Storming the Capitol


I'm a star
It has been a nearly universal media narrative following the Capitol siege of January 6th: Donald Trump’s speech “incited” an insurrection.

The evidence, however, is piling up that no such thing could have occurred.

I just love the concept that an insurrection could ever even be a spur of the moment thing. It's as though people who believe that are not only idiots, they know they are idiots, are ok with that fact, and are actively trying to be bigger idiots.


Well-Known Member
Your complete lack of understanding history doesn’t apply to the conversation? Interesting argument.
Your using an obscure moment in history to justify a farce still doesn't apply. And in the greater context why can't you admit that your side has been grasping at straws for years trying to find a way to get Trump removed? Why? You admitted the other day that we had boom times under Trump. That should be a good thing but not to socialists who don't want to see a capitalist succeed. You're committed to your vision for the world and don't care about the terrible impoverishment it will cause countless millions as long as you get your way. You're infected with a terrible disease and don't realize it.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Your using an obscure moment in history to justify a farce still doesn't apply. And in the greater context why can't you admit that your side has been grasping at straws for years trying to find a way to get Trump removed? Why? You admitted the other day that we had boom times under Trump. That should be a good thing but not to socialists who don't want to see a capitalist succeed. You're committed to your vision for the world and don't care about the terrible impoverishment it will cause countless millions as long as you get your way. You're infected with a terrible disease and don't realize it.
Blah blah. Trump was removed by the voters and tried to stay in power by force. He should face consequences for that. It’s sad that you disagree.


Well-Known Member
It has been a nearly universal media narrative following the Capitol siege of January 6th: Donald Trump’s speech “incited” an insurrection.

The evidence, however, is piling up that no such thing could have occurred.
Kyle Becker says so? I guess it's over.

It's really sad you believe that fiction.


Well-Known Member
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
"Here’s a tip. When you tell tens of millions of people who worship you that you want to overthrow the government, some of them are going to believe you. And then the violence and vigilantism that mark Third World dictatorships will follow. The seventh House conspirator’s speech was interrupted by rioters who understood exactly what these traitors were calling for. They took them seriously and literally."

Tim Miller


Well-Known Member
this happened because of 40 years of privatization and cuts to govt services, outsourcing of jobs, deregulation, unaffordable housing, loss of democracy.


Well-Known Member
democrats like biden talk to about a pre trump return to normal.

they are either dishonest or dont understand it was the pre trump normal which gave us trump undoubtedly


Strength through joy
Trump's lawyers have sent a 14 page response to the charges that the Congress issued.
Freedom of Speech and lack of jurisdiction are just some of the points brought up.