The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Trillions? How about corporations bringing back jobs from overseas for those people getting free money? You can't have it both ways.
What does that have to do with this topic? I am for tariffs on all foriegn made products. Not hugh tariffs, but enough to make it competitive for US manufacturers to compete.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What part of spend less money did you not understand.

What part of tax cuts dont you understand cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars? You hear CUT and you dont realize that means SPEND. You hear wars and somehow think wars are free.

2 billion dollars a week in afghanistan right now spent to just be in that toilet country and 1 million dollars an hour in interest on that 2 billion.

But somehow, you are worried about welfare and food stamps?? Like that will save the US?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Funny how the TEA PARTY has members of every race in it. Real funny how that comes off as racist to Leftist/Socialists in our country.

thats the falacy of the tea party, believing there are people of every race in it in an equal number. Listen bro, allan west doesnt count as the black race.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think he meant that Obama isn't done running up the debt yet. He has almost 3 more years to pass 22 trillion in national debt.
But let us not forget that the President only sets the tone for national spending, that CONGRESS spends the money. And that typically our country usually gives the presidency to one party and congress to the other (or splits congress between the two parties).
GW Bush mostly had a dem congress (that and 9/11 is reason for spending too much).
And Clinton mostly had a Republican Congress, which is why spending went way down. (especially for welfare.)

BUSH had a mostly dem congress?? Really?? Did you miss the bush administration? The dems took control in november 2007 in an election, they DIDNT take control of congress until january 2008, the last year of Bush's tyranny.

Get serious bro.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What part of tax cuts dont you understand cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars? You hear CUT and you dont realize that means SPEND. You hear wars and somehow think wars are free.

2 billion dollars a week in afghanistan right now spent to just be in that toilet country and 1 million dollars an hour in interest on that 2 billion.

But somehow, you are worried about welfare and food stamps?? Like that will save the US?


Taking less of peoples money doesn't cost the people money.
Are you special needs?
Guess what, I was in the military. Whether they are in Afganistan or Germany, they still cost us money. We have to pay for defense. Having them in Afganistan is not my choice, but it is a current reality that I can understand. It was a terrorist base a decade ago, and we can't let it become one again.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
BUSH had a mostly dem congress?? Really?? Did you miss the bush administration? The dems took control in november 2007 in an election, they DIDNT take control of congress until january 2008, the last year of Bush's tyranny.

Get serious bro.

Did you forget about 2001? Dems had control then under Bush. And for the Senate, Republicans had a 51-49 majority. Not filibuster proof.


About the Return to More Progressive Estate Tax .
How was Teddy Kennedy allowed to have his mother's estate filed in Florida ? A place where she hadn't been to in 9 yrs. prior to her death .

No where in this graph is there a demand that social services to non-citizens be eliminated .
As soon as American businesses stop hiring them.