President Trump


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He can only sign laws that Congress passes so because the Congress is split nothing gets done. Every executive order is challenged by the left. It's sad because no matter who wins in November half the population will be upset. He does need to do better bringing people together and accepting that now is the time to make a level playing field. Cut all foreign aid and immigration. Spend our tax dollars on investments in poor neighborhoods. People need hope


Well-Known Member
He can only sign laws that Congress passes so because the Congress is split nothing gets done. Every executive order is challenged by the left. It's sad because no matter who wins in November half the population will be upset. He does need to do better bringing people together and accepting that now is the time to make a level playing field. Cut all foreign aid and immigration. Spend our tax dollars on investments in poor neighborhoods. People need hope
He has signed 165 executive orders as of 6/25.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
He can only sign laws that Congress passes so because the Congress is split nothing gets done. Every executive order is challenged by the left. It's sad because no matter who wins in November half the population will be upset. He does need to do better bringing people together and accepting that now is the time to make a level playing field. Cut all foreign aid and immigration. Spend our tax dollars on investments in poor neighborhoods. People need hope
Saying half the country will be upset no matter who wins in November gives the hard right too much credit. Maybe 10% will be upset when trump is sent packing from the White House. I see a landslide win for Biden in November.


Well-Known Member
Saying half the country will be upset no matter who wins in November gives the hard right too much credit. Maybe 10% will be upset when trump is sent packing from the White House. I see a landslide win for Biden in November.
Obviously still drunk. Um most of the protesters won't vote. And defund police is swinging independents to trump. We don't need to wear a maga hat we just go vote no matter rain or long lines


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My belief is I don't want to pay for any abortion. I believe that there is a difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration. All laws matter. I also am ok with taking down Confederate monuments and putting in museums. I also believe BLM. And blue lives matter. I'm also ok with taking police out of schools if they choose. I'm for low taxes and the government owes me nothing. I'm for pulling troops out of all countries and cut all foreign aid. I'm also for police reform I hate dirty cops and the code of silence and Eric gardner was murdered and so were so many more so prosecute the cops let the judge or jury decide. But some shootings are justified and some are murder. It's case by case. The problem is laws set up to help single parents but no help for a married couple that is struggling financially. I'm all for welfare for those that need it but not forever. If you keep having kids you cant afford use birth control it starts at home with values. Trump is trying to bring jobs here and trying to cut immigration that lowers wages. We need our colleges for Americans first.


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Now the daca who has 800k enrolled is now open to new enrollment. If he was smart he would give them a path to residency with work permits. A stand alone law with nothing thrown in. Most Hispanics have conservative views. Very religious but old Republican want cheap labor and dems want to perpetuate victimhood like they actually want to help.


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He is going down ! Not down like Saturday night but going down down !
Biden cant debate trump on live TV. Biden is old and in poor mental health. Il never vote d and some people will never vote R. It's the swing vote that matters I can't believe they are for riots defund police, and open borders, the polls lie cuz trump supporters keep quiet and vote.


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Look at all the liberals caught in blackface. Howard stern, Jimmy Kimmel, gov Ralph northam, Sara Silverman, joy bejar, justin Trudeau please add more from both sides of the aisle


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You turn 18 you get 5000 if you never been arrested and no interest loan on a car for every adult 1 time. If you can prove that you are actually poor. If you don't get arrested you get 1000 extra on taxes for each married couple. I'm not sure what the answer is just a couple ideas but marriage and homeownership is key. A bank account for everyone. We will eventually spend less on jails gaurds judges probation and parole officers, and cops. And the government pensions.