Teamsters endorse Joe Biden??


Well-Known Member
Social unrest is trumps campaign strategy. He is sending out his militias to agitate peaceful protesters into violence. Look at the thugs who were shot in Kenosha. All trump supporters shot by another trump supporter. You can't make this stuff up.
Was that Trumps folks attacking People leaving the RNC last night? How many times have you seen “Trumps” people get in people’s face as they eat Dinner. Just wondering...


Well-Known Member
not really true.

democrats have turned their backs on labour since bill clinton maybe before then.
Oh good to know. This information is so useful, thank you so much. Before Clinton? WOW like Carter? Damn peanut farmer wants to take away my job.


Well-Known Member
Was that Trumps folks attacking People leaving the RNC last night? How many times have you seen “Trumps” people get in people’s face as they eat Dinner. Just wondering...


Well-Known Member
Really? That is weak. Look at the Videos. You won’t see it on CNN. Again, show me where Trump supporters attack a Senator or other Official in the streets. Even Black Republican’s are called “Uncle Tom’s”...


Well-Known Member
Oh good to know. This information is so useful, thank you so much. Before Clinton? WOW like Carter? Damn peanut farmer wants to take away my job.
clinton was NAFTA, destroyed welfare for single mothers, deregulated banks leading to 2008, deregulated media monopolies, expanded prison population. he raised corporate dollars on par against republicans never done before. im not sure about carter, part of business attack on democracy that was full force under reagan started last 2 years of carter.


Well-Known Member
clinton was NAFTA, destroyed welfare for single mothers, deregulated banks leading to 2008, deregulated media monopolies, expanded prison population. he raised corporate dollars on par against republicans never done before. im not sure about carter, part of business attack on democracy that was full force under reagan started last 2 years of carter.
You have a mouth and an :censored2:. Every few years you get spun around for the other party. This is how the system works for the working class.

Trailer monkey

Well-Known Member
Democrats have no interest in Unions anymore. Our own Union turned its back on the largest membership, the people that keep the Teamsters doors open, and you think Trump is the enemy?
Democrats do not push so-called Right to Work laws, Democratic Presidents do not pack the NLRB with anti-union corporate lawyers, Democrats are not trying to destroy prevailing wage laws, gut OSHA, wage and hour enforcement and every other workplace protection. The only workplace right Republicans believe workers should have is the right to be a freeloading scab


Well-Known Member
WTH!! Teamsters said the executive advisory board voted unanimously, I’d like to know how the members voted. I think that would tell a different story.

First of all, Trump is actually a Populist in Republican's clothing. He simply hijacked the party that he felt could further his goals and that of his close enablers not to mention friends in big business and Wall Street. Second, Trump is the worlds best conman of all times and will do ANYTHING to feed is bottomless pit of an ego with his narcissism. Trump would absolutely eliminate ALL UNIONS if they stood in his way in any manner.

If you don't think that Trump is going to adversely affect your Union job if elected again, you know nothing about Trump or Union history. ANYONE or ANY GROUP will feel the wrath of Trump if you don't agree and adore him. Just look how he tweeted to boycott GoodYear. Do you think he would have any problem telling people to boycott UPS especially now that the Teamsters are supporting Biden?

Without being too disparaging..... a few lines from an article on the Internet regarding many of Trump's supporters....

"During the 2016 election, Donald Trump famously proclaimed "I love the poorly educated!" Well, if "poorly educated" is a euphemism for "cognitively challenged," new research finds they loved him right back."


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
You are not being disparaging...You just drank the Kool-Aid...Brother...

and to clarify things it was the "Teamster's Leadership" that is supporting Biden...the actual membership not so...


Inordinately Right
You are not being disparaging...You just drank the Kool-Aid...Brother...

and to clarify things it was the "Teamster's Leadership" that is supporting Biden...the actual membership not so...
Wait you mean union police officers, miners, and frackers don't want their jobs eliminated? You mean well paid union workers don't want our country flooded with low paid immigrants to replace them? You mean union members don't want their great healthcare replaced with a government run program?

But but but, the republicans are evil!