snacks at the workplace


Staff member
"Preloaders are pretty much allowed to do anything they want in my center except give me a decent load..."

Big time! As long as they show up, they can do no wrong.

Shawn from Oregon

I saw your thread just recently and we are experiencing the same restrictive management techniques in the mental health ward that I work at as well. It is now been forbidden to eat snacks in the workplace nursing station, even though if we leave the unit as mandated, we put the other staff at risk, as there are not as many staff members to handle a situation. But a person does need to keep their blood sugar up during the day as situations arise. Does anyone here out of curiosity, know of any lawsuits or courtcases that have been filed by workers to be able to have food at work. I have heard of only one, but have yet to find a reference to it online. The workers in this oregon court case filed a lawsuit stating that they need to eat to keep blood sugar levels up. But I wondered if anyone else has heard of any cases (partcularly in oregon) where this has happened ?

Shawn from Oregon


Well-Known Member
Back when I unloaded dropframes I would take every Soda Bottle and all kinds of BS and send it up to the sorters. There were dozens.


Well-Known Member
Can someone please clarify if there is a rule that we are unable to have snacks while we are work. I can't seem to find any documentation that supports this new rule or is this rule for out hub only. This would include snacks brought from outside the building or purchased from machines from inside the hub. From my understanding if we are caught with food we are to dispose of it and will be issued a warning letter. In some cases people have to eat somthing because of certain health reasons or medications. Please advise if possible.

Not that I know of... You can walk down our belts and inside a package car a preloader has water/coke/gatorade along with a bag of chips/donuts/candy... Some supes are kind enough to run up to the break room to get preloaders a candy bar at times... During break the preload supe will have donuts for EVERYONE and with the center manager's approval McDonald's biscuits...

So I know of no rule that you mention...

Now they do frown upon trash going down the belts... We are all over 18 and able to take our trash to a trash can - and not leave in the back of a package car...


Well-Known Member
I don't think this was related to a trash issue. I believe it was a productivity reason. Who knows? My question would be when its a hot summer day are we going to be denied the ice machine and water? For productivity we have been eating and drinking for years. I would like to bring a holiday treat for the people in my department. But I'm not going though all that labor at home to be caught with it at work and told to dispose and receive a letter for being nice.

We have had belt parties during break where everyone brings a dish or cokes. A driver supe one time brought in two crock pots with chili and barbeque for the preloaders...


Well-Known Member
Thats the worst.....nothing like finding a yellow bottle of coke rolling around.
My current loader is addicted to pistacios and i have the shells all over.
Preloaders are pretty much allowed to do anything they want in my center except give me a decent load...

Have you come in a little early to show your preloader how you like your truck loaded? The best loads I have done are after the driver came in and showed me... FORGET THE PAL label - Put this stop here and this stop in a tote rear door right, etc... communication is the key


Well-Known Member
I saw your thread just recently and we are experiencing the same restrictive management techniques in the mental health ward that I work at as well. It is now been forbidden to eat snacks in the workplace nursing station, even though if we leave the unit as mandated, we put the other staff at risk, as there are not as many staff members to handle a situation. But a person does need to keep their blood sugar up during the day as situations arise. Does anyone here out of curiosity, know of any lawsuits or courtcases that have been filed by workers to be able to have food at work. I have heard of only one, but have yet to find a reference to it online. The workers in this oregon court case filed a lawsuit stating that they need to eat to keep blood sugar levels up. But I wondered if anyone else has heard of any cases (partcularly in oregon) where this has happened ?

Shawn from Oregon

Nope, not aware of any lawsuits, but here's my thoughts on your situation.

Are there any workplace issues on the West Coast that doesn't involve a lawsuit? Have smokers filed a lawsuit as they can't smoke in the workplace to satisfy a nicotine craving?

And the world knows smoking is not good for one's health, and I would imagine controlling your blood sugar may have an effect on a person's body as well.

Wouldn't life be easier, if when you take a break, go to a breakroom, get what you need to help your blood sugar and then head back to work? Or perhaps a piece of gum or mints to hold you over?

Here's a tip, keep a small bag of M&M's in your pocket, when the urge hits you, slip one of those in your mouth, and nobody should be the wiser that you are snacking at work. I've done that in meetings over the years, and have survived 8 hour meetings , without a snack buffet in front of me.

Keep us posted


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with the no snacks rule, We have break rooms for that. Also I remember all kinds of stuff going down the belts, how about chicken bones. ewww


Well-Known Member
Every few months we're told to pick up our trash, but we usually just throw it on a PD's belt, and the pickoffs just let it roll into the trailer on the end. I'm sure those buildings are flabbergasted by the amount of garbage they get in their trailers from our building.

The really big problem we had was with people and spitting their dip. On the sort aisle, people used to spit through the grating onto the floor below... where all the metro irregs were kept until preload. After some justified complaining about not wanting to handle boxes covered in dip spit, they said to bring bottles to spit in. People just spit on belts now... pretty gross.


Bringin Teh_Lulz
I have to agree with the no snacks rule, We have break rooms for that. Also I remember all kinds of stuff going down the belts, how about chicken bones. ewww

Couple years ago our primary sent 3 uneaten hotdogs to my department

ML not MoreLuck:thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
In Addison and I heard in Palatine, IL no more Monster energy drinks at all, UPS told the vending guys DO NOT stock them anymore....why? Who the hell knows....I bring my own from home


Strength through joy
Re: Trash

Let's not forget the parking lot. Why on earth would you clean out your car at work and dump your trash on the ground? One morning I came to work and the wind was really blowing. The fence on the far side was just covered with various drive thru wrappers. I wonder what our customers who use the counter think sometimes with all the litter blowing around.
You should see our parking lot after Friday night, cases of empty beer cans


Overworked & Underpaid
No snacks ha! what a joke we even have vending machines (which I'm sure the company gets a cut) and if that's not enough we have a microwave at the center plus a mini fridge. and when all else here comes good ole management with the notorious "thank you" donuts.:whiteflag: