
Well-Known Member
Oh stop. The biggest farce of that whole notion was Donald Trump himself. He didn’t work hard to ride up into fame and fortune. Money and power reside at the top of economic ad political power and they aren’t to quick to share it.
Very few whites come close to the wealth Trump has and plenty of blacks do just as well if not better than most whites. How about stop coddling criminals and emphasize staying in school. Tell the divisive politicians to stop pitting races against each other and instead insure that both little Johnny and Jamal get a decent education. And get industry back that pays well so those who choose to finish high school can find a decent job. One of the reasons we do have crime is because some would rather take from others than hump all day at two jobs just to make ends meet.


Very few whites come close to the wealth Trump has


Staff member
Very few whites come close to the wealth Trump has and plenty of blacks do just as well if not better than most whites. How about stop coddling criminals and emphasize staying in school. Tell the divisive politicians to stop pitting races against each other and instead insure that both little Johnny and Jamal get a decent education. And get industry back that pays well so those who choose to finish high school can find a decent job. One of the reasons we do have crime is because some would rather take from others than hump all day at two jobs just to make ends meet.
Would it be an immense surprise to you that the vast majority of blacks in this country live productive and close family lives? Yes. I bet it would.


I'm a star
The context of the “joke” is incredibly important
If. You’re truly concerned with making progress

A bunch of old white guys constantly making fun of the black druggie. Where’s the humor and or progress in that? How is that bringing people together?

I'll try my best to explain. Let's say your issue was simply with being disrespectful towards the dead. That would be admirable, and would allow for the recognition of the dignity of Floyd as an individual. Taking offense at white people making jokes about the situation on the basis that Floyd was black eliminates the dignity of Floyd as an individual and collectives his experience to all people of a certain skin color. This is what used to be understood as the evil of racism. Now it's simply been flipped on its head, and is now a softer, paternalistic, patronizing and suffocating assumption that all people of a certain color must be protected from even the slightest of offense on the basis of skin color. As if the experiences of all black people across all time were homogenous, and the individuality of a black person doesn't exist. This way of thinking is evil whether it is antagonistic or protective.

It's funny, CRT teaches about white fragility, while assuming black fragility.

If a white drug addict with a criminal record od'd while trying to destroy evidence after trying to pass off counterfeit bills, and he happened to die while being restrained by a police officer for resisting arrest, it would be totally acceptable, by most people's standards, to ridicule him and say he got exactly what he deserved. As it should be, that guy should serves as a cautionary tale for everyone to not make those decisions. Floyd, on the other hand, and based solely on the virtue of his skin color is not only apparently off limits to ridicule, he is deified for his poor decisions. What sort of message does that send? It takes the soft bigotry of low expectations to all new levels.

Point being, in a post racism world, it would be perfectly acceptable for anyone of any skin color to criticize the bad decisions of anyone of any other skin color, and the idea of race or hatred motivating the criticism wouldn't cross anyone's mind. Stupid is as stupid does, no matter who's being stupid.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Would it be an immense surprise to you that the vast majority of blacks in this country live productive and close family lives? Yes. I bet it would.
Blacks? Family? Unwanted pregnancy? Whose the Daddy? Blacks? Close family? LOL LOL
Percentages please.


I'm a star
How so? If we accept that everyone is racist, then the aim is not to eradicate racism but it is the government’s duty to negate its effects in order to promote opportunity for all of its citizens.

But It's not teaching that everyone is racist. It's creating a myth of oppressor and victim classes. This is the very foundation of Marxist ideology. Divide people into arbitrary groups. Blame one group for the mostly imaginary wrongs suffered by the victim group, agitate the victims into violent action against the oppressors, the people behind the agitation seize power in the chaos, and then really victimize the "oppressed".

It's been done so many times, I can't understand why people deny it. It's almost like they want another holocaust, or holodomor, or cultural revolution ethnic cleansing. You know, the things people must have been pretending to believe were evil.


Well-Known Member
Would it be an immense surprise to you that the vast majority of blacks in this country live productive and close family lives? Yes. I bet it would.
But we're talking about the blacks that commit a disproportionate amount of the total crime. The ones rioting and looting.

Netsua 3:16

But It's not teaching that everyone is racist. It's creating a myth of oppressor and victim classes. This is the very foundation of Marxist ideology. Divide people into arbitrary groups. Blame one group for the mostly imaginary wrongs suffered by the victim group, agitate the victims into violent action against the oppressors, the people behind the agitation seize power in the chaos, and then really victimize the "oppressed".

It's been done so many times, I can't understand why people deny it. It's almost like they want another holocaust, or holodomor, or cultural revolution ethnic cleansing. You know, the things people must have been pretending to believe were evil.
I believe that I fully understand your sentiment.
I believe that you are not someone that contributes to the decline of race relations.
I cannot comprehend the constant false equivalence from a broad stroke method of teaching racism in America; a cornerstone of our country in both negative AND positive ways, which conveys marxist ideology (how much so? Do YOU know? How?) to the Holocaust.
I’m not defending it as an institution, I’m just confused by your careful treading of widespread ideology.
Our country is FULL of that, all the time, and if the ideology is teaching us about both the good AND the bad side of our history? I’m at the very least ok with it.
The kids can’t use CRT as an excuse to not be successful in life. Amirite? America shouldn’t look to coddle children with content that we don’t want them to be exposed to. We want them to know what’s gone down, right?


I'm a star
I believe that I fully understand your sentiment.
I believe that you are not someone that contributes to the decline of race relations.
I cannot comprehend the constant false equivalence from a broad stroke method of teaching racism in America; a cornerstone of our country in both negative AND positive ways, which conveys marxist ideology (how much so? Do YOU know? How?) to the Holocaust.
I’m not defending it as an institution, I’m just confused by your careful treading of widespread ideology.
Our country is FULL of that, all the time, and if the ideology is teaching us about both the good AND the bad side of our history? I’m at the very least ok with it.
The kids can’t use CRT as an excuse to not be successful in life. Amirite? America shouldn’t look to coddle children with content that we don’t want them to be exposed to. We want them to know what’s gone down, right?

It's not teaching about racism. It is instilling the ideas of oppressor/victim classes, to the complete detriment of individual identity, which always has the same result. I've said before, teaching history, all the good and the bad, is good. Telling children they are evil because of their skin color is, well, evil.

Netsua 3:16

Point being, in a post racism world, it would be perfectly acceptable for anyone of any skin color to criticize the bad decisions of anyone of any other skin color, and the idea of race or hatred motivating the criticism wouldn't cross anyone's mind.
We’re not in a post racism world
So these people still come off as obnoxious a holes
The country, not BLACK America, not liberals not conservatives
The COUNTRY had a visceral reaction to the Floyd tape.
I agree, the murals and stuff. It’s a bit much. But I DO celebrate the discontinuation of the unwillingness to prosecute white cops involved with excessive force on blacks.
Cause you know Z, that they usually always get off

Netsua 3:16

It's not teaching about racism. It is instilling the ideas of oppressor/victim classes, to the complete detriment of individual identity, which always has the same result. I've said before, teaching history, all the good and the bad, is good. Telling children they are evil because of their skin color is, well, evil.
This is where I struggle
Where are teachers telling white kids that they are evil for being white?
Provide me with 5 specific examples and I’ll shut right tf up


Staff member
But It's not teaching that everyone is racist. It's creating a myth of oppressor and victim classes. This is the very foundation of Marxist ideology. Divide people into arbitrary groups. Blame one group for the mostly imaginary wrongs suffered by the victim group, agitate the victims into violent action against the oppressors, the people behind the agitation seize power in the chaos, and then really victimize the "oppressed".

It's been done so many times, I can't understand why people deny it. It's almost like they want another holocaust, or holodomor, or cultural revolution ethnic cleansing. You know, the things people must have been pretending to believe were evil.
Why should it teach that all people are racist? That’s a premise the OMG and I were beginning with. It’s actually inconsequential in the scope of CRT that those without power are racist. It’s those in power and with racist ambitions that can’t be allowed to subvert others with the law and policy. CRT makes no attempt to end racism or get everyone to love one another or any of that crap.

Calling something Marxist does make it scary, doesn’t make it evil and doesn’t make it nonexistent. There have been divisions in this country since it’s inception and people eager to take advantage of those divisions have been around just as long. They aren’t created or conjured or prayed into being.

That said, government is in no way required to turn a blind eye to the way society behaves and oppresses the liberty of some of its citizens for the enrichment of others. In fact, it is imperative that a government attempt to rectify those conditions. It’s messy and has unintended consequences but pretending that there aren’t those with power and those without is silly. The idea that race is not a factor and has not been a factor through the ages is denying history and the attempt to make it less of a denigrating factor should continue.