Thank you Mr President for Gas Prices

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
President Trumps Obama



Well-Known Member
The Russians meet with OPEC in Vienna tomorrow. Oil closed today at $ 51.70. Marathon Oil has crude priced in next year at $64. Enjoy the price break while it lasts and if by chance it stays this low or perhaps lower look for movement in state legislatures toward a state gas tax increase.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The Russians meet with OPEC in Vienna tomorrow. Oil closed today at $ 51.70. Marathon Oil has crude priced in next year at $64. Enjoy the price break while it lasts and if by chance it stays this low or perhaps lower look for movement in state legislatures toward a state gas tax increase.
$51-$64 isn’t gonna change the price of gas all that much.


Well-Known Member
By no means do I expect sub $2 gas long but I don’t think we will see $3 soon either.
Keep in mind state gas taxes can vary as much as $0.40 per gallon. So while you might currently enjoy being in a low gas tax state some state legislatures are giving serious consideration to raising it gas taxes to pay for much needed improvements.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Keep in mind state gas taxes can vary as much as $0.40 per gallon. So while you might currently enjoy being in a low gas tax state some state legislatures are giving serious consideration to raising it gas taxes to pay for much needed improvements.
Yes. Here they’re going as far as talking about a mileage tax. If that happens I’ll just skip over the state line and relocate.


Retired 23 years
Keep in mind state gas taxes can vary as much as $0.40 per gallon. So while you might currently enjoy being in a low gas tax state some state legislatures are giving serious consideration to raising it gas taxes to pay for much needed improvements.

Taxes taxes taxes---is it really worth working.