President Trump


Inordinately Right
I was a Republican because I felt they were the party of smaller government and more individual responsibility.

Under Trump, it seems to have become the party of Archie Bunker.

I don't hate everyone who is different than me. I understand that people have different life experiences than I have had. I have empathy for people that are treated unfairly.

Issues aren’t even looked at from both sides anymore. It is an us against them mentality that is dominating politics.

I don’t think Trump even really cares about any issue.. but he has found a base of supporters that feed on a certain he gives them what they want to feed his ego. He would turn on anyone if they weren’t kissing his ass.
So you've bought the left wing media narrative. Okay, carry on.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
yet you still support him? You seem to be talking out of both sides of your arse these days
Not really.
I just confront and make fun of losers that think their opinion and lies mean anything and amusingly, think they have a clue about anything.
I did the same thing with Obama and his distracters.
I'm here to have fun and troll the people who obviously don't have a friend:censored2:king clue what they are talking about,
which happens to be the detractors of the President.
Whether that President be Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama or Trump.
I have the same opinion of all of them ... they were all narcissistic friend:censored2:kwads that did a terrible job of leading the country.

I have not voted for a Democrat or Republican for President since Reagan's first term and Carter's first term before that.
I vote Libertarian in every position on the ballot if their is one.

Hopefully, that helps you understand but I seriously doubt it ... being you. :tt2:


Well-Known Member
I was a Republican because I felt they were the party of smaller government and more individual responsibility.

Under Trump, it seems to have become the party of Archie Bunker.

Trump has done more for people of color in 4 years then biden has done in 40.

In fact Trump has undone the disasterous effects of the crime bill that biden sponsored and enacted.
Biden fought busing, supported segregation and sponsored a bill the locked up african americans for long periods of time for possession of drugs.

you should listen to what is going on not what CNN wants you to believe

by the way you were never a republican what you were was one of those milk toast Rino's that couldnt decide what side of the fence he was supposed to stand on.

When the Commies put a bullet between your sheep eyes remember me as the guy that warned you that lacking any conviction your path was predetermined.
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Well-Known Member
I guess those were supporters disguised as empty seats lol!

You're right not good but equivalent to a 1000 biden rallies combined

remember when the dems were worried about election tampering?



Well-Known Member
That might be what the Democratic voter turnout looks like in November if blue and purple state and local government officials keep giving their constituents the impression that it’s not safe to go out anywhere.

democratic leadership will change their tune in november in the states they are not able to enact full scale ballot voting.

did i mention the last time washington and oregon state last had a repub governor was in the mid 80's the same time years they enacted ballot voting? What do you think the odds of that are. Maryland is and has been a dark blue state but has had three repub governors in that time frame.


Well-Known Member
I hear the words that come up out of his mouth. I don't require a “narrative” to understand words that come out of someone’s mouth
I hear the words that come down out of your ass. Must admit, need a narrative to understand you talking out of your ass, what with all the other sounds.


Well-Known Member
"Since May, the Trump administration has paid a fledgling Texas company $7.3 million for test tubes needed in tracking the spread of the coronavirus nationwide. But, instead of the standard vials, Fillakit LLC has supplied plastic tubes made for bottling soda, which state health officials say are unusable. The Federal Emergency Management Agency signed its first deal with Fillakit on May 7, just six days after the company was formed by an ex-telemarketer repeatedly accused of fraudulent practices over the past two decades. Fillakit has supplied a total of more than 3 million tubes, which FEMA then approved and sent to all 50 states. If the company fulfills its contractual obligation to provide 4 million tubes, it will receive a total of $10.16 million. "
