Teamsters endorse Joe Biden??


Inordinately Right
We're a screwed if the Democrats get into office
Biden reversing Trump's tax cuts would definitely make an already overdue correction worse. Valuations are high, it's a long way down to fundamental support levels.

Probably gonna see a lot of volatility around election time. Hopefully some good opportunities to drop extra cash into the IRA's.


Well-Known Member
Biden reversing Trump's tax cuts would definitely make an already overdue correction worse. Valuations are high, it's a long way down to fundamental support levels.

Probably gonna see a lot of volatility around election time. Hopefully some good opportunities to drop extra cash into the IRA's.
What tax cuts?


Except your criticisms are factually incorrect.
You obviously can’t except fact. Considering what I mentioned is on video. You forgot about that? Kind of hard to argue when you see it in front of your face. But then there’s people like you that lie and say”no it’s factual incorrect. You didn’t see that or hear that.”


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier

Unions do have a problem...last year only 10.3 % of the total workforce belongs to a Union...Back in l983 when Reagan was in office it was at 20.1%. Do the math and see were we are heading, the commentators did mention that Reagan was the last Republican president that actually won over 50 % of the Union vote when it meant something. There is a problem and it starts at home, look at the heads of these major Unions and what do you there any hint of diversity or is it still the Good Old Boys Club, in my over 4 decades of Union membership in my local I just remember having one woman as a business agent and she did not last the term and best yet one African American BA.

Unions have to clean house bottom line before throwing bricks at anybody, I read somewhere that the AFL-CIO was contemplating separating themselves from the Police Unions, I believe that the Teamsters had a disagreement with them in the past and left. In the clip it was never mentioned that a 350,000 body on law Enforcement are in a collective bargaining unit, why is that?

I have seen how the International (really supports this Biden/Harris ticket)..(token at best)..They just held their noses and picked who they precede would benefit their membership. Hoffa is a lame duck, retiring at the end of 2021 after the election, his history of what his leadership has done in the last 20+ years is well documented. Do you really think that the membership is going to follow him hook, line and sinker particularly with the Democratic platform that will eliminate blue collar jobs, socialize Health and Welfare coverages and risk their retirement plans? Think again...

Face it Trump is not worried about these Union Leadership's statements he knows he as their base, Obama when he was in office also saw the disconnect between our Leadership and it's own members and ignored their opinions. Remember the fact that WE pay these Union Officials salaries through our dues, they work for us, not us for them. Why did they not solicit a vote by it's own membership on who we want to support in this coming election, for an answer just look at the last contract vote and the over 50% participation clause. They do not care, because they know what is best for the membership and we should be all like sheep and just follow...

Unions do have a problem...last year only 10.3 % of the total workforce belongs to a Union...Back in l983 when Reagan was in office it was at 20.1%. Do the math and see were we are heading, the commentators did mention that Reagan was the last Republican president that actually won over 50 % of the Union vote when it meant something. There is a problem and it starts at home, look at the heads of these major Unions and what do you there any hint of diversity or is it still the Good Old Boys Club, in my over 4 decades of Union membership in my local I just remember having one woman as a business agent and she did not last the term and best yet one African American BA.

Unions have to clean house bottom line before throwing bricks at anybody, I read somewhere that the AFL-CIO was contemplating separating themselves from the Police Unions, I believe that the Teamsters had a disagreement with them in the past and left. In the clip it was never mentioned that a 350,000 body on law Enforcement are in a collective bargaining unit, why is that?

I have seen how the International (really supports this Biden/Harris ticket)..(token at best)..They just held their noses and picked who they precede would benefit their membership. Hoffa is a lame duck, retiring at the end of 2021 after the election, his history of what his leadership has done in the last 20+ years is well documented. Do you really think that the membership is going to follow him hook, line and sinker particularly with the Democratic platform that will eliminate blue collar jobs, socialize Health and Welfare coverages and risk their retirement plans? Think again...

Face it Trump is not worried about these Union Leadership's statements he knows he as their base, Obama when he was in office also saw the disconnect between our Leadership and it's own members and ignored their opinions. Remember the fact that WE pay these Union Officials salaries through our dues, they work for us, not us for them. Why did they not solicit a vote by it's own membership on who we want to support in this coming election, for an answer just look at the last contract vote and the over 50% participation clause. They do not care, because they know what is best for the membership and we should be all like sheep and just follow...

You sound like a trump supporter that assumes too much. Republicans for the last 40 years have tried to destroy Unions in this country and the working class. With much success.


Inordinately Right
You sound like a trump supporter that assumes too much. Republicans for the last 40 years have tried to destroy Unions in this country and the working class. With much success.
Biden has been in office for that entire time and done nothing for unions. Only a sucker would vote for him thinking he would do anything now.

It is a non issue when choosing who to vote for.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Unions do have a problem...last year only 10.3 % of the total workforce belongs to a Union...Back in l983 when Reagan was in office it was at 20.1%. Do the math and see were we are heading, the commentators did mention that Reagan was the last Republican president that actually won over 50 % of the Union vote when it meant something. There is a problem and it starts at home, look at the heads of these major Unions and what do you there any hint of diversity or is it still the Good Old Boys Club, in my over 4 decades of Union membership in my local I just remember having one woman as a business agent and she did not last the term and best yet one African American BA.

Unions have to clean house bottom line before throwing bricks at anybody, I read somewhere that the AFL-CIO was contemplating separating themselves from the Police Unions, I believe that the Teamsters had a disagreement with them in the past and left. In the clip it was never mentioned that a 350,000 body on law Enforcement are in a collective bargaining unit, why is that?

I have seen how the International (really supports this Biden/Harris ticket)..(token at best)..They just held their noses and picked who they precede would benefit their membership. Hoffa is a lame duck, retiring at the end of 2021 after the election, his history of what his leadership has done in the last 20+ years is well documented. Do you really think that the membership is going to follow him hook, line and sinker particularly with the Democratic platform that will eliminate blue collar jobs, socialize Health and Welfare coverages and risk their retirement plans? Think again...

Face it Trump is not worried about these Union Leadership's statements he knows he as their base, Obama when he was in office also saw the disconnect between our Leadership and it's own members and ignored their opinions. Remember the fact that WE pay these Union Officials salaries through our dues, they work for us, not us for them. Why did they not solicit a vote by it's own membership on who we want to support in this coming election, for an answer just look at the last contract vote and the over 50% participation clause. They do not care, because they know what is best for the membership and we should be all like sheep and just follow...


especially when, since Clinton, Democrats have adopted Third Way economic policy under the veneer of hard liberal identity politics. I mean, I can count on Democrats to not seat Union-hating federal judges, but those are the same judges that would take my AR-15. Biden was faced with this question at a UAW auto plant and just said “vote for somebody else” and walked away. Way to win over blue collar working men.