President Trump


nowhere special
Ford was never elected as President or VP so he is a unique example.

I will concede a VP doesn't get a free pass into the Oval Office. Just ask Al Gore.


President Trump passes his first test on the world stage

(CNN)President Donald Trump's first presidential foray onto the international stage should be judged as a success. His visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican, Belgium and Italy were well managed by the White House and effectively advanced some key foreign policy goals for the new administration.

In contrast to his predecessor in the White House, President Trump showed no willingness to atone to other world leaders for his country's actions, and seemed determined to project strength and resolve at a time when American leadership is increasingly being challenged.

Rebuilding frayed partnerships that his predecessor (Obama) left for someone else to fix?

Don't tell @DriveInDriveOut that we mentioned Obama again. LMAO! :lol:
Opinion piece by the Heritage Foundation.

Fake news.


Inordinately Right
Man has no sense of humor...
Ya Pence is no Biden that's for sure.
Oh sorry, was I supposed to play into your attempt to derail a discussion about Pence's homophobia, and prove my manhood by detailing my sexual exploits with your wife? I don't really get into that locker room talk, not a big fan of grabbing random women by their p*ssies.


Well-Known Member
Ya Pence is no Biden that's for sure.
Oh sorry, was I supposed to play into your attempt to derail a discussion about Pence's homophobia, and prove my manhood by detailing my sexual exploits with your wife? I don't really get into that locker room talk, not a big fan of grabbing random women by their p*ssies.
Man has no sense of humor...