President Trump


Well-Known Member
How do you or anyone here know? Our idiot for a president dissolved the government office in charge of tracking and warning us of possible pandemics. Just :censored2:ing smart huh?

Our special needs president did one even early Fall of '19 the stable genius recalled the US viralogist assigned inside China. Of all the idiotic decisions at the worst possible time,.........
Then this :censored2: tells everyone, "we had no idea" (3 months after China told the world on dec, 31st) And the sheep like you just nod your heads and and say ok!
By the way it was widely reported that funeral homes had crematoriums running 24/7 and just one funeral home had ordered 5000 urns. No, we can't know exactly how many died there but there's plenty enough evidence to suggest that it was a lot more than China was admitting. The day after China said they had it contained and controlled they suddenly decided to close down a number of tourist sites and all the country's movie theaters. Just announced last week that they're shutting down a city in the north of China near the Mongolian border. You're putting your faith in the wrong people to give you the truth.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Oh wow, we had a viralogist in a country the size of the continental U.S. with almost a billion and a half people. Bet he was a busy guy! Please, please tell me if China told everyone on Dec. 31st why were prominent Democrats saying it was no big deal as late as March? The truth is you can't lay this at the feet of any one person but you desperately want to with the upcoming election.

It was a female Doc you dork. The fact that you didn't know that says alot.
There is a reason why the US has had govt. experts in different countries and the Liar-in-Chief just doesn't care and this not caring about our country has led us to where we are now. But I digress this topic is well beyond your comprehension.

Let's address your latest lie shall we? What "prominent democrats" we're parroting the griffter and his family in the White House? Remember the rules, you are a known liar so you must provide proof!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
By the way it was widely reported that funeral homes had crematoriums running 24/7 and just one funeral home had ordered 5000 urns. No, we can't know exactly how many died there but there's plenty enough evidence to suggest that it was a lot more than China was admitting. The day after China said they had it contained and controlled they suddenly decided to close down a number of tourist sites and all the country's movie theaters. Just announced last week that they're shutting down a city in the north of China near the Mongolian border. You're putting your faith in the wrong people to give you the truth.

Again, more conspiracy stories and lies!!

Can we both agree that China had a massive lockdown during the outbreak?

So....If you have a lockdown during the outbreak how do you then shut down movie theaters and tourist sites after you have contained the outbreak?

So in your feeble mind the process is: declare a lockdown but leave places where people gather open. Then when you remove the lockdown from the population you close movie theaters and parks ect?

You see this failure to use the brain God gave you leads to :censored2: like taking an assault rifle into a pizzeria demanding to see the Clinton child sex traffickers in the basement.


Inordinately Right
Can we both agree that China had a massive lockdown during the outbreak?
The FACT is, China restricted domestic travel out of Wuhan. But they allowed people to travel internationally out of Wuhan. They did this on purpose to infect the world with the Chinese Virus.

That is a crime against humanity and charges should be brought against them.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The FACT is, China restricted domestic travel out of Wuhan. But they allowed people to travel internationally out of Wuhan. They did this on purpose to infect the world with the Chinese Virus.

That is a crime against humanity and charges should be brought against them.
AOHooooooo ... that's a goodun! Kudos!
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Well-Known Member
Again, more conspiracy stories and lies!!

Can we both agree that China had a massive lockdown during the outbreak?

So....If you have a lockdown during the outbreak how do you then shut down movie theaters and tourist sites after you have contained the outbreak?

So in your feeble mind the process is: declare a lockdown but leave places where people gather open. Then when you remove the lockdown from the population you close movie theaters and parks ect?

You see this failure to use the brain God gave you leads to :censored2: like taking an assault rifle into a pizzeria demanding to see the Clinton child sex traffickers in the basement.
You really should watch the news. Widely reported that the Chinese shortly after announcing they had successfully contained the virus went and closed all the movie theaters and some tourist attractions. And just announced they've shut down a city in northern China. Sorry if that's hard for you to follow.


Well-Known Member
Again, more conspiracy stories and lies!!

Can we both agree that China had a massive lockdown during the outbreak?

So....If you have a lockdown during the outbreak how do you then shut down movie theaters and tourist sites after you have contained the outbreak?

So in your feeble mind the process is: declare a lockdown but leave places where people gather open. Then when you remove the lockdown from the population you close movie theaters and parks ect?

You see this failure to use the brain God gave you leads to :censored2: like taking an assault rifle into a pizzeria demanding to see the Clinton child sex traffickers in the basement.
By the way the lockdown was in a region of about 60 million people with Wuhan at it's center. When they announced they were closing the theaters it was for the entire country.

If you aren't aware the biggest holiday of the year is the Chinese Lunar New Year in January. The Chinese typically travel to be with family members where they're from much like we do at Thanksgiving. It was estimated that 5 million people traveled in this period from Wuhan AFTER the Chinese knew they had a problem and were trying to contain it without causing attention in the rest of the world. It's why Italy got hit so hard. There are several hundred thousand Chinese nationals in Italy, particularly from the city of Wuhan because of the relationship of the garment industry between Wuhan and Milan. So a lot of Chines flew to Milan during this period to see relatives. And a lot of Chinese flew home to Wuhan from Milan(there are many direct flights) and got infected before returning. Italy was the hardest hit before the U.S. and Spain overtook them. And this happened because China hoped to keep this under wraps while trying to contain it. You probably will refuse to believe this because you despise Republicans and want to destroy Trump. Did he take it seriously at the start? Doesn't look like it. But he probably, most likely, had bad info from the Chinese. He did order a travel ban of Chinese nationals, but this virus is so contagious that until we started the social distancing here we had no hope of containing it, and plenty of leaders and pundits on both sides didn't take it seriously. Ebola, MERS, SARS, the avian flu, etc, never amounted to much. And at first they probably assumed the same about this virus, especially as China was telling the WHO that it wasn't being transmitted human to human. Scream at me and others all you want but I'm confident what I just described is pretty close to the truth and much more likely than the whole thing is the fault of one man.


Well-Known Member
To give Mexico incentive to cut oil production by 100,000 barrels as part of OPEC deal, Pres Trump says US will make up the financial difference for Mexico. Says Mexico would reimburse US at a later time.
Mark Knoller on Twitter

One time $1,200 checks are all the gop will allow.


nowhere special
To give Mexico incentive to cut oil production by 100,000 barrels as part of OPEC deal, Pres Trump says US will make up the financial difference for Mexico. Says Mexico would reimburse US at a later time.
Mark Knoller on Twitter

One time $1,200 checks are all the gop will allow.


Well-Known Member
Trump uses his daily center-stage performance from the White House podium as a chance to register his personalized grievances — no one mentions his TV ratings, some governors aren’t grateful enough for his efforts, the media doesn’t give him enough credit.

Today's should be comedy gold!


Well-Known Member
"If you were to write a playbook for how not to prevent a public-health crisis, you would study the work of the Trump administration in the first three months of 2020. The Trump White House, through some combination of ignorance, arrogance, and incompetence, failed to heed the warnings of its own experts. It failed to listen to the projections of one of its own economic advisers. It failed to take seriously what has become the worst pandemic since the 1918 flu and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. And when the White House finally awoke to the seriousness of COVID-19, the response it mustered managed to contain all the worst traits of this presidency. Trump and his closest aides have ignored scientists, enlisted family members and TV personalities and corporate profiteers for help, and disregarded every protocol for how to communicate during a pandemic while spewing misinformation and lies."

Andy Kroll


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
The FACT is, China restricted domestic travel out of Wuhan. But they allowed people to travel internationally out of Wuhan. They did this on purpose to infect the world with the Chinese Virus.

That is a crime against humanity and charges should be brought against them.

Get another POS conspiracy theory regurgitated by you!
To give Mexico incentive to cut oil production by 100,000 barrels as part of OPEC deal, Pres Trump says US will make up the financial difference for Mexico. Says Mexico would reimburse US at a later time.
Mark Knoller on Twitter

One time $1,200 checks are all the gop will allow.

You quoted a Twitter post as fact? I will need confirmation from a big more reliable source before I buy this.


Inordinately Right
Get another POS conspiracy theory regurgitated by you!
It's not a conspiracy theory it is an easily verifiable fact. China's Communist Party restricted travel out of Wuhan to other parts of China on January 23rd. However they urged airlines to continue exporting the virus internationally, while using the WHO to lie to the world about their outbreak.

It's a fact you demwit.
Stop pushing communist China's propaganda. They have committed a human rights violation and it's time they pay.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
It's not a conspiracy theory it is an easily verifiable fact. China's Communist Party restricted travel out of Wuhan to other parts of China on January 23rd. However they urged airlines to continue exporting the virus internationally, while using the WHO to lie to the world about their outbreak.

It's a fact you demwit.
Stop pushing communist China's propaganda. They have committed a human rights violation and it's time they pay.

No, idiot, it is not a fact!

No matter how much you want it to be true, no matter how much you bitch and moan, cry or plead for others to believe you it does not make your conspiracy theory true!

For the love of God get back on your meds!