Reconfigurations, should it follow layoff language?


Well-Known Member
How are other locals doing it? Should reconfiguration replace lowest senior employee in the given shift that they're going to?


Well-Known Member
I think op is talking about reconfiguring 22.3 bid jobs. Let's say in clerk/air driver and the clerk work goes away they will usually reconfigure it to preload WAD/air driver.

I know layoff language states that the layoffs are to replace lowest senior employee in the shift. But for reconfiguring 22.3s, there's no language (at least I haven't seen any). For example, 22.3 taking a job that a P/T is currently doing based on Preferred Job list and then bumping off said P/T to another job.

Local union is giving conflicting answers and have been reconfiguring a ton of jobs. Not sure if by the book or due to convenience.



I know layoff language states that the layoffs are to replace lowest senior employee in the shift. But for reconfiguring 22.3s, there's no language (at least I haven't seen any). For example, 22.3 taking a job that a P/T is currently doing based on Preferred Job list and then bumping off said P/T to another job.

Local union is giving conflicting answers and have been reconfiguring a ton of jobs. Not sure if by the book or due to convenience.
This is something that’s needs to go up the chain and get a definitive answer


Well-Known Member
Just bump any lower in seniority What job did you get laid off from?
The question is can I bump a preferred job if that person is PT but is NOT the lowest in seniority on the sort. Lowest senior employees are all in unload and preload. A lot of us are scratching our head because it's not a layoff but reconfiguration. Layoffs are like the 22.4s who became RPCD and are now in the hub. Eventually they'll go back driving.
The question is can I bump a preferred job if that person is PT but is NOT the lowest in seniority on the sort. Lowest senior employees are all in unload and preload. A lot of us are scratching our head because it's not a layoff but reconfiguration. Layoffs are like the 22.4s who became RPCD and are now in the hub. Eventually they'll go back driving.
Does your supplement say that full-time employees seniority Trump's part-time seniority?


Marty Peters kid
Does your supplement say that full-time employees seniority Trump's part-time seniority?
The closures and layoffs are unprecedented...they need to take classification seniority out of the picture and use company seniority. If I want to bump a full time 22.3 and I have 20 more full time years than them then it should be allowed. Sorry but desperate times call for desperate measures IMO.


Well-Known Member
The closures and layoffs are unprecedented...they need to take classification seniority out of the picture and use company seniority. If I want to bump a full time 22.3 and I have 20 more full time years than them then it should be allowed. Sorry but desperate times call for desperate measures IMO.
Seniority rules and unfortunate for the junior member. The junior member can bid back when they get the seniority.


Well-Known Member
Does your supplement say that full-time employees seniority Trump's part-time seniority?
Full time combo employees have a bid job. If they want to work outside that bid job they can put their name on the Preferred Jobs List. However, they cannot bump existing PT employees that are currently doing the job. They can only do that job once there is an opening.


Well-Known Member
Seniority rules and unfortunate for the junior member. The junior member can bid back when they get the seniority.
Only applicable if there are layoffs and they need to get rid if employees. However if both employees are still working and no one is streeted, it must go by the bid. Just not sure about the reconfiguration. No one is being streeted they're just either moving them to a different sort or getting rid of their existing combo bid and making it something else.
Full time combo employees have a bid job. If they want to work outside that bid job they can put their name on the Preferred Jobs List. However, they cannot bump existing PT employees that are currently doing the job. They can only do that job once there is an opening.
That is why it's so hard to get an answer on here because every supplement is so different


Marty Peters kid
Seniority rules and unfortunate for the junior member. The junior member can bid back when they get the seniority.
Company seniority rules. Too many times brown tries to muck up things with all of this classification crap. Some locations don't have it...seems like the west has lots of it, like when you go into feeder you start over again for run bidding and vacations....STUPID!


Well-Known Member
Company seniority rules. Too many times brown tries to muck up things with all of this classification crap. Some locations don't have it...seems like the west has lots of it, like when you go into feeder you start over again for run bidding and vacations....STUPID!
I stopped worrying about it. After I hit thirty years I finally realized it’s all a joke. Just pay me and Im good


Marty Peters kid
I stopped worrying about it. After I hit thirty years I finally realized it’s all a joke. Just pay me and Im good
I'm right there with you...this is my last contract and im leaving...not working into my late 50's or 60's...I'm going to enjoy the last few years because they probably will go by super is life. Before we know it we're on our death beds.


Well-Known Member
That is why it's so hard to get an answer on here because every supplement is so different
Company seniority rules. Too many times brown tries to muck up things with all of this classification crap. Some locations don't have it...seems like the west has lots of it, like when you go into feeder you start over again for run bidding and vacations....STUPID!

So true. I can see how all these seniority rules benefit one party but screws over another. You can be a senior RPCD with 30 years but due to feeder starting seniority over, many senior RPCD will never go feeder despite wanting an easy job.

The problem with the West is that their decisions are never consistent which led me to ask on here. One day they'll rule one way then a couple BAs later they'll rule the opposite.
So true. I can see how all these seniority rules benefit one party but screws over another. You can be a senior RPCD with 30 years but due to feeder starting seniority over, many senior RPCD will never go feeder despite wanting an easy job.

The problem with the West is that their decisions are never consistent which led me to ask on here. One day they'll rule one way then a couple BAs later they'll rule the opposite.
Like I said before there are too many different supplements and too many different answers