


Sarah Abdallah

Merry Christmas to the war criminal couple who dropped depleted uranium on Yugoslavia, starved 500,000 Iraqi children to death, bombed #Libya back to the Stone Age, destroyed #Syria, and robbed the Haitian people for billions in earthquake aid money

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Hillary Clinton
· 4h
A merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


the iranian general the US assassinated which was a terrorist act had diplomatic immunity. which means not only can the US not assassinate him which was illegal war crime regardless, he can not even be issued a parking ticket. he is immune from the law. the US was not at war with iran either.

El Correcto

god is dead
the iranian general the US assassinated which was a terrorist act had diplomatic immunity. which means not only can the US not assassinate him which was illegal war crime regardless, he can not even be issued a parking ticket. he is immune from the law. the US was not at war with iran either.
-t seething russian


Democrats going to steal the nomination from bernie. should canada invade america and export democracy?

Glenn Greenwald

What would be even worse than replacing Bernie with someone with fewer votes: replacing him with some Unity Candidate™ who didn’t bother to run at all. Kerry and Hillary both seem interested. Anyway, if Bernie has the most delegates but isn’t the nominee, the Party will burn.
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corey robin
· 1h
So Bernie only gets, say, 38% of the vote going into the convention. He lacks political credibility and democratic appeal, say his critics. So let's have the Convention elites choose a candidate who only got 30% of the vote. Genius!

Glenn Greenwald Retweeted

Saikat Chakrabarti

If anyone other than the candidate with the plurality of delegates becomes the Democratic nominee, that will be the end of the Democratic Party. It will do more to destroy faith in our democracy than what Trump has already done. #DemDebate

Benjamin Dixon

It’s almost like immediately after everyone realized that Bloomberg was an incompetent overlord, they collectively decided to go to plan C to stop Sanders: Contested Convention. Same rules apply. You steal democracy from us we steal your power from you by refusing to vote.
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Glenn Greenwald

After the supremely satisfying destruction of Bloomberg, this was one of the most important moments of the night: revealing the collective plan to stop Sanders even if he wins & showing how intrinsically corrupted Democrats are:
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Saagar Enjeti
· 15h
Well there you have it folks, not a single candidate but Bernie says the candidate with the most amount of delegates going into the convention should be the nominee....