President Trump


Well-Known Member
My belief is I don't want to pay for any abortion. I believe that there is a difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration. All laws matter. I also am ok with taking down Confederate monuments and putting in museums. I also believe BLM. And blue lives matter. I'm also ok with taking police out of schools if they choose. I'm for low taxes and the government owes me nothing. I'm for pulling troops out of all countries and cut all foreign aid. I'm also for police reform I hate dirty cops and the code of silence and Eric gardner was murdered and so were so many more so prosecute the cops let the judge or jury decide. But some shootings are justified and some are murder. It's case by case. The problem is laws set up to help single parents but no help for a married couple that is struggling financially. I'm all for welfare for those that need it but not forever. If you keep having kids you cant afford use birth control it starts at home with values. Trump is trying to bring jobs here and trying to cut immigration that lowers wages. We need our colleges for Americans first.
Are you for free trade?

Do you believe that employers should be able to terminate employees based on sexual orientation?

Do you believe hospitals should just pass the cost of caring for the uninsured onto the charges for the people do have insurance?


Well-Known Member
Free trade is complicated it's hard for Americans to compete with Chinese labor. And I don't think anyone thinks employers should fire someone for sexual orientation. And hospitals do that now don't they. I would be all for universal health insurance if ups was going to give me the money they give team care every week but my insurance is part of our negotiated compensation. I think that private hospitals should charge the person for whom they treat. I don't think it's fair that the taxpayers pick up tab for illegal immigrants and gunshot victims and people who abuse drugs or people that don't take personal responsibility.


Well-Known Member
What exactly is free trade to you. Free trade might not always be fair trade. We as Americans cant compete with slave labor from China and multiple countries although as Americans we want cheap goods. So then corporations that started here move to other countries and take advantage and take our manufacturing jobs. So many of American companies now are global that's fine. But when the pharmaceutical companies charge us way more for drugs then they charge other countries just because they think we could afford to pay we are subsidizing the poorer countries. Other countries put tariffs on our goods. We should do what's best for Americans and America. If other countries cant weed put corruption oh well to bad.


Well-Known Member
Do you know how many old people I work with that only stay for insurance. Options when your in school thinking about future you got to weigh your options more money with no insurance or pension. Elections have consequences.