So how much more or less did you get back this year in taxes from the Trump tax “cut”.....


Marty Peters kid
Mrs. Cold just got back our taxes this year and even with the child deduction doubling we still got back 1500 less than last year... and we claimed the same as last year. A quick google search reveals some of Trumps loyal followers are up in arms about the point where they aren’t going to vote him in next time.... I’m glad that I, along with most of you folks, subsidized tax breaks for Mega Corporations like UPS, ExxonMobile, Amazon, Apple, etc, etc... many who were sitting on billions of cash reserves anyway.... absolutely sickening!!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Include the extra in the paychecks in that total. Also, did you earn more this year?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Mrs. Cold just got back our taxes this year and even with the child deduction doubling we still got back 1500 less than last year... and we claimed the same as last year. A quick google search reveals some of Trumps loyal followers are up in arms about the point where they aren’t going to vote him in next time.... I’m glad that I, along with most of you folks, subsidized tax breaks for Mega Corporations like UPS, ExxonMobile, Amazon, Apple, etc, etc... many who were sitting on billions of cash reserves anyway.... absolutely sickening!!
Well just because you got less back doesn’t mean you paid more in taxes....


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
$1500 over 52 paychecks works out to around $28.

Chances are, the OP is doing better with the current tax plan.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Yeah. No. Not even close. I don’t make millions. I honestly think to be considered “rich” you better at least bring home a million or more.
You make a million in NY, Il, or NJ, and 60 percent of that is out the window. You try living on a measly 400k!


Fight the power.
Maxed out on write offs? I’m
Not sure that’s how that works. Lol
I did a quick google search. Looks like 3k is most you can claim on crypto losses.