President Biden

El Correcto

god is dead that some kind of magical pixie dust of a word you spread over your gross lack of knowledge and details? That was a rhetorical question.

As to being alive? Really? You think I have command of these facts, totally researchable and verifiable, out of thin air?

I can see we have long passed your intellectual high water mark. If you don't want to look like a sap and fool, just don't respond to anymore of my posts. If you do, I will not let you off the hook so easily next time.

El Correcto

god is dead
Some of the things I read on here sounds more like domestic terrorism and threats to the current Presidents life. I would never cross that line. In word or deed.

Left wing nutjob: you call the police in america they just shoot you.
Me: I’m glad Jacob Blake was shot, I wish he didn’t survive. One less rapist and domestic abuser in the world.
Reddit:This must be a violent domestic right wing terrorist.

You left wing nutjobs are just delusional when it comes to reality.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Well Biden's the second Democrat to win the White House and have to immediately deal with a collapsing economy and/or a financial crisis/pandemic at the same time. Bush left Obama with a cratering economy and Trump left Biden the another cratering economy. It's so not fair to judges democrats when that the economy that Bush was left with by Clinton had falling unemployment levels and a balanced Federal Budget budget. In fact the US budget on day 1 of Bush presidency was projected to be 5 trillion in surplus over the next 8 years. Then 911 happened.

911 shouldn't have really changed the budgets trajectory but Bush and the military industrial complex took a 5 trillion surplus and turn it into a 5 trillion dollar deficit by 2008. War pays a handsome dividend for corporate America and to the ends of political power, which in the end is also about cash. That's a 10 trillion dollar move. More than Obama borrowed to help the US come out of Bushes housing bubble financial collapse implosion.
Trump was handed a growing economy, falling unemployment, and falling deficits. He reversed all of that. After the blip of his tax cuts for the rich wore off the economy started "growing " at a far smaller rate than Trump had projected and even below Obama's economy and with higher inflation.

Facts matter and these statements are backed by real data.
Trumps gdp before he left the white house was in double digits, there was no vaccine mandate, inflation was at the 2 percent pass and the economy was in good shape and biden had a vaccine


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Well Biden's the second Democrat to win the White House and have to immediately deal with a collapsing economy and/or a financial crisis/pandemic at the same time. Bush left Obama with a cratering economy and Trump left Biden the another cratering economy. It's so not fair to judges democrats when that the economy that Bush was left with by Clinton had falling unemployment levels and a balanced Federal Budget budget. In fact the US budget on day 1 of Bush presidency was projected to be 5 trillion in surplus over the next 8 years. Then 911 happened.

911 shouldn't have really changed the budgets trajectory but Bush and the military industrial complex took a 5 trillion surplus and turn it into a 5 trillion dollar deficit by 2008. War pays a handsome dividend for corporate America and to the ends of political power, which in the end is also about cash. That's a 10 trillion dollar move. More than Obama borrowed to help the US come out of Bushes housing bubble financial collapse implosion.
Trump was handed a growing economy, falling unemployment, and falling deficits. He reversed all of that. After the blip of his tax cuts for the rich wore off the economy started "growing " at a far smaller rate than Trump had projected and even below Obama's economy and with higher inflation.

Facts matter and these statements are backed by real data.
How about this on gas prices, you cancel the xl pipeline, you stop permitting wells on fed land then you do this


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
7 years of not posting and nothing has changed. There are idiots lurking in every corner here who just can't help but make themselves look and sound like fools then cry foul to the admin when they are exposed.
What in joe bidens 47 :censored2:ing years in washington made you think he would be able to do anything

He :censored2:ed up foreign policy, trade, gas, inflation, jobs, he even botched the :censored2:ing vaccine that was handed to him and the dude cant do a press conference pass 5 or take questions