President Trump


Staff member
No but so isn't tying "socialist" with Obama but we were told that was somehow racist.
We had a lot of discussions about Obama and socialism on this mb and I don't recall anyone ever being called racist for saying that Obama was socialist.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
We had a lot of discussions about Obama and socialism on this mb and I don't recall anyone ever being called racist for saying that Obama was socialist.

Perhaps not here, but did you ever watch the liberal media? You could've watched MSNBC for 2 minutes and seen it.


Staff member
And for the record I do believe that Obama tried to take this country in a more socialist direction, he just didn't get very far.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps not here, but did you ever watch the liberal media? You could've watched MSNBC for 2 minutes and seen it.

If the Obama supporters were given bad information from outlets like MSNBC, what does that suggest you are getting when using them as a source to support your argument?


Staff member
Perhaps not here, but did you ever watch the liberal media? You could've watched MSNBC for 2 minutes and seen it.
I have no doubt that someone, somewhere suggested that calling Obama a socialist was a racist thing to say because people will say anything. But it was never some big thing that you couldn't say, people said it all the time.


Well-Known Member
i feel like its always better to let an expert give his advice:

“We have at most a year to defend American democracy, perhaps less“

Timothy Snyder is a professor of history at Yale University and the author of numerous books of European history, including „Bloodlands“ and „Black Earth“. His most recent book, “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century“,

Anyway, I didn’t actually compare Trump to Hitler, I didn’t use these two names. What I did was to write a very short history of the rise of Adolf Hitler to power without using his name, which might allow Americans to recognize certain similarities to the moment they themselves were living through. I know that these comparisons are a national taboo in Germany, but at the moment its rather important that Germans be generous with their history and help others to learn how republics collapse. Most Americans are exceptionalists, we think we live outside of history. Americans tend to think: “We have freedom because we love freedom, we love freedom because we are free.” It is a bit circular and doesn’t acknowledge the historical structures that can favor or weaken democratic republics. We don’t realize how similar our predicaments are to those of other people.


at the end of the chris hedges interview i posted earlier today, they talked about how fast we can fall into authoritarianism.

i was thinking the article by the yale professor is so bad it sounds like something an amateur conspiracy theorist would write, not someone from one of the top schools in the country.
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Well-Known Member
Timothy Snyder

re: protests and trump

Last week Trump called those who take part in demonstrations “thugs” and “paid protestors”. This doesn’t show respect for First Amendment right, it sounds more like Putin.

That is exactly what the Russian leadership does. The idea is to marginalize the people who actually represent the core values of the Republic. The point is to bring down the Republic. You can disagree with them. but once you say they have no right to protest or start lying about them, you are in effect saying: „We want a regime where this is not possible anymore.“ When the president says that it means that the executive branch is engaged in regime change towards an authoritarian regime without the rule of law. You are getting people used to this transition, you are inviting them into the process by asking them to have contempt for their fellow citizens who are defending the Republic. You are also seducing people into a world of permanent internet lying and way from their own experiences with other people. Getting out to protest, this is something real and I would say something patriotic. Part of the new authoritarianism is to get people to prefer fiction and inaction to reality and action. People sit in their chairs, read the tweet and repeat the clichés: “yes, they are thugs” instead of “it is normal to get out in the streets for what you believe.” He is trying to teach people a new behavior: You just sit right where you are, read what I say and nod your head. That is the psychology of regime change."


Well-Known Member
Left of center?
not bad but i dont think so. bernie is left of center. obama was either center or right of center by american standards.

a centrist means you supposed to carry out reforms to the system but he didnt really do that because american democracy is comparable to pre nazi germany when the government ceased to function.

in terms of bailing out banks and large corporations i think a majority of republicans would have done the same. and no, its not the right thing to do.


nowhere special
not bad but i dont think so. bernie is left of center. obama was either center or right of center by american standards.

a centrist means you supposed to carry out reforms to the system but he didnt really do that because american democracy is comparable to pre nazi germany when the government ceased to function.

in terms of bailing out banks and large corporations i think a majority of republicans would have done the same. and no, its not the right thing to do.

Bernie is far out left. Obama is to the right of him but still well left of center.

a person whose political opinions are not extreme : a person whose beliefs fall between those of liberals and conservatives
Definition of CENTRIST