Rumor?....or Fact?

Just curious if anyone else has heard this...or even seen it....cameras in the cab of package cars? Heard theyre coming,supposedly for "safety" concerns.Just wondering if anyone else has heard the rumors or has any info.I hope not for my sake,or picking my nose has just gotten a whole lot more complicated!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Somebody posted on here that they saw a camera on a backup monitor in a new package car. I had telematics installed in my car last week and didn't get an in cab camera.

The Blackadder

Are you not amused?
Ok lets say they put a carama in the cab. Then what?

What do they record it on a tape, computer chip?

DO they record the whole day or just a loop the will capture you if youhave an accident.
Or is it just going to take random pictures though the day?


Squeaky Wheel
Just curious if anyone else has heard this...or even seen it....cameras in the cab of package cars? Heard theyre coming,supposedly for "safety" concerns.Just wondering if anyone else has heard the rumors or has any info.I hope not for my sake,or picking my nose has just gotten a whole lot more complicated!

Just do like one guy says he does and put a booger on the camera every morning.


Master Loader
Careful upstate gave me bad rep for this comment.

Ok, how about this idea...

Take a piece of tape, cover the hole and mark it with a sharpie. At the end of the shift take it off. It probably drive maintenance crazy trying to fix the problem. If you get a ride along, then dont cover and mark it. I'd say its more of a reason to screw with the company as much as they screw with the rest of us.


Retired 23 years
I'm sure upstate takes pictures of himself all day long. Then sits down with the center manager when he gets done at 4:30 after skipping his break and shows his boss what a dedicated employee he is.


Squeaky Wheel
I'm sure upstate takes pictures of himself all day long. Then sits down with the center manager when he gets done at 4:30 after skipping his break and shows his boss what a dedicated employee he is.

Got it. Upstate = Socks and he blew it himself.


Squeaky Wheel
At least now the whole Hobbes thing makes sense.



The Nim
I hear they are being installed due to a road rage incident in the Orlando FL area.

Hey, we don't have road rage from UPS drivers in Orlando, it's further south in the Port St. Lucie area. I heard it was a nasty incident though. Guy ended up in the hospital from the beating too.


nations capital
Just curious if anyone else has heard this...or even seen it....cameras in the cab of package cars? Heard theyre coming,supposedly for "safety" concerns.Just wondering if anyone else has heard the rumors or has any info.I hope not for my sake,or picking my nose has just gotten a whole lot more complicated!

could care less, cameras or not.


Has A Large Member
Who ended up in the hospital? The driver or the person they fought with?
I like watching a good beating every now and then.

old levi's

blank space
Just curious if anyone else has heard this...or even seen it....cameras in the cab of package cars? Heard theyre coming,supposedly for "safety" concerns.Just wondering if anyone else has heard the rumors or has any info.I hope not for my sake,or picking my nose has just gotten a whole lot more complicated!

Already there! Every 3rd backup monitor has an internal camera viewing through the glass screen. Virtually undetectable.