Tax Reform


Staff member
Can you bogart a bong?
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Well-Known Member
You don't need a super majority to pass a bill in the house. The GOP can't even do that much.

Are you undermining the democrat narrative that they couldn't get anything done because of the republicans, especially when the republicans were the minority?

The democrats not unlike the republicans, never had any intention of fulfilling the things they said they would and true to form they haven't. Again just like republicans.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Are you undermining the democrat narrative that they couldn't get anything done because of the republicans, especially when the republicans were the minority?

The democrats not unlike the republicans, never had any intention of fulfilling the things they said they would and true to form they haven't. Again just like republicans.
The republicans took the majority in the house in 2008. Before that the democrats passed the ACA, a rather substantial law. After that republicans made it a point to not cooperate on anything. It was their stated goal to oppose everything put forth. When democrats held the house and the White House they passed bills. Pelosi whipped the votes. Ryan couldn't do the same.


Staff member
Are you undermining the democrat narrative that they couldn't get anything done because of the republicans, especially when the republicans were the minority?

The democrats not unlike the republicans, never had any intention of fulfilling the things they said they would and true to form they haven't. Again just like republicans.
Not sure if I would say that. I think the democrats want single payer and if the republicans do nothing, that reality comes much closer.


Nine Lives
The republicans took the majority in the house in 2008. Before that the democrats passed the ACA, a rather substantial law. After that republicans made it a point to not cooperate on anything. It was their stated goal to oppose everything put forth. When democrats held the house and the White House they passed bills.
Pelosi whipped the votes. Ryan couldn't do the same.
Democrats = Sheeple
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Well-Known Member
Not sure if I would say that. I think the democrats want single payer and if the republicans do nothing, that reality comes much closer.

If the republicans block it as you say, there will still be no single payer as the democratic party will come out of the bullpen and save the win against single payer. Don't confuse what many on mainstreet want with what the ruling class will actually give.

From the Democratic Party Platform Committee voting on single payer!



Well-Known Member
The republicans took the majority in the house in 2008. Before that the democrats passed the ACA, a rather substantial law. After that republicans made it a point to not cooperate on anything. It was their stated goal to oppose everything put forth. When democrats held the house and the White House they passed bills. Pelosi whipped the votes. Ryan couldn't do the same.

See my response to bbsam, specifically the video. Just as good average folk think the republican party is one thing while being another, many good honest average folk think similar of the democratic party but when you look behind the curtail of either one, you begin to see an entirely different picture. The republicans ham strung and sunk Ron Paul just as the democrats ham strung and sunk Bernie Sanders and even Dennis Kucinich in 2012'.

Main street regardless of ideology is on a very different trajectory than Capital Street and its partners on Wall Street and K Street.


Staff member
If the republicans block it as you say, there will still be no single payer as the democratic party will come out of the bullpen and save the win against single payer. Don't confuse what many on mainstreet want with what the ruling class will actually give.

From the Democratic Party Platform Committee voting on single payer!

All in good time.


Well-Known Member
All in good time.

Conservative/Republicans have been telling themselves the same thing too. Thus the very nature of politics itself.

If it does come about which I do think it possible (but then so are other things too), it won't come within the present 2 party political structure. It will come from with out. I look for political clout to grow and for some form of single payer to take place locally and then grow from there. Not unlike the marijuana debate. But I also wouldn't be surprised at other healthcare options to begin to emerge on a local scene and then we'll see what happens from there.

The more options, the more I like as that is free market. ;)


Well-Known Member
Both parties talk about tax reform. Problem is with both parties, their ideas of reform is just shifting the burden as to who will pay.

And so far regardless which plan, the working class ultimately will end up shouldering the burden. Them and the unborn 4 generations out who are handed a debt payment book even before emerging from the birth canal.

The tax system in itself picks winners and losers.


Well-Known Member
The republicans took the majority in the house in 2008. Before that the democrats passed the ACA, a rather substantial law. After that republicans made it a point to not cooperate on anything. It was their stated goal to oppose everything put forth. When democrats held the house and the White House they passed bills. Pelosi whipped the votes. Ryan couldn't do the same.

you rewriting history again? Think man think what year was the guy you worship every night elected president?


Well-Known Member
Democrats = Sheeple

some truth to that . The republican party with all its faults at least has different factions that will stand up for their principles. The democrats are actually lockstep on all issues. should they actually fraction off; our congress would be forced to build alliances to get anything done. not saying they would


Nine Lives
some truth to that . The republican party with all its faults at least has different factions that will stand up for their principles. The democrats are actually lockstep on all issues. should they actually fraction off; our congress would be forced to build alliances to get anything done. not saying they would
There use to be Dozens of Blue Dog Democrats (BDD) that I related to.
I think there are 18 now officially, although a few of those are really just Centrist.
One is the Rep for where my mountain house is in Western NC.
These people are the elected politicians I relate to the most. o_O

This is one remark I remember from a BDD, "Work hard, help others, use common sense, and don’t spend money you don’t have."
This is pretty close to how I try and live my life.


Nine Lives
There use to be Dozens of Blue Dog Democrats (BDD) that I related to.
I think there are 18 now officially, although a few of those are really just Centrist.
One is the Rep for where my mountain house is in Western NC.
These people are the elected politicians I relate to the most. o_O

This is one remark I remember from a BDD, "Work hard, help others, use common sense, and don’t spend money you don’t have."
This is pretty close to how I try and live my life.
After some further investigation, most of these Blue Dogs were unseated by Republicans. There is no party for Centrists anymore.


Nine Lives which point he began showing the nation exactly what "unfit to serve" really means.
At least he is entertaining.
I'm not sure there are any politicians in DC that are 'fit to serve'.
Like they told me at UPS (and Rod's supervisor), "You have to work with what you got".