Reagan Warned Us About OBAMA!


Engorged Member
A hop, skip, and jump from success, but to get there you'd have to give up chewing gum.

Ronald Wilson Reagan. Perhaps the dumbest President we have ever had. Not just a little dumb, but really effing stupid. And you clowns worship him like Jesus Jr.


Correct. He sold them to the terrorists.

He propped up the afghans to fight Russia who was our number 1 enemy...where does all the terrorist talk come from? You post a picture of him meeting with afghans and call them the Taliban that was not even formed until 1994. At what point did the US realize that the Taliban was a terrorist organization? Had to be after 1994...Clinton maybe knew.


Staff member
He propped up the afghans to fight Russia who was our number 1 enemy...where does all the terrorist talk come from? You post a picture of him meeting with afghans and call them the Taliban that was not even formed until 1994. At what point did the US realize that the Taliban was a terrorist organization? Had to be after 1994...Clinton maybe knew.

Flawed logic: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


Nothing funny about it, but he will go down in history as the worst president ever.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He propped up the afghans to fight Russia who was our number 1 enemy...where does all the terrorist talk come from? You post a picture of him meeting with afghans and call them the Taliban that was not even formed until 1994. At what point did the US realize that the Taliban was a terrorist organization? Had to be after 1994...Clinton maybe knew.

The afghans? Seriously? I dont know how old you are, but you continue to show us that you are very uninformed on history.

Just to make the record clear, Reagan along with Charlie Wilson, funnelled money to an organization led by Usama Bin Laden to fight the russians in a proxy war.

R.I.P. Mr. Charles Wilson, Father of the Taliban | Small Wars Journal

Reagan and his administration recruited Usama Bin Laden and brought him here to the united states for training at CIA headquarters. Once trained, Usama created the Mujahedeen ( freedom fighters ) and Usama then recruited fighters from around the world to fight the russians NOT AFGHANS you goof.

For years, the USA funded the Mujahedeen until Reagan got caught and the money was shut off. At that point, the Russians withdrew from Afghanistan after losing 15000 soldiers and 2 trillion dollars spent. As for Usama, he lost control of the Mujahedeen as the taliban was formed and sided with Reagan. The Taliban then splintered into another terror group AL QAEDA and the rest is history.

Both the Taliban and AL QAEDA benefitted from the poppy industry (heroin) in Afghanistan when the Russians were kicked out and became rich.

That enrichment allowed Usama Bin Laden to recruit more fighters from around the world to rally against the United States who abandoned him in Afghanistan.

Reagan , Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush 1 and Paul Wolfowitz are RESPONSIBLE for the terror groups formation and the eventual harm they caused the United States.

If you believe anything else, then you shouldnt be in current events.




Well-Known Member
The afghans? Seriously? I dont know how old you are, but you continue to show us that you are very uninformed on history.

Just to make the record clear, Reagan along with Charlie Wilson, funnelled money to an organization led by Usama Bin Laden to fight the russians in a proxy war.

R.I.P. Mr. Charles Wilson, Father of the Taliban | Small Wars Journal

Reagan and his administration recruited Usama Bin Laden and brought him here to the united states for training at CIA headquarters. Once trained, Usama created the Mujahedeen ( freedom fighters ) and Usama then recruited fighters from around the world to fight the russians NOT AFGHANS you goof.

For years, the USA funded the Mujahedeen until Reagan got caught and the money was shut off. At that point, the Russians withdrew from Afghanistan after losing 15000 soldiers and 2 trillion dollars spent. As for Usama, he lost control of the Mujahedeen as the taliban was formed and sided with Reagan. The Taliban then splintered into another terror group AL QAEDA and the rest is history.

Both the Taliban and AL QAEDA benefitted from the poppy industry (heroin) in Afghanistan when the Russians were kicked out and became rich.

That enrichment allowed Usama Bin Laden to recruit more fighters from around the world to rally against the United States who abandoned him in Afghanistan.

Reagan , Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush 1 and Paul Wolfowitz are RESPONSIBLE for the terror groups formation and the eventual harm they caused the United States.

If you believe anything else, then you shouldnt be in current events.




In a general sense I agree with your point but some of your specifics are just flat wrong.


Engorged Member
Ronald Reagan spent like a drunken sailor on military upgrades that were a immense waste. Remember all of the battleships he had retrofitted at huge cost? How about Star Wars...FAIL.He raised taxes several times, and left office with a huge deficit. How about Iran Contra, and the October Surprise? Read about the mysterious stroke of Mr. Casey on the very day he was to testify about it sometime, and get back to me if you smell anything funny. Reagan made decisions based on astrology, for God's sake, and was wrongly credited with ending the Soviet Union, which was imploding already. Union-busting got it's legs with Reagan and PATCO, he was against Medicare, and he was not a very smart man. Just read some of what some of his fellow actors said about Reagan when he was the president of the Screen Actors Guild...led by the nose, and had to be told what to do. Kind of a prequel to his presidency.

Horrible president. Probably the worst ever.