Rolling trailers

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I guess this is why so many of our pickups are “temporarily” switching to the post office. But when you ask our supervisors they claim we are not behind anywhere but in select few hubs around the country. Meanwhile....The pick ups on my route have been sitting and accumulating for days because the post office either can’t get it all or just refuses to.


Well-Known Member
All vests are badass


The truth never changes.
I’ve got a buddy that’s supposed to be feeder coverage. Pick ups have been heavy so he hasn’t ran package in months. Working 70 hours every week.

sorts and feeders running 7 days per week and they still can’t come close to getting caught up.
Itll slow down in November.


The truth never changes.
A friend of mine lives fairly close to the riot area. He has sent me photos that are unbelievable. I heard that a MINMN package guy was trapped in his car and had to be escorted out of the area by police. Shortly after that, all cars were told to come in.

Wild times.

I cover feeder jobs that go to all 3 hubs.
We drive right thru the chaos like Moses at the sea.

Just put job applications in the windows.