seeing disturbing things while at stops


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The bear was taken away (turned out it was 2 years old and weighed less than 100 lbs) and the guy was sentenced to county jail for animal cruelty.

Instead of jail, it would be nice if the guy had to spend the days picking up litter by the side of the road in leg irons and an orange jumpsuit. And his nights should be spent....chained to a wall and forced to beg for food scraps from strangers.

There was a woman in our town who was cited for animal cruelty for leaving her dog in a hot car with the windows rolled up while she shopped. She went to trial, was found guilty, and the judge sentenced her to 2 hours in the back of a city patrol car...parked in the sunlight with the windows rolled July. Sentence to be served immediately under the supervision of a baliff. Unlike her dog, however, she was provided with a bottle of water.

Mike Hawk

Well-Known Member
Instead of jail, it would be nice if the guy had to spend the days picking up litter by the side of the road in leg irons and an orange jumpsuit. And his nights should be spent....chained to a wall and forced to beg for food scraps from strangers.

There was a woman in our town who was cited for animal cruelty for leaving her dog in a hot car with the windows rolled up while she shopped. She went to trial, was found guilty, and the judge sentenced her to 2 hours in the back of a city patrol car...parked in the sunlight with the windows rolled July. Sentence to be served immediately under the supervision of a baliff. Unlike her dog, however, she was provided with a bottle of water.
Judge Judy?


Not so much seeing,but have you ever noticed how every home has its own unique smell? I have one place I dread going,with sig req pkgs I try to hold my breath.Its some asian family that by the smell,survive on fish.
It smells like a whale beached itself in the living room.
And theres a business on my route that slices onions in this huge machine,they always get cod's so I'm stuck there awhile,it burns my eyes bad.
But then theres the nice smelling homes where I say MmMmMmMm something smells really good...Oh,I'm baking today,would you like a muffin and some cookies? Sure,I'd like that,where do you want me to put your package?:happy2:


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Not so much seeing,but have you ever noticed how every home has its own unique smell?

I like delivering to the low income housing where you go to the door, they open it, and you are greeted with the mingled aroma of Camel straights, stale beer and overflowing litter box. The curtains are drawn and it is dark, humid and horrid inside. Throw in a couple of dirty diapers and you are in for a truly eye-watering experience.


Well-Known Member
I made a delivery the other day at 1045 and i had the budweiser in hand.jk

But come on no one here has ever gone up a long driveway and got to the big picture window and seen anyone having sex right there.

I went home and tryed that position but my wife was as limber.

Im sure someone has seen that, at sometime in the history of ups.