous contributing members of a society the CHOSE to be a part of. We already have enough indigent people on the welfare rolls as it is, we don't need to import more. Do you realize that is one reason medical costs in the USA are as high as they are? That's right, too many people NOT paying their bills due to being either unemployed or under-employed, because they can't speak American. THAT effects you as well as the rest of American citizens.
And while I am on my soapbox I will add; IMO, any immigrant here legally should be required (within a given period of time) to apply for and obtain legal citizen ship, or go back where they came from. If they have kids while they are not legalized citizens, the kids should not be considered citizens of the USA.
OK, now I will stop.

texas republican with no knowledge of history who just said "speak mexican"

ok hank hill.......but if america was like mexico and vice versa you would take your family over there in a heartbeat whether legally or not
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Prblm found,part on order
The vacation thing's a bit different, most tourist spots in Mexico are usually pretty well stocked with English speaking people because the want the money we bring them. They learn our language so they can do business with us, but when Aunt Juanita moves to the USA she doesn't.

Personally if I were planning on moving to, buying a vacation home or doing business in Mexico(other than a brief visit in a tourist town) I would learn to speak Mexican. I would not expect the people there to learn my language.

Got a good point!:peaceful:


Active Member
people who walk in front of you and stop dead,

delivering to pubs especially when they have good beer on tap,

delivering to butlins !!!!!!!!

and drivers who speed up when you try to overtake

and drivers that don't indicate, and hog the middle lane of the motorway
texas republican with no knowledge of history who just said "speak mexican"

ok hank hill.......but if america was like mexico and vice versa you would take your family over there in a heartbeat whether legally or not
Well genius, why don't you give me a brief history lesson? While you're at it, what your problem with "speak Mexican"?
So far America hasn't sunken into the third world status and we don't have to concern ourselves with Mexico rising out of that status, so your point is mute.
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mexican isnt a language
OK, now that I know where you are going with ths, here is what I mean by speaking Mexican. The root of their native tongue is Spanish as our's is English. However in both instances the languages are so diluted that they can't really be called Spanish or English anymore, but Mexican and American fit much better. It all has to do with dialect.
I just remembered, you are of Mexican decent...correct? You should be the last person I need to explain this too.


Yes, actually it does effect me. Not many days go by that I don't encounter at least one person that does not speak American (we don't really speak English here) and it causes delays in my work day. Delays that I have to explain.
I see no reason why anyone desiring to live in America should be exempt from having to learn at least speak the lingo. We not only enable these people to get by without learning the language by not making it a requirement, but we also prevent them from becoming prosperous contributing members of a society the CHOSE to be a part of. We already have enough indigent people on the welfare rolls as it is, we don't need to import more. Do you realize that is one reason medical costs in the USA are as high as they are? That's right, too many people NOT paying their bills due to being either unemployed or under-employed, because they can't speak American. THAT effects you as well as the rest of American citizens.
And while I am on my soapbox I will add; IMO, any immigrant here legally should be required (within a given period of time) to apply for and obtain legal citizen ship, or go back where they came from. If they have kids while they are not legalized citizens, the kids should not be considered citizens of the USA.
OK, now I will stop.

I can see both sides of the issue. If i were living in mexico making the equivalent of 10 u.s dollars a week, and I can cross the border and make 300 dollars a week , I would do it in a heartbeat. I would not make the border crossing if I couldn't find a job due to employers refusing to hire me for fear of hiring an illegal due to monetary penalties imposed by the governmental laws: laws that already exist but are rarely enforced. The fault of this lies with the u.s government. As for learning the language, I agree with you trpkl, it would be nice if they did but a lot don't and that leaves you in an uncomfortable position if you pull up to a warehouse and you are dealing with someone who speaks no english. I used to deliver to restaurants in another job and many an early morning, there was no owner there but his mexican employees were there and the lack of a mutual language slowed things up. So, you know what? I learned some spanish ,just enough to make the transaction go more smoothly.

Por ejemplo(for example), " mi amigo, como esta?, you los tengo cinco cajas por ti. Si, yo los pongo en el sotano. Por favor, firme aqui" Ingles- my friend , how are you?, I have 5 boxes for you. Yes, I put them in the basement. Please sign here. (Yes, city driver, pongo is the present tense, and my translation is the past tense , but it was enough to be understood). At this point, trpkl, the floodgates have been opened too long, so you might as well accept the fact that it is what it is. If present laws were enforced, the illegal immigration would dry up in a minute, but they are not enforced for reasons that are beyond the scope of this discussion. What are you gonna do? Complain or adapt? -Respectfully submitted.


and just so trplnkl doesn't think I am picking on him , this is directed to city driver. City driver: if I have to speak broken spanish to get my job done, it is only fair that you have to put up with those who want to display and share with you their limited spanish.


Nine Lives
Originally Posted by City Driver
mexican isnt a language

OK, now that I know where you are going with ths, here is what I mean by speaking Mexican. The root of their native tongue is Spanish as our's is English. However in both instances the languages are so diluted that they can't really be called Spanish or English anymore, but Mexican and American fit much better. It all has to do with dialect.
I just remembered, you are of Mexican decent...correct? You should be the last person I need to explain this too.

Not taking sides on this but ...
When we get translations done, we get 3 types of Spanish:
Castilian Spanish - Spain and all other countries except Mexico and Latin America
Mexican Spanish - Mexico
Latin Spanish - Puerto Rico and Latin America

We use to have another dialect called:
Catalan Spanish which was selectable on the Spain site for Northern Spain.
The Latin Spanish is more closely aligned with the dialect of Puerto Rico.
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And then there is Tex-Mex also. Kinda of a blend between Mexico Spanish and Texas drawl. I tried to take a conversational Spanish class at the University here, but couldn't work out the schedule. I'm seriously considering buying the Rosetta Stone program.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by City Driver
mexican isnt a language

Not taking sides on this but ...
When we get translations done, we get 3 types of Spanish:
Castilian Spanish - Spain and all other countries except Mexico and Latin America
Mexican Spanish - Mexico
Latin Spanish - Puerto Rico and Latin America

We use to have another dialect called:
Catalan Spanish which was selectable on the Spain site for Northern Spain.
The Latin Spanish is more closely aligned with the dialect of Puerto Rico.

I lived in New Mexico for five years and they have their own "version" of Mexican Spanish, my hubby and some of our friends are from Tijuana Mexico, that's the Spanish I've been around, my shame is that I don't speak Spanish.
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