Seasonal hire union member


Well-Known Member
There is no union rule stating dues don’t come out of check for 40 days, so I don’t know where you got your information from. I pay dues every paycheck...started with my first one.
At this point it doesnt matter. I'm almost certain I will be reimbursed when I get my withdrawl card after quitting unless im hit with some more bull.


My Senior Picture
I recently got hired a few weeks ago as a seasonal driver helper for UPS. I was also forced to join a union in order to be hired. Being in a union protects me from being fired without good reason, yet being a seasonal driver helper I can get fired on the spot for no reason at all. My term of employment will end most likely after Christmas, or a few weeks after. The union started taking money right away from me on my first check. Will the union be of any use to me or am I just being robbed and ask for a refund after my employment is terminated?
You are working in a union shop, making a union negotiated wage, therefore you absolutely should be paying monthly dues.

"Initiation fees" that's a different story in my opinion.

Rules reportedly vary from local to local for these seasonal and vacation replacement employees during these "free periods", but personally I feel if you never obtain seniority there is no reason for you to be "initiated"....anything more being more aptly termed as hazing.

....and we wonder why unions continue to hold a disfavorable public opinion???
How many tens, if not hundreds of thousands of college students (former helpers and season employees) take these misgivings with them when they matriculate into the work force?

In the end, learn how your local handles these periods and do what's best for you....which in my Local is to quit on your 29th day and apply for your "initiation fee" back, leaving UPS high and dry for the last couple weeks of Peak.

You are working in a union shop, making a union negotiated wage, therefore you absolutely should be paying monthly dues.

"Initiation fees" that's a different story in my opinion.

Rules reportedly vary from local to local for these seasonal and vacation replacement employees during these "free periods", but personally I feel if you never obtain seniority there is no reason for you to be "initiated"....anything more being more aptly termed as hazing.

....and we wonder why unions continue to hold a disfavorable public opinion???
How many tens, if not hundreds of thousands of college students (former helpers and season employees) take these misgivings with them when they matriculate into the work force?

In the end, learn how your local handles these periods and do what's best for you....which in my Local is to quit on your 29th day and apply for your "initiation fee" back, leaving UPS high and dry for the last couple weeks of Peak.


"Monthly dues" just like on my contract, not weekly. I dont even have a uniform, but they take dues out for that as well. No need to attack our millenials, its not their fault these old farts with seniority come out on top because they get to step all over the new recruits. Its no wonder UPS has so much trouble keeping seasonal hires longer than 3 days.


Staff member
"Monthly dues" just like on my contract, not weekly. I dont even have a uniform, but they take dues out for that as well. No need to attack our millenials, its not their fault these old farts with seniority come out on top because they get to step all over the new recruits. Its no wonder UPS has so much trouble keeping seasonal hires longer than 3 days.


Quit. You won't be missed.

Poop Head

Judge me.
"Monthly dues" just like on my contract, not weekly. I dont even have a uniform, but they take dues out for that as well. No need to attack our millenials, its not their fault these old farts with seniority come out on top because they get to step all over the new recruits. Its no wonder UPS has so much trouble keeping seasonal hires longer than 3 days.
Why not open your own package delivery company? Seems like you got it all figured out


Staff member
The millenials coming for your job old man

Oh for crying out loud, little boy. I've been retired for over five years. And trust me, you wouldn't have lasted a week in my job.

You were hired as a helper. You will be used and discarded. I don't feel you should be dunned for union dues or initiation fees, but those might be the local rules where you are. Deal with it.
Oh for crying out loud, little boy. I've been retired for over five years. And trust me, you wouldn't have lasted a week in my job.

You were hired as a helper. You will be used and discarded. I don't feel you should be dunned for union dues or initiation fees, but those might be the local rules where you are. Deal with it.

Where can I go get my four year degree like you so I can be qualified enough to replace the guy who replaced you? Oh wait...


Well-Known Member
I recently got hired a few weeks ago as a seasonal driver helper for UPS. I was also forced to join a union in order to be hired. Being in a union protects me from being fired without good reason, yet being a seasonal driver helper I can get fired on the spot for no reason at all. My term of employment will end most likely after Christmas, or a few weeks after. The union started taking money right away from me on my first check. Will the union be of any use to me or am I just being robbed and ask for a refund after my employment is terminated?

Don’t think they take dues from helpers here, that’s insane.
I think this guys a troll. He's a new seasonal hire and is talking about drivers and UPS like he's been here for a few years.
Your calling me the troll? I came here looking for answers and half the responses are trolls ripping on me. Most of my information I got from reading other threads. Yee-haw, theres gold in this here website!