Storming the Capitol

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
No it isn't, it's stronger if they can convict him of election fraud. But they can't because there was no fraud.

Give up your crackpot conspiracy theories Austin.
Prosecutors are aiming for the strongest possible case against the bigger players. Scott Hall was a minor player that they can are going to use to strengthen their overall case. It's the way this works. You know this. Stop the charade, DIDO.


Inordinately Right
Prosecutors are aiming for the strongest possible case against the bigger players. Scott Hall was a minor player that they can are going to use to strengthen their overall case.
So in your mind, the best way to strengthen their case that Trump orchestrated people to commit election fraud.... to choose not to convict those people of commiting election fraud.


Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
What wasn't he authorized to do?
"Hall was indicted on charges of helping employees of an electronic forensics company, SullivanStrickler, tamper with ballot markers and tabulating machines while inside the Coffee County elections office, according to the indictment.

The conspiracy charges covered election fraud, computer theft, invasion of privacy and defrauding the state.

Hall allegedly flew from DeKalb-Peachtree Airport to Douglas Municipal Airport in Coffee County on Jan. 7, 2021, to help with the unlawful breach of equipment, according to the indictment.

Hall also allegedly investigated potential election fraud contacting other co-defendants, including former assistant attorney general Jeffrey Clark and Robert Cheeley, according to the indictment."
Hall wasn't authorized to do what he has done. He's not a Coffee County elections worker, to start with.


Well-Known Member
"Looking at election results" is not exactly what this guy was doing. He broke the law in the manner in which he conducted himself. He wasn't authorized to do what he did. This is a fact.
No it's not a fact. If it was a fact there would be no need for a trial. That's it in a nutshell, you've already determined the facts, tried and convicted him in your mind. And it's not for nothing that all these cases are being tried in mostly Democrat districts. We're supposed to have impartial juries but it's likely he stands little chance of not being convicted in most of these cases no matter what the facts are. He's being railroaded, and you Trump haters are gleefully cheering it on. At this point best Republicans can hope for is he's reelected so he can pardon himself of any Federal charges/convictions. The state of Georgia charges will likely go away on appeal. Y'all keep screaming about how can anyone vote for someone with 91 charges against him. They're bogus charges, and Trump is still a million times better as chief executive than the group behind Biden currently running the country.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Hall was indicted last month in connection with the breach of sensitive voting data in Coffee County in South Georgia on Jan. 7, 2021. He had been charged with racketeering and six felony counts of conspiracy.

Hall could be called to testify against Powell, whom prosecutors allege paid for the Coffee County trip as the Trump campaign sought evidence to support its claims of voter fraud.

Hall isn’t as well know as some of the other Trump co-defendants, but he played a wide-ranging role in efforts to subvert the 2020 election results in Georgia. Early in January 2021, he called Justice Department lawyer Jeffrey Clark, who was also indicted in the Trump case, and they talked for 63 minutes about the presidential election “in furtherance of the conspiracy,” according to the 98-page Fulton indictment.

Prosecutors said Friday that Hall chartered the plane which flew Trump allies and a team of computer analysts to Coffee County, some 200 miles southeast of Atlanta. The group spent hours at the county election office and copied Georgia’s statewide voting system software, which is supposed to be kept secure by election officials.

They also took official ballots outside of the polling place in violation of Georgia law, according to the indictment.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
No you said he was charged with "tampering", yet you're claiming that he didn't do that to try to verify election results.

So explain, in your conspiracy theory, why was he actually trying to look at the election results?
The reporting said that the prosecution said he was tampering with the election equipment, ballots, etc. I'm not saying anything that the reporting on this matter isn't saying.


Inordinately Right
No you said he was charged with "tampering", yet you're claiming that he didn't do that to try to verify election results.

So explain, in your conspiracy theory, why was he actually trying to look at the election results?
The reporting said that the prosecutor's said he was tampering with the election equipment, ballots, etc.
So you have no idea how unauthorized access to the election results is actually election fraud, and they didn't present any evidence that it's election fraud, or convict him of election fraud.....

...yet you think this is election fraud and it "strengthens" their case against others for election fraud.

In other words, you believe a ridiculous conspiracy theory without proof. Typical for you BlueAnon'ers.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
So you have no idea how unauthorized access to the election results is actually election fraud, and they didn't present any evidence that it's election fraud, or convict him of election fraud.....

...yet you think this is election fraud and it "strengthens" their case against others for election fraud.

In other words, you believe a ridiculous conspiracy theory without proof. Typical for you BlueAnon'ers.
They wouldn’t pursue Scott Hall if they didn’t believe it doesn’t advance their case of securing convictions against Giuliani and Trump.

This is the Fulton County’s RICO case. Not my theory.


Inordinately Right
They wouldn’t pursue Scott Hall if they didn’t believe it doesn’t advance their case of securing convictions against Giuliani and Trump.
They didn't convict him of election fraud because there was no fraud. That doesn't help their case, it just shows its weakness.

I really feel sorry for the sheep who have been tricked into this conspiracy theory that Trump committed election fraud.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
They didn't convict him of election fraud because there was no fraud. That doesn't help their case, it just shows its weakness.

I really feel sorry for the sheep who have been tricked into this conspiracy theory that Trump committed election fraud.
You’ve clearly made up your mind about this case. Would any evidence or convictions be able to change your mind?