Quickest Way To Driving

From reading everybodys post I can sense the animosity that alot of you have about doing this job!!!alot of you *************come on here and whine like you're 15..plain and simple if you cant do it then quit...as for me I have completed 2 weeks at ups already...im looking forward to making seniority...im also looking forward to driving air pt and in the near future im gonna be a full time driver...this isnt that hard...but if you come on here everyday and complain like ********** then u deserve to get ******* like one

When you successfully run your first blind peak route all by yourself without a bailout from your fellow drivers then you`ll have the whiskers to come in here and get in our face. Until then be a good boy and put in your time.


Move to Calgary. We're hiring for ALL positions right now (I'm currently in the bent over one for management) for our brand spanking new depot...I've heard it might get a bus stop even so now I CAN call it a depot!


Master Loader
In my hub, all you have to do is find a center manager, go into his/her office and **************************** . Or tell them you have kids and you can't feed them. Thats what 90% of the women do in my hub. They can't drive stick shifts but are going full time in two years tops. I have observed this with my own eyes.

Its because UPS is bias as all hell.

Take supervisors for an example. When males get into it, they stay there in that spot or rank for years upon years. While a women will shoot threw the ranks seemingly every 6 months.

It goes for the drivers as well. All the male drivers I've talked to have spent at least 5 or more years before being able to get a driving spot. While some of the females seemingly get the promotion in less then 2.

It goes for all sorts of the spectrum of minorities. Which include people of race, college kids, women, seniors the mental and physical disabilitie. Everyone except caucasian males under the age of 35. Sorry if it upsets someone or anyone but it is the truth.

Take my mine line sup which is a female. She got a sup position in the 3 months she preloaded. in less then 2 months she was promoted to main line sup, full time of course. It goes for the east side of the line as well. The sup (female) had a similar timeline, and is now a driving sup for another center.

Two possible scenarios as to why they are so bias. One women are harder to keep around, so they know that and advance them quicker. Two, by equal opportunity employment they get a tax break for some many minorities they have employed. UPS loves to save money, so that would be more truth then all.