The Issue of Telematics


Well-Known Member
It's the go-to tactic for all of our contract aplogists...

They will claim everything including their mother is a non-issue.
I got the same response as well. ""the language was always only for drivers. They don't use gps on loaders."
I guess it's possible put combo guys in the building that don't have good numbers and get rid of them. Would be work for them but, possible.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
funny because my heaviest area.. about 1100-1300 pieces over 4 cars.. and he misloads like MAYBE once a month.
That describes me and 6 other people here.
Regardless of unload, all of us get done at 9:30 with up to two hours of help from other preloaders and 30 minutes each from every driver. The timeframe to do a good job on a 1200 piece assignment is 2 hours above what we are afforded.

The add-cut roulete is beyond the most infuriating part of this job. I bet you that same loader had TEN TIMES the amount of missed cuts than their misloads. Load quality and trace blown to kingdom come in the process.


Well-Known Member
A while back when I was in preload, we would have at least 5 to 6 guys in the office getting progressive discipline for misloads each shift. Then, I overheard an onroad (didn't know I was behind him) instructing part time sups to put misload scans on left in buildings. He didn't have enough drivers to deliver them and was scanning them that way so it was someone else's problem.