Teamsters endorse Joe Biden??

I will try to break it down to you why a vast majority of UPS Teamsters will vote for Trump come November 3rd:

a. Your first sentence is absolutely correct, somehow Trump relates to the American blue collar workers even though he is and has been a multi-billionaire most of life. The zeal on display at his appearance is real and authentic, his opponent not so much (FACT) even if it is downplayed in most of the media. He is a great entertainer and has a comedic wit about him and can make fun of himself when he lets his guard down, Biden is as dry as toast and when he cracks a joke or kids around he generally puts his foot in his mouth.

b. He has appointed conservative people to the courts and the NLRB...true...But considering the eight whole years under the Obama and Biden administrations the Union Membership has done better under the four years that Trump started to work the economy. Corporations and unfortunately foreign interests were running amok during the Clinton, Bush and Obama terms are still rooted in our power structures that make U.S. Policies. Trump for his part really has tried to "Drain the Swamp", his appeal also is he did not have to run for office he was already a made man. The richest first term president in U.S. History, he could not be bought. Now compared that to Biden's 47 years in office and his still unanswered questioning about his influence with his son over China and now Russian operatives.

c. Your statement about the progressive wing swaying Biden is absolutely true, if Biden gets in he will have to return favors to the base that got him his votes and that will not be the blue collar union folk. There will be a list a mile long of campaign promises that will not happen, he is trying to buy or appeal to middle America by verbally appeasing or lying much in the lines of his statements about the minority voters promising things that he has no control over. Watch the Pence/Harris debates again...Bold face lies and unanswered or dodging questions occupies the Democratic platform. (You are entitled to your opinions but do not state them as FACTS)...

d. Trump is a wild card..that is part of his strength...We already have four years of him and we know the man, his weaknesses and his strengths already. Biden we still are not sure of even with his nearly 50 years in politics, really he has never been a LEADER and alway has been a second banana and follower. That is why Obama picked him.
Kamala is waiting in the wings and we all saw how she did at the debates, she is smart but was totally outclassed and out debated by Pence, even if a million flies landed on his hair. She is not ready yet for prime time and if she gets into the top spot, she will be eaten alive by our adversities on the world stage. If you think racism/sexism is a problem in the United States, wait till you go overseas...(Major Problems)..Most of these world leaders will take one look at her and dismiss her primarily because she is a woman. Also Trump's history of being a "Wild Card" serves him well with our world enemies..see what is happening on the foreign front. Has anybody noticed how quiet it has become, makes you wonder why our life long enemies are behaving themselves during this election cycle. In my opinion they want Biden in office and will not start something till after the election, they know if they happen to push the envelope, Trump would be more than willing to respond and fully understand that their best approach is to let the American public to vote in a weak, hesitant, known and possible bought out, payed for Commander in Chief...

e. Your last statement is true, so you must be talking about Biden...Because the only side without a sense of humor are the Democrats or leftists (see "a"). They are too much into themselves and will not see any irony in any situation, watch CNN sometimes and compare it to FOX's "The Five" as an example.

Vast majority of Teamsters are voting for trump? LOL. Right now the vast majority of Republicans are not voting for trump.

Deleted member 83221

The Teamsters has decided to support Biden. Therefore if you’re a Teamster you must vote Biden. It’s all very simple. If you vote Trump you’re voting against the Teamsters.
Not to mention you are supporting the super rich and helping them get more tax breaks. Anyone who thinks Trump is the workers champion has drunk to much koolaid. The only way workers are strong is through unions.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Not to mention you are supporting the super rich and helping them get more tax breaks. Anyone who thinks Trump is the workers champion has drunk to much koolaid. The only way workers are strong is through unions.

There are probably more super rich on the liberal democratic base than on the republicans (Bill Gates have you ever hear of him)...They can find loopholes and tax shelters no matter how much Biden raises the corporate tax structures..The Middle Class and lower income brackets will be most hurt if it becomes too pricey for corporations to do business in the States.."The only way workers are strong is through (Strong) unions." We are only strong when we put strong leadership in power, 2021 will be on us soon and we will have a change in the teamster's leadership no matter who wins. Is it going to be like the "Baba O'Riley" lyrics by (The Who).."Meet the new boss same as the old Boss" or will be real change that will produce a better voter turnout than less than 20 % or our membership because 80 % do not give a rip about who's in office...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Ok belt supe
Power to the Capitalist Class. The prevailing market rate wage for similar labor is substantially lower than what UPS has to pay. The owner's deserve higher return's. Without the socialist endeavor of collective bargaining UPS would be a stronger more profitable company. More in the pot, more to trickle down. My value should worth what I can get not what the collective decided for me. When everyone gets the same that's communism.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Power to the Capitalist Class. The prevailing market rate wage for similar labor is substantially lower than what UPS has to pay. The owner's deserve higher return's. Without the socialist endeavor of collective bargaining UPS would be a stronger more profitable company. More in the pot, more to trickle down. My value should worth what I can get not what the collective decided for me. When everyone gets the same that's communism.

OK..Please then tell us why on God's green acre we can not hire enough good people or keep them at UPS?

Answer: We do not pay them enough for the physical work required and commitment required for an entry level position.

"The owner's deserve higher return's:" Smells of

OK..Let it out...Are you or have you been a part time supervisor?


Well-Known Member
OK..Please then tell us why on God's green acre we can not hire enough good people or keep them at UPS?

Answer: We do not pay them enough for the physical work required and commitment required for an entry level position.

"The owner's deserve higher return's:" Smells of

OK..Let it out...Are you or have you been a part time supervisor?
I honestly don't even know how I could have made a more satirical post. I truly apologize for my Sunday afternoon light hearted trolling. The cognitive dissonance of many union members when it comes to certain political ideologies and their own membership in a socialist organization is just hilarious. Sorry for using you to get to them.

Deleted member 83221

I honestly don't even know how I could have made a more satirical post. I truly apologize for my Sunday afternoon light hearted trolling. The cognitive dissonance of many union members when it comes to certain political ideologies and their own membership in a socialist organization is just hilarious. Sorry for using you to get to them.
Socialism definition a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This has nothing to do with unions mindlessly thinking the capitalist class won't screw you over is magical thinking. Capitalism is fine but it needs checks and balances like unions and social programs to help super poor people. Look at UPS drivers vs Fedex or Amazon ones UPS drivers do much better for themselves thanks to the union. Not to mention the excellent benefits. Strip that away and you have a race to the bottom.

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
Losing our private health care, higher taxes, open boarders, getting rid of oil and gas, Biden is the man.
Already withdrew my DRIVE fund contributions. I signed up for it back when I was a democrat. Just remember people, when creepy joe says he only wants a public option for poor people what that really translates to is “we think you’re stupid, so we say public ‘option’ and you think you have a choice to stay on your nice union private insurance, but what will really happen is companies will kick everyone off their private insurance and you’ll be forced to take that crappy public ‘option’ and boom we have socialized universal healthcare without the negative connotations.”


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
All you pro-Trumpers should just quit the union. You’re sticking it to your union brothers by voting Trump. Trump would love to see the Teamsters disband. A vote for Trump is a vote to terminate the union. Biden 2020.
I'm more concerned about getting shoved into the Biden-Saunders master control, centralized medical plan. Remember, Harris is on record saying folks like us with great plans currently, will have to give them up.

Harris on private insurance like what Teamsters use: "Let's eliminate all of that"...
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I'm more concerned about getting shoved into the Biden-Saunders master control, centralized medical plan. Remember, Harris is on record saying folks like us with great plans currently, will have to give them up.

Harris on private insurance like what Teamsters use: "Let's eliminate all of that"...
She’s right! Who wants to pay a union that cost more than heath insurance? Only idiots would. let’s not forget Trump lied. He had and has no plan, just like the entire GOP! End healt insurance for the President, his cabinet, and congress.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
She’s right! Who wants to pay a union that cost more than heath insurance? Only idiots would. let’s not forget Trump lied. He had and has no plan, just like the entire GOP! End healt insurance for the President, his cabinet, and congress.
You want government health care? Not me. Just visit the DMV, long lines and workers with zero effort.
You want government health care? Not me. Just visit the DMV, long lines and workers with zero effort.
The DMV has gone online. If you’re physically going to the DMV then you must have license issues. Once every 5 years or so one goes to DMV. We’ve given private healthcare a chance they failed. But truth be told Trump lied to America. He had and has no plan. Just like the rest of the GOP. Pull healthcare for the President, his cabinet, and Congress!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The DMV has gone online. If you’re physically going to the DMV then you must have license issues. Once every 5 years or so one goes to DMV. We’ve given private healthcare a chance they failed. But truth be told Trump lied to America. He had and has no plan. Just like the rest of the GOP. Pull healthcare for the President, his cabinet, and Congress!

My plan is great. Don't know what failing plan you are in?