Reagan Warned Us About OBAMA!



The afghans? Seriously? I dont know how old you are, but you continue to show us that you are very uninformed on history.

Just to make the record clear, Reagan along with Charlie Wilson, funnelled money to an organization led by Usama Bin Laden to fight the russians in a proxy war.

R.I.P. Mr. Charles Wilson, Father of the Taliban | Small Wars Journal

Reagan and his administration recruited Usama Bin Laden and brought him here to the united states for training at CIA headquarters. Once trained, Usama created the Mujahedeen ( freedom fighters ) and Usama then recruited fighters from around the world to fight the russians NOT AFGHANS you goof.

For years, the USA funded the Mujahedeen until Reagan got caught and the money was shut off. At that point, the Russians withdrew from Afghanistan after losing 15000 soldiers and 2 trillion dollars spent. As for Usama, he lost control of the Mujahedeen as the taliban was formed and sided with Reagan. The Taliban then splintered into another terror group AL QAEDA and the rest is history.

Both the Taliban and AL QAEDA benefitted from the poppy industry (heroin) in Afghanistan when the Russians were kicked out and became rich.

That enrichment allowed Usama Bin Laden to recruit more fighters from around the world to rally against the United States who abandoned him in Afghanistan.

Reagan , Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush 1 and Paul Wolfowitz are RESPONSIBLE for the terror groups formation and the eventual harm they caused the United States.

If you believe anything else, then you shouldnt be in current events.



If you actually tried to Google what I said you wouldnt go on long post about jibber jabber...why do you get so angry? So funny Im getting to you, you little weakling. What does age have to do with you Googling everything...Why didnt you Google what I said...The Taliban was not formed until 1994. No one disagreed about Reagan using afghans...Now they are terrorist so you use the same label for Afghans in the early 80s. I love it when I take up so much of your time for you to post something that has absolutely nothing to do with my point. Another your profile pic doggy style or reverse cowgirl of Obama? Please dont put anymore lies about the Taliban siding with Reagan when Clinton was president when the Taliban was formed...but I guess you got that from Obama. Dont feel threatened by me young person because Im smarter than you.


You think?

I think he makes up about half the stuff he posts.
Very creative though.

Then he tells someone they shouldnt be in current events...but hes talking about something from 30 yrs ago. VERY CREATIVE


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

HAHAh.... as governor, he spoke words of nonsense, as just a few short years later, he BECAME everything he spoke against in his own video.

He racked up 3.7 trillion dollars in debt. He tripled the size of government. He tripled the size of the postal service. He doubled the price of crude oil in less than 6 years. He raised taxes on the middle and lower class citizens to pay for his outrageous military spending which was completely reckless.

He took billions out of social security to shore up the government leaving the first IOU that still rests at the bottom of the pile in SS.

Reagan, Bush and Art Laffer, Coined a phrase during his two terms.. "DEFICITS DONT MATTER".

Reagan, after his second full year as president, watched as the unemployment rate went from 6% from the day he started to 10.7% after his tax cuts for the rich.

Ya, he was a true visionary.

This video shows people are dumb enough to listen to anything.



Engorged Member

Reagan wasn't much of a golfer, but he was an avid fan of astrology, and would frequently put-off major decisions until he had consulted with the stars. I love how the Right seizes on Obama's golf, when they totally ignored the Bush extended vacations at Crawford. If it wasn't the golf, it would be something else.

By the way, a round of golf takes about 3 hours, and probably less for BHO because he doesn't have to wait like a normal player.


golden ticket member
Reagan wasn't much of a golfer, but he was an avid fan of astrology, and would frequently put-off major decisions until he had consulted with the stars. I love how the Right seizes on Obama's golf, when they totally ignored the Bush extended vacations at Crawford. If it wasn't the golf, it would be something else.

By the way, a round of golf takes about 3 hours, and probably less for BHO because he doesn't have to wait like a normal player.
4 guys, 18 holes is quick at 4 hours!!