Saturday split loads


Well-Known Member
No because that's dumb.

If you have to go help someone you're either passing packages through other packages and that takes extra time, or you're doing it through your passenger door. Also, what if you have to get an extra pickup for someone? We had multiple cars today go sweep the same stop and they all came back completely full due to it. Imagine trying to unload that disaster without unloading Monday's stuff by accident.


Well-Known Member
My hub splits Saturday loads during peak, putting Monday volume on the back half and cramming the Saturday volume in the front.

Do other hubs do this?
The tried it a couple week ago at ours, I threw out everything that wasn’t part of the route. I could still not get through my truck. Stupidest thing I’ve seen.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I came in to help another center once and asked if I could just take the Monday stuff off. Said no. I used every last second of my 60 hours digging through that mess at every stop.


Well-Known Member
Some dude today had 360 stops and they had 4 other drivers meet him in the lot before they left. This of course makes more sense than splitting it into 2-3 routes.


Well-Known Member
Usually they do that here, but yesterday they decided not to separate, just mix them together. You can imagine how that turned out. Once last year they just told everybody to take out their own trucks, everything loaded with Monday's setup. That worked really well, so they stopped doing it.


Well-Known Member
I spent an extra hour just looking for the Saturday packages to deliver those first, as ordered, when I should have just blasted through the load and got it done in less time.

Good plan guys.

churn n’ burn

Well-Known Member
Absolute disaster. Loaded up my trip with businesses from a cut route. Bulk stops, all closed. Had no idea what I was even looking at. Followed EDD top to bottom, got all my residentials off. 4 pm rolls around, I get a message about sheeting businesses before 5. Out of 30 businesses, I attempted maybe 10, 1 was open. I wasn't going to make them all before 5, why even try, they're all closed. The rest I just sheeted in a parking lot and suddenly my day was much better.