The big bang theory


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You’re wrong but okay.
Page 49 and you'e still being chided and laughed at.
There are only two possible explanations for the existence of human life: creation or evolution. If any other, I haven't seen it on this thread.
If evolution is true, then humans came to exist by transformation. A non-human transforming over time and becoming human. That would mean that a non-human somehow became human. The posters are colorful and have nice pics but they don't explain the means by which such a thing could happen. It can't and has not been demonstrated (proved) by evidence.
Since science requires material evidence to fulfill its self-claimed method, then evolution has a problem.

“One should only draw such conclusions as are warranted by the evidence”-- The Law of Rationality
Be rational. (tall order)
All the evidence points to creation. You hate it because if there is a God you would owe him your existence and that would mean you would have to recognize Him as the Creator. And you also hate what the jew book says about homosexuals and you refuse to accept that also.

You first. What you want. How you want it. It's all that matters no matter how stupid it sounds.


I'm a star

Ever hear of the bicameral mind theory? They say It's been disproven, but we definitely have two separate control centers, one in each half of our brain. They demonstrate this in seizure patients who had their corpus collosum (the nerve bundle that connects the two hemispheres) severed. The one side of the body can respond to stimuli completely independent of knowledge of the other side. The difference between the two sides is that the speech center is in the left hemisphere.

Now, imagine a time when humans first started developing language, could you imagine how alien it must have been to "hear" words in your mind. What we take for granted as normal thought, must have seem like some sort of spirit speaking to them.

Now imagine if we once had speech centers in both hemispheres at one point. I sometimes wonder if schizophrenics have regressive genes which causes them to still have multiple speech centers.

The right hemisphere is associated with the subconcious, the part of our brain that is constantly on the alert for danger. If you had a speech center there, you would be hearing all sorts of crazy scary stuff, all the time.

El Correcto

god is dead
then humans came to exist by transformation. A non-human transforming over time and becoming human.
No a species transforming over the course of many millennia through mutations that are proved beyond a reasonable doubt to occur in microbiology.
The posters are colorful and have nice pics but they don't explain the means by which such a thing could happen. It can't and has not been demonstrated (proved) by evidence.
Since science requires material evidence to fulfill its self-claimed method, then evolution has a problem.
Maybe you should try reading something other than posters and a Jew book to educate yourself. Microbiology, biochemistry, fossil records, genetics, breeding experiments, radiometric dating, 2 centuries worth of proof adding to the conclusion. I don’t know how much more you need bud, you’re not going to watch an ape lose all it’s hair and start speaking English.

“One should only draw such conclusions as are warranted by the evidence”-- The Law of Rationality
Be rational. (tall order)
All the evidence points to creation
Wonderful, then you should have no problem showing me it. Also please no more pictures of Noah’s ark. lol
You hate it because if there is a God you would owe him your existence and that would mean you would have to recognize Him as the Creator. And you also hate what the jew book says about homosexuals and you refuse to accept that also.

You first. What you want. How you want it. It's all that matters no matter how stupid it sounds.
I wouldn’t hate it, I’d have some questions for sure. I don’t take issue with your silly book, it had it’s uses for neato history stuff and a glancing back into the flawed morality of desert dwelling cave Jews. I take issue with people who take it literally, who don’t recognize it for what it is, silly jew mythology.

Page 49 and you'e still being chided and laughed at.
Page 50 let’s see the big reveal, I’m getting goose bumps from all that “rational” quote and all these hypothesis. I can literally hear the gerbil wheel cranking out the brain power in your tiny jew worshipping mind.
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I don’t work at UPS anymore.
What about those guys who claim we're all just animals, and slaughtering animals is ok?
Biologically animals, yeah, but we are people as well (although some humans truly are just animals and deserve to be slaughtered)

If I were a worm, a chicken or a fish wouldn’t think twice about biting me in half and letting me suffer to death. However I would never torture any animal. I have the mental capacity to make that decision whereas lesser animals do not. Because I’m a person. And a mammal. And an ape. Those are not mutually exclusive. We can agree that there are degrees of sentience amongst living creatures? It’s why most people who otherwise eat meat would find killing and eating a dog to be abhorrent. To quote Jules in Pulp Fiction, “personality goes a long way”

TL;DR: fair point but not an apt comparison. Golden rule for humans and don’t be mean to animals.

Netsua 3:16

Long time, no see! Welcome back to the Deranged v. Rational Wars.

El Correcto

god is dead

It’s the most popular free sermon they have up at the bbq place judging by there only being 1 left.
I hope they put it in and it’s just an effeminate gay voice telling them it’s because they are stupid and ignorant.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Explain it to me.
You reject explanations that don’t support your belief, so I’ll just continue to poke holes in your shallow philosophy. I doubt you’re sincere enough to contemplate your errors of construct, but I’ll continue to amuse myself by alluding to them. Pro bono, of course.

El Correcto

god is dead
You reject explanations that don’t support your belief, so I’ll just continue to poke holes in your shallow philosophy. I doubt you’re sincere enough to contemplate your errors of construct, but I’ll continue to amuse myself by alluding to them. Pro bono, of course.
Oh is that what you think you are doing, carry on then silly jew worshipper.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Ever hear of the bicameral mind theory? They say It's been disproven, but we definitely have two separate control centers, one in each half of our brain. They demonstrate this in seizure patients who had their corpus collosum (the nerve bundle that connects the two hemispheres) severed. The one side of the body can respond to stimuli completely independent of knowledge of the other side. The difference between the two sides is that the speech center is in the left hemisphere.

Now, imagine a time when humans first started developing language, could you imagine how alien it must have been to "hear" words in your mind. What we take for granted as normal thought, must have seem like some sort of spirit speaking to them.

Now imagine if we once had speech centers in both hemispheres at one point. I sometimes wonder if schizophrenics have regressive genes which causes them to still have multiple speech centers.

The right hemisphere is associated with the subconcious, the part of our brain that is constantly on the alert for danger. If you had a speech center there, you would be hearing all sorts of crazy scary stuff, all the time.
Atheists are born with a lobotomy resulting in them not having Faith in any Higher Power.
I feel sorry for them ... born without Faith and no understanding of it.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No a species transforming over the course of many millennia through mutations that are proved beyond a reasonable doubt to occur in microbiology.

Maybe you should try reading something other than posters and a Jew book to educate yourself. Microbiology, biochemistry, fossil records, genetics, breeding experiments, radiometric dating, 2 centuries worth of proof adding to the conclusion. I don’t know how much more you need bud, you’re not going to watch an ape lose all it’s hair and start speaking English.

Wonderful, then you should have no problem showing me it. Also please no more pictures of Noah’s ark. lol

I wouldn’t hate it, I’d have some questions for sure. I don’t take issue with your silly book, it had it’s uses for neato history stuff and a glancing back into the flawed morality of desert dwelling cave Jews. I take issue with people who take it literally, who don’t recognize it for what it is, silly jew mythology.

Page 50 let’s see the big reveal, I’m getting goose bumps from all that “rational” quote and all these hypothesis. I can literally hear the gerbil wheel cranking out the brain power in your tiny jew worshipping mind.
You silly little homo.
Creation is for adults with sound reasoning and rational thinking .
Evolution and Big Bang theories are for you people, you know, you people,the ones that deny facts and refuse to affirm the obvious because that would mean a whole lot of other things they would have to admit and address in their lives.

Been a dry spell for a while. Maybe these 50 pages of nowhere with anyone will suffice us all for a few months.

El Correcto

god is dead
You silly little homo.
Creation is for adults with sound reasoning and rational thinking .
Evolution and Big Bang theories are for you people, you know, you people,the ones that deny facts and refuse to affirm the obvious because that would mean a whole lot of other things they would have to admit and address in their lives.

Been a dry spell for a while. Maybe these 50 pages of nowhere with anyone will suffice us all for a few months.
I’m still waiting for a single fact.