Sarah Palin--Disagree must you Destroy ?



NO ONE is afraid of Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin is making herself "fodder" for jokes and attacks just by being in the limelight.


I agree with you. I just can't understand why she keeps getting these huge turnouts to buy her book. Oh thats right they're showing up in mass for free books. roflmao


Staff member
If you want to look for ethical heroes in politics, good luck. "Thanks but no thanks" was that time honored response to Washington that never really was uttered. A state more than happy to take government money and then act as though it hadn't. Sarah Palin attacking stimulus money? Ethical standard bearer? Kind of a stretch.


If you want to look for ethical heroes in politics, good luck. "Thanks but no thanks" was that time honored response to Washington that never really was uttered. A state more than happy to take government money and then act as though it hadn't. Sarah Palin attacking stimulus money? Ethical standard bearer? Kind of a stretch.

I guess its good to know in case she decides to run for office. In the meantime we got the present band of liar and thieves to deal with. Anything you would like to say on their behalf?


Well-Known Member
If you want to look for ethical heroes in politics, good luck. "Thanks but no thanks" was that time honored response to Washington that never really was uttered. A state more than happy to take government money and then act as though it hadn't. Sarah Palin attacking stimulus money? Ethical standard bearer? Kind of a stretch.

You see questioning a particular policy or spending as an ethical problem ???? Wheter people are for or against the spending I do not think disagreement is dishonesty.
Dishonesty is collecting a salary for a job you are not doing ----on this subject I believe she did the ethical thing. Also true Republican or Democrat or any Politician ---not too many heros.
My main point in this part of the thread ---Why is it so hard to give credit where credit is due. Palin could still be collecting a governors salary and running around the country selling her book --she decided not to do that.
This is why diesel 96 will not to this point answer the question.
To all fair minded hard working Americans --leave names out of it ---ANY politician that keeps a position and salary while not doing the job is flat out dishonest.
Common sense seems to disappear when we dig in so deep --right or left.
We cannot even see what is totally dishonest --if it is OUR side !!:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
Also --to clarify --you can easily object to stimulous money --but ethically accept it. You are not the person or party in control---if other options were open to stimulate the economy --Palin probably would have went a different direction. To temporarily keep cops ,firemen and teachers working --take the stimulous --although you know there were much better ways to keep things moving .
This is one of the problems the U.S. is facing ---no growth in the public sector --stimulous will run out ---then what ???

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You see questioning a particular policy or spending as an ethical problem ???? Wheter people are for or against the spending I do not think disagreement is dishonesty.
Dishonesty is collecting a salary for a job you are not doing ----on this subject I believe she did the ethical thing. Also true Republican or Democrat or any Politician ---not too many heros.
My main point in this part of the thread ---Why is it so hard to give credit where credit is due. Palin could still be collecting a governors salary and running around the country selling her book --she decided not to do that.
This is why diesel 96 will not to this point answer the question.
To all fair minded hard working Americans --leave names out of it ---ANY politician that keeps a position and salary while not doing the job is flat out dishonest.
Common sense seems to disappear when we dig in so deep --right or left.
We cannot even see what is totally dishonest --if it is OUR side !!:dissapointed:


the one thing you lose sight of in your opinion is the fact that Hillary already completed one term in the senate, completed a major university, is an established lawyer, has experience with most of the leaders in the world, understands the constitution, comprehends the way goverment works, knows all the senators and congressmen both former and current AND Sarah Palin DOES NOT.

Yes, Hillary ran for her second term claiming that she would complete her term, but it was HER CONSTITUENTS that encouraged her to run for president, so it does not matter what she promised.

If her voting base was behind her decision, then what does the promise matter?

In Sarah Palins case, she has accomplished nothing, she was a puppet of the right wing gas and oil machine in Alaska, she has no constitutional experience and lacks the basic knowledge of how it works.

When asked, she couldnt even explain how the constitution works in relation to congress.

While in office as governor, she was under investigation for MANY ethics violations. Some were begining to stick, and it was looking like there were more to come that would "damage" her in the future. Her "handlers" thought it best to have her quit and start a nationwide tour for 4 years while her popularity among republicans was hot.

She couldnt even be honest when she announced why she was leaving.

Instead of stepping up to the microphone and stating that she was quitting in 2 weeks, instead, she steps up and announces that she "will not run for re-election".

A play on words, deception 101, making the public, thru implication that something other than the truth was happening. She never stated that she was quitting, rather, she said she will turn over power to the Lt Governor to govern the state at the end of the month.

Obviously, if she said she was quitting, then running for re-election would be impossible, but those words were carefully crafted so guys like you would "MISS" the real issue.

So what is the "real" issue with her quitting? There are several, politically, she turned down stimulus money for the presidential election to appear as a fiscal conservative, yet, when she left, the first thing the Lt Governor did was OVERTURN that decision and TOOK the money.

Second, more serious ethics charges were coming, and the possibility of being removed as governor "loomed" in her future. To protect her political future, her handlers needed her to leave office and those charges would just go away, and they did.

Your opinion of "she quit because she didnt want to take money for a job she wasnt doing" is not accurate.

This is what "they" want you to think, and you bought it.

Sarah Palin has accomplished nothing in her career that qualifies her to be president. She is qualified to be mayor in a small country town of 6300 people however, even in that job she was not without controversy.

Wasilla, the meth capitol of Alaska, and if that wasnt bad enough, her own "family" is involved in the meth trade. Better yet, she hired a police chief she favored over the existing chief and he supports charging women with the costs of investigating a rape.

Rape charges: As mayor, Sarah Palin and co. wanted to make rape victims pay

By Molly Priesmeyer 9/9/08 1:15 PM
One of the most egregious outcomes of the Palin-as-celeb hysteria over the last two weeks has been the media assertion that she speaks for women, that she somehow is a “symbol” for the 21st Century neo-female. In fact, the anti-choice creationist is so far from this ideal by not only denying women the right to choice even as victims of rape, as mayor, she hired a police chief who supported charging victims of rape for the costs of investigating the crimes against them.

First reported by Americablog, in 2000, Wasilla police chief Charlie Fallon, whom Sarah Palin hired, opposed then-governor Tony Knowles signing of a bill that would make it illegal for charging rape victims for gathering evidence of a sexual assault. “We would never bill the victim of a burglary for fingerprinting and photographing the crime scene, or for the cost of gathering other evidence,” Knowles told the Alaska Paper, The Frontiersman, in 2000.
Yet Fannon, Palin’s hire, opposed the legislation, saying it required the city and communities to come up the funds for the forensic exams.The total cost to the city? Approximately $5,000 to $14,000, according to the paper. “In the past, we’ve charged the cost of exams to the victims insurance company when possible,” Fannon said. “I just don’t want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer.”
Sarah Palin, who is supposedly gathering momentum with women voters, has gone on record saying hiring Fannon was “the best decision [she] ever made.”

I think people should take the time to Re-think Sarah Palin before defending her on this board. Being attractive and professionally marketed to those inclined to be be de-void of facts will never get her elected.



Staff member
You see questioning a particular policy or spending as an ethical problem ???? Wheter people are for or against the spending I do not think disagreement is dishonesty.
Dishonesty is collecting a salary for a job you are not doing ----on this subject I believe she did the ethical thing. Also true Republican or Democrat or any Politician ---not too many heros.
My main point in this part of the thread ---Why is it so hard to give credit where credit is due. Palin could still be collecting a governors salary and running around the country selling her book --she decided not to do that.
This is why diesel 96 will not to this point answer the question.
To all fair minded hard working Americans --leave names out of it ---ANY politician that keeps a position and salary while not doing the job is flat out dishonest.
Common sense seems to disappear when we dig in so deep --right or left.
We cannot even see what is totally dishonest --if it is OUR side !!:dissapointed:
Because her ethics seem a ruse. They look like a noble smoke screen to get out of town, on Oprah, on a book tour and making real money. And don't get me wrong. I am a capitalist through and through. I love making money and I'm glad she's making money (even if it is more than I'll ever see :wink2:). Her move, it seems to me, was political and financial. I don't have a problem with that. Why does she?


Staff member
Also --to clarify --you can easily object to stimulous money --but ethically accept it. You are not the person or party in control---if other options were open to stimulate the economy --Palin probably would have went a different direction. To temporarily keep cops ,firemen and teachers working --take the stimulous --although you know there were much better ways to keep things moving .
This is one of the problems the U.S. is facing ---no growth in the public sector --stimulous will run out ---then what ???
Um, the "bridge to nowhere money" came before the election. Back when the Republicans were in power and there were no objections to taking the money. It just made good campaign speak.


Well-Known Member
:wink2:We seem to be beating a dead horse on this part of the thread. My point that any politician that resigns from an elected post should not be villified and labeled as a "quitter"
Mark my words--if the economy is in the same mess as it is today 20 months from now --and it most likely will be --Hillary Clinton will"Resign" from serving the country as Secretary of State to run against Obama.
We will hear from the Palin quitter crowd what a hero Hillary is --to step up and save our country. Believe me the palin quitters will be singing a different tune --is not so far fetched.Same scenario as Carter -Kennedy.
While Hillary is not elected to her present position --she QUIT--her elected position as Junior Senator from NY.
Main point --once you dig in so far --right or left ---impossible for you to use common sense to call it like it is. Major problem in U.S. today.
Silent Majority --just starting to wake up --presently we are controlled by the Right and Left Wackos----with only the Left wackos with the power.:sad-little:


Um, the "bridge to nowhere money" came before the election. Back when the Republicans were in power and there were no objections to taking the money. It just made good campaign speak.

The engineering and planning for the golden gate bridge started around 1916 and was completed in 1937. At the time someone could have labeled such a project as a bridge to nowhere. Did the need for a bridge to one part of san francisco justify such a huge expense. Any good public official knows the creation of bridges and highways in their state leads to further develepment and an increase of tax paying citizens. It pays for itself.

Nowhere becomes somewhere by building the bridge.

I'm more comfortable with the creation of infrastructure that promotes development then I am with building extra unneeded prisons or increasing the salaries of so many government workers when the rest of the country is getting their pay cut. As revealed in USA today:

For those who may not realize that there is a congress note that the article shows a president submitting and a congress approving the spending.
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Well-Known Member
:wink2:dIESEL 96,
I might have missed the answer because of all the hate B.S. As you would say --dude --simple question --simple answer ---Collect money for a job you were elected to do -----Knowingly full well that you LIED( no not talking about Bush) Hillary "I am not going to run for President --but when elected for a second term as junior Senator of NY -I will serve my full term"
Let me ask the question so a six year old could understand --no need for more liberal diatribe---Is it right to lie and collect a salary for a job while you do not do the job but rather campain for a different position.
A simple no this is wrong ----or yes I believe any politicians that do this are my heros !!!! Simple enough ---can any LIBERAL answer a direct question ???:sad-little:
Or should I take that "buying into that crap" --would mean that you agee --that is the HONEST AND BRAVE thing to do --do not quit ---just Lie ????

No --you are mistaken. The politician in the center of this thread did not do this.
Palin resigned for numerous reasons but as I pointed out --rather than collect the salary and not do the governors job --resigned --moved on --and let the Lt Gov run the state.
I am not sure what "thanks but no thanks " is intended to mean.
My beef is not with you --it is with the politicians that stay in office -do not do the job they were elected to do --campain for another position .
My Beef is also with people that repeat either Left or right talking points without using their own intelligence.
My simple question to diesel 96 --Is this practice that almost all politicians do ethical ?????

You see questioning a particular policy or spending as an ethical problem ???? Wheter people are for or against the spending I do not think disagreement is dishonesty.
Dishonesty is collecting a salary for a job you are not doing ----on this subject I believe she did the ethical thing. Also true Republican or Democrat or any Politician ---not too many heros.
My main point in this part of the thread ---Why is it so hard to give credit where credit is due. Palin could still be collecting a governors salary and running around the country selling her book --she decided not to do that.
This is why diesel 96 will not to this point answer the question.
To all fair minded hard working Americans --leave names out of it ---ANY politician that keeps a position and salary while not doing the job is flat out dishonest.
Common sense seems to disappear when we dig in so deep --right or left.
We cannot even see what is totally dishonest --if it is OUR side !!:dissapointed:

Island, I'm not avoiding you, I just don't spend as much time as you and Tieguy online.
First off ISLAND, Palin was collecting taxpayers dollars as a "Do-Nothing Governor" to begin with.She hardly earned her salary while she was home in Alaska before the RNC came knocking on the door.
And now you obsessively want to spin this honesty and bravery argument because she quit, and basically call all other politicians liars and dishonest because their constituency encourages and backs them to run for higher office.
Island, under your specifications, only CEO's, or rich unemployed saps would be qualified to run for high office, not the average Joe.
Anyway, after losing the election, Palin knew that going back to Alaska wasn't going to be fun, and that she'd face a lot of criticism. FYI, if you google Palin's gubernatorial accomplishments, she has introduced next to very little legislation compared to her predessor Murkowski — none that could be considered sweeping measures — and only one has made it into law.
Honesty and bravery ? Island, is that what you got out of Palin's resignation speech ? Was it just me, or did most of the country
recieve a lengthy political communication from her that explained nothing, clarified nothing, and expounded upon nothing, save for the fact that she speaks in riddles and koans. Watch it as many times as you like, you still come away feeling you've been treated to a cozy chat with the Mad Hatter. Oh! "The media is bad". "Those ethics complaints are expensive." "Alaska was a great idea." Put it all together and what do you get? A hockey Mom who has given us no sense whatsoever of what she's fighting for. America likes its politicians to communicate their ideas clearly. You will someday come to realize that while it's all well and good to be mavericky with one's policies, it's never smart to be mavericky with one's message. Palin's political skill lies in selling a persona but not a message. And in the end, this may explain why she quit.
I would buy the excuse that Palin wants to spend more time with her family, the stress and demands of children and a husband. I can buy that she wants to push her conservative agenda. I would buy that she thought that she could do more on a national scale because of her popularity and because of her massiah stature. But the lame-duck analogy, you don't do that. You don't quit the game. I wish that she could've been a better example for your daughter, Alaska's daughters, and all of America's daughters.


Well-Known Member
Palin is in Hawaii on vacation and she was spotted on the beach wearing a McCain sun visor with McCain blacked out. She also was wearing a t-shirt with " If you don't like this country get the hell Out" or something like that. What a Hillbilly that these morons would actually vote for president.
I feel sorry for McCain because he is a true patriot that made a bad choice for his running mate.


Staff member
The question is not whether the bridge was to nowhere or not. The point is that Palin used it as an example of a situation where she turned down federal dollars with "thanks but no thanks". A claim that with a little internet searching shows was never the case anyway.

Is it your position that lame duck politicians should always quit? Did Reagan? And even if you hold her quitting as being ethical and noble, do you then turn a blind eye to everything else (see above)?


Well-Known Member
The question is not whether the bridge was to nowhere or not. The point is that Palin used it as an example of a situation where she turned down federal dollars with "thanks but no thanks". A claim that with a little internet searching shows was never the case anyway.

Is it your position that lame duck politicians should always quit? Did Reagan? And even if you hold her quitting as being ethical and noble, do you then turn a blind eye to everything else (see above)?

My point was --as you had stated --All politicians do it .
Focus --I am not talking about how all of them lie to us ,bamboozle us,have their own protected health care while they ruin ours,spend our money with no concern on how we manage our home budgets, tell us they "serve" us --while they work a few hours a week--after one term are guaranteed full 100% retirement benefits--all retire with millions --take jobs with special interest groups ----no I am not talking about all that real B.S. from all politicians.
Focus: No matter who the politician is (forget Palin) To collect a salary such as Obama did for two years as Chicago Senator ---Yet full time campained for President ---I believe is flat out wrong.
For some in LA-LA land to say his Constituency made him run for President is lunacy. While I just used Obama as an example ----any politician that does this in my opinion is just DISHONEST.

Now bottom line --to bring it back to this thread.
I believe Sarah Palin will eventually run for President .
I believe she had valid reasons to turn the reigns over to the Lt.Gov.
A. The lawsuits being filed against her as Gov and the State of Alaska by the left were truly a major cost and distraction for the State.It was much better for the people of Alaska that she step aside.
B. I stated --she will run for office--She did the right thing to not collect a salary she was not earning.

This has been done before ----never have you heard the outcry of "Quitter" "Loser " Trampy Flight Attendant " ETC, ETC, ETC,
It is because she is a conservative woman who is a real threat to the secular progressive movement.



the one thing you lose sight of in your opinion is the fact that Hillary already completed one term in the senate, completed a major university, is an established lawyer, has experience with most of the leaders in the world, understands the constitution, comprehends the way goverment works, knows all the senators and congressmen both former and current AND Sarah Palin DOES NOT.

Yes, Hillary ran for her second term claiming that she would complete her term, but it was HER CONSTITUENTS that encouraged her to run for president, so it does not matter what she promised.

If her voting base was behind her decision, then what does the promise matter?

In Sarah Palins case, she has accomplished nothing, she was a puppet of the right wing gas and oil machine in Alaska, she has no constitutional experience and lacks the basic knowledge of how it works.

When asked, she couldnt even explain how the constitution works in relation to congress.

While in office as governor, she was under investigation for MANY ethics violations. Some were begining to stick, and it was looking like there were more to come that would "damage" her in the future. Her "handlers" thought it best to have her quit and start a nationwide tour for 4 years while her popularity among republicans was hot.

She couldnt even be honest when she announced why she was leaving.

Instead of stepping up to the microphone and stating that she was quitting in 2 weeks, instead, she steps up and announces that she "will not run for re-election".

A play on words, deception 101, making the public, thru implication that something other than the truth was happening. She never stated that she was quitting, rather, she said she will turn over power to the Lt Governor to govern the state at the end of the month.

Obviously, if she said she was quitting, then running for re-election would be impossible, but those words were carefully crafted so guys like you would "MISS" the real issue.

So what is the "real" issue with her quitting? There are several, politically, she turned down stimulus money for the presidential election to appear as a fiscal conservative, yet, when she left, the first thing the Lt Governor did was OVERTURN that decision and TOOK the money.

Second, more serious ethics charges were coming, and the possibility of being removed as governor "loomed" in her future. To protect her political future, her handlers needed her to leave office and those charges would just go away, and they did.

Your opinion of "she quit because she didnt want to take money for a job she wasnt doing" is not accurate.

This is what "they" want you to think, and you bought it.

Sarah Palin has accomplished nothing in her career that qualifies her to be president. She is qualified to be mayor in a small country town of 6300 people however, even in that job she was not without controversy.

Wasilla, the meth capitol of Alaska, and if that wasnt bad enough, her own "family" is involved in the meth trade. Better yet, she hired a police chief she favored over the existing chief and he supports charging women with the costs of investigating a rape.

Rape charges: As mayor, Sarah Palin and co. wanted to make rape victims pay

By Molly Priesmeyer 9/9/08 1:15 PM
One of the most egregious outcomes of the Palin-as-celeb hysteria over the last two weeks has been the media assertion that she speaks for women, that she somehow is a “symbol” for the 21st Century neo-female. In fact, the anti-choice creationist is so far from this ideal by not only denying women the right to choice even as victims of rape, as mayor, she hired a police chief who supported charging victims of rape for the costs of investigating the crimes against them.

First reported by Americablog, in 2000, Wasilla police chief Charlie Fallon, whom Sarah Palin hired, opposed then-governor Tony Knowles signing of a bill that would make it illegal for charging rape victims for gathering evidence of a sexual assault. “We would never bill the victim of a burglary for fingerprinting and photographing the crime scene, or for the cost of gathering other evidence,” Knowles told the Alaska Paper, The Frontiersman, in 2000.
Yet Fannon, Palin’s hire, opposed the legislation, saying it required the city and communities to come up the funds for the forensic exams.The total cost to the city? Approximately $5,000 to $14,000, according to the paper. “In the past, we’ve charged the cost of exams to the victims insurance company when possible,” Fannon said. “I just don’t want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer.”
Sarah Palin, who is supposedly gathering momentum with women voters, has gone on record saying hiring Fannon was “the best decision [she] ever made.”

I think people should take the time to Re-think Sarah Palin before defending her on this board. Being attractive and professionally marketed to those inclined to be be de-void of facts will never get her elected.


my my the liberals are scared of Palin.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
my my the liberals are scared of Palin.


the only fear rests with you my friend, the more you want to talk about PALIN, the more dirt that surfaces...

I will never accuse you of being politically informed, and your defense of Palin demonstrates where your level of understanding lies.



Palin is in Hawaii on vacation and she was spotted on the beach wearing a McCain sun visor with McCain blacked out.

and? There is a reason you felt the need to mention this?

She also was wearing a t-shirt with " If you don't like this country get the hell Out" or something like that.

oh my god a patriot with a sense of humor. Shoot her before she starts promoting a love for this country.

What a Hillbilly that these morons would actually vote for president.

Good gawd a commoner that might run for president. Don't we have any princes or dukes to nominate?

I feel sorry for McCain because he is a true patriot that made a bad choice for his running mate.

I feel sorry for all the liberals shivering in their beds scared to death of the Palin boogey woman.



The question is not whether the bridge was to nowhere or not. The point is that Palin used it as an example of a situation where she turned down federal dollars with "thanks but no thanks". A claim that with a little internet searching shows was never the case anyway.

my search of the internet shows she was for it and then later backed off and when public opinion went against it. Palin did not propose the bridge she supported it. Any governor with any sense would support any such improvements to their state. If she was a democratic governor she could now get her bridge with the stimulus money and no one would be the wiser.


Palin is in on vacation and she was spotted on the beach wearing a McCain sun visor with McCain blacked out. She also was wearing a t-shirt with " If you don't like this country get the hell Out" or something like that. What a Hillbilly that these morons would actually vote for president.
I feel sorry for McCain because he is a true patriot that made a bad choice for his running mate.

Rumor has it she's researching birht certificates.



golden ticket member
"I agree with her T-Shirt saying and would add...."If you can't speak the language, get out of the country!"

(Not voting Pailin for president.)