Safety Compliance.


Well-Known Member
We had a serious injury in our center in late December.One of our drivers tripped over a golf bag pkg that was on the floor and fell towards the open bulkhead door.He cut his arm very badly to the bone the door opening of a P-800.Apparently, over the years, this opening gets pretty dang sharp.He required several surgeries and still has some numb feelings in his fingers....He will be out 3-6 months for sure......It's good to learn from other centers injuries...Just a thought..

Where I'm at, we also have trucks with the razor sharp edge where the bulk head door closes. We've not had cuts as bad as the one you described though. When someone writes it up in the DVIR, the mechanics will put a strip of duct tape over the sharp edge. It's funny how problems never actually get solved, just covered up.


To Endeavor To Persevere
We use to do that, too, but some didn't like bagels or it was the wrong kind of fruit and others ate breakfast and just what to get on road as fast as they could etc... So we bought a few pair of UPS socks for everyone, and really worked out good last quarter. Today we decided to get more socks for the ones that want them or a few pairs of those new gloves that they got out now.


We use to do that, too, but some didn't like bagels or it was the wrong kind of fruit and others ate breakfast and just what to get on road as fast as they could etc... So we bought a few pair of UPS socks for everyone, and really worked out good last quarter. Today we decided to get more socks for the ones that want them or a few pairs of those new gloves that they got out now.

All good ideas. We do the same with the socks, except you have to answer the questions right, in front of everyone. My manager started a good thing, but that faded when peak came around. He would take you to lunch, and you could give him all the answers over lunch.


Well-Known Member
They just cut back on the safety money they would give us. So it will take us twice as long to earn any "rewards." And socks seem to be the thing most people are happy to receive. When the bagels, fruit, etc. were given out on Friday mornings, boy would you hear the complaints about the preloaders getting the leftovers. My God, it got petty.

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
When in college one of my instructors was an Ex Commercial Pilot that just got tired of being a pilot. He said the worst part of being a pilot was, it was so boring. He told us that nothing ever happened, yet they prayed that nothing would ever happen.
He probably started flying in the military. There is a bit more excitement there. My father was a bombardier who flew in B 24s over Germany. It was far from boring.
There you go with the 3 pt seatbelt again !!!!!

Damn you soberups !!!!!!!:wink2:
He's right though. The company is spending big money on telemetrics, what does a seat belt cost? My face is too pretty to be planted in a windshield! :happy2:


He's right though. The company is spending big money on telemetrics, what does a seat belt cost? My face is too pretty to be planted in a windshield! :happy2:

Very good point, BigB, I'll follow up on this, as I'd hate to see your pretty face squished, like a Persian cat. No offense to you Persian cat lovers.

Also, these major things we're talking about, cannot be handled right here in the building. The big boys need to hear and see what we're talking about. I just happen to have the mouth and the visual effects to present such data. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
They just cut back on the safety money they would give us. So it will take us twice as long to earn any "rewards." And socks seem to be the thing most people are happy to receive. When the bagels, fruit, etc. were given out on Friday mornings, boy would you hear the complaints about the preloaders getting the leftovers. My God, it got petty.
Helen you don't need new socks. Just cut off the tops, enough so the brown shows and wear them over a good pair like thorlos.:happy2:


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Tip of my cap to your old man Big Baboo ,, a very brave man to go on a mission such as his & to help rid this world of NAZI SCUM !!!

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
True, but, it's better to learn about stuff like this before it happens. Hindsight is 20/20, ya know.

True.....The 20/20 would be pick up the golf bag pkg off floor and get it out of the way if possible...The other 20/20 would be a pkg car door jam inspection by mgt or the safty team..


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Until UPS takes a little work off of the cars,injuries will continue! People don't think clear when under as much pressure as they are in a pkg car. You can preach safety and put a flag or a piece of tape and a cone around anything,but it will not stop an accident like a freak thing with the golf bag !!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Also, these major things we're talking about, cannot be handled right here in the building. The big boys need to hear and see what we're talking about. I just happen to have the mouth and the visual effects to present such data. Thanks!

The "big boys" have been aware of the problems for years now, and have no intention of ever doing anything about them.

The "big boys" are the ones who originally made the business decision that the life of the driver was not worth the additional $40 expense of a 3-point belt. No offense to you, Steve, but nothing you say or do at this point is going to change their minds.

The ONLY way to force management to start making REAL to quit playing their compliance games altogether.

If every safety committee nationwide started networking and confronting UPS in a united manner, things could change. If the company wants to pass its Keter audits and avoid fines, then start putting the 3-point belts and power steering into the older cars. Cooperation with UPS's "safety programs" should be directly proportional to UPS's willingess to upgrade its older equipment. No seatbelts? No passing the tests. Pay to play, baby.

If a company has made a decision that your life isnt worth a $40 seat belt, I see little point in participating in a safety program whose only intention is to help that same company avoid being fined.

Until the safety committees become united and start confronting the company with threats of witholding participation, safety at UPS will begin and end with doughnuts, socks, word games and acronyms.


True.....The 20/20 would be pick up the golf bag pkg off floor and get it out of the way if possible...The other 20/20 would be a pkg car door jam inspection by mgt or the safty team..

The other 20/20, is making a nationwide decision, following what happened, to fix those sharp edges. I hear you guys, I know what you're saying. Here's what I think will work. When I find something that needs fixing, I will keep hounding MGMT, until it gets fixed, I'm good like that. As a matter of fact, just today, I noticed those same sharp edges in my own pkg car. I will be bringing this to MGMT's attention, right away.

Here's the reason you constantly hear about clearing your intersections. I passed this today on the way back to the center. Someone is not going home tonight. Someone from my own city. She was only 30 years old. As she was putting on her make up this morning, you think she envisioned her life ending today? How do you think her family feels at this moment?

Let me make this clear to everyone that reads this. This collision was avoidable! This woman did not have to die. Don't let this happen to you. Don't turn your nose up at safety initiatives. I don't care if UPS is just trying to cover their collective hiney. These safe methods work and can save your life. There's no hindsight in this situation, for this young lady. Use your methods, if not for them, use them for yourselves and your loved ones.:dissapointed:


15 more years of this!
True, but, it's better to learn about stuff like this before it happens. Hindsight is 20/20, ya know.
We had a driver cut his fingers on the same door edge, so bad he needed stitches. That was last summer. This past peak, it happened again, but not to a driver, it was one of our on-roads! Before I knew what had happened, I asked him if he got hurt at home, as no sup. ever gets hurt on the job! Boy did I get a dirty look! As far as I know, the door jambs are still razor sharp.


respect my authority
We had a driver cut his fingers on the same door edge, so bad he needed stitches. That was last summer. This past peak, it happened again, but not to a driver, it was one of our on-roads! Before I knew what had happened, I asked him if he got hurt at home, as no sup. ever gets hurt on the job! Boy did I get a dirty look! As far as I know, the door jambs are still razor sharp.

I heard about that, and i know who you are talking about,

im gladd you said that to him it's funny, he doesnt take jokes well.


respect my authority
Do our seat belts seriously meet the standards

i know this has been talked about meaning the 3-point harness.

but c'mon i would think if i offered to buy my own they should let me.

i'd feel much safer with one, pd over in maine did wells driver you no who i mean, did

he have 3-point when he was hit head on last week?

And i know if i offer to buy my own im letting them off hook, but they wont change them so why cant i buy my own?