Stocks/ computershare


Well-Known Member
I put $200 a week; is that a good idea?
In my opinion no. Volume is down costs are up. On the bright side you make more money that is why costs are up. You already have so much invested in UPS they provide your job, health care and pension. Diversify risk away by investing in non UPS stock. Plus if you put it in the 401 k the tax savings will be greater then the 5% discount on the stock.
In my opinion no. Volume is down costs are up. On the bright side you make more money that is why costs are up. You already have so much invested in UPS they provide your job, health care and pension. Diversify risk away by investing in non UPS stock. Plus if you put it in the 401 k the tax savings will be greater then the 5% discount on the stock.
Or since he is using after tax dollars anyways he could buy them in a Roth IRA and never have to pay taxes on any of it including the dividends.

Anyways congratulations for him saving so hard we have way too many drivers that live paycheck to paycheck
I started doing stock as well. Yes, the DESPP is the Discounted Employee Stock Purchase Plan. According to the Annual report pursuant to Section 13 and 15(d) - UPS, the company maintains an employee stock purchase plan for all eligible employees, which was modified in 2009. Under the modified plan, shares of UPS class A common stock may be purchased at quarterly intervals at 95% of the NYSE closing price of UPS class B common stock on the last day of each quarterly period.
Can you tell me how to set up the DESPP?
Hey folks, a little over a month ago I started up a stock account on computershare and elected $50 per paycheck and did the whole dividend reinvestment thing as well. I am seeing a $50 deduction from something called DESPP or something like that, that I assume is what I elected for my stock pull. Only thing is, is that I'm not seeing any money being added to my account nor any shares in my portfolio.
How do I go about setting this up to have it deducted from my paycheck every week?

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
Every year is harder to save since complacency sets in, not top rate yet. shutting down was not great, probably the best free finance tool people had and it's hard to adjust without.


Staff member
You don't need some outside tool to help you save
No, but it does help.

A lot of guys aren't used to being thrifty, and so seeing a breakdown and charts of exactly where there money is going is a good first step.

Most of these truck drivers would probably be shocked if they saw a monthly breakdown of what they spent on alcohol, say.

Baby steps to let them see how to do it.
Dave Ramsey is a good starter drug for figuring out finance, too.
No, but it does help.

A lot of guys aren't used to being thrifty, and so seeing a breakdown and charts of exactly where there money is going is a good first step.

Most of these truck drivers would probably be shocked if they saw a monthly breakdown of what they spent on alcohol, say.

Baby steps to let them see how to do it.
Dave Ramsey is a good starter drug for figuring out finance, too.
I've been working on my retirement budget I know what I spend on alcohol
25 years more for me