The New UPS Stretching routine


Frankie's Friend

i know this might come as a shock to you, but there is a wide wide world outside of UPS that can do things other than stepping and walking without immediately sustaining an injury
Dude, you dont "know" much about what may shock me or anyone else but we werent talking about things outside of work. We were talking about mandated stretching and exercise while on the clock. We arent even allowed to jump from a bottom step of the pc or ladders in the building.
That was the subject topic in which you offered your ingenious idea of doing jumping jacks on the clock.
If you want to talk about non work issues seperately just say so an ill get my 2 yr old grandson to address things with you on your level.
He doesnt like wasting his precious cartoon time so please stay on topic if you can.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Just my ass..


Well-Known Member
Dude, you dont "know" much about what may shock me or anyone else but we werent talking about things outside of work. We were talking about mandated stretching and exercise while on the clock. We arent even allowed to jump from a bottom step of the pc or ladders in the building.
That was the subject topic in which you offered your ingenious idea of doing jumping jacks on the clock.
If you want to talk about non work issues seperately just say so an ill get my 2 yr old grandson to address things with you on your level.
He doesnt like wasting his precious cartoon time so please stay on topic if you can.

Personally, I'd like to see someone produce some actual data that shows the causal effect PCMerobics has on strain injuries. Most drivers to / from is longer than the cool down period, so I don't believe there is any.

I know for long to/froms, they tell you to do it again at the first stop, but if that's the case, then that should be the method, and not during AM time. Until I see that data, I think AM time stretching is just safety theater.

That said, if I were in a driver's shoes, if they wanna pay me time and a half to stretch (it ends up adding to the end of day), I'd go through the motions and not say anything.


You'd be very, very wrong. UPS is extremely conservative in firing people, and that's here in an at will employment state.
I saw a guy get fired for not tucking his mirror in a residential area. He got his job back but they still fired him. If you reverse the situation and make it geared towards management then it would be like firing a sup because they had a misspelled word in an email.



Well-Known Member
Exactly - he got his job back.

My last year in the hub, I caught an hourly employee in cahoots with a PT supervisor to clock him in at 2100 while he was showing up around 2200. The PT sup was gone, the Teamster was on notice but got his job back. Stealing time is supposed to be a cardinal sin, and we had him on camera. Still no dice.

Later on that year - had a FT supervisor who simply refused to work as directed for months. No union protection at all. Every time my DM and I went to HR, we were told we needed more - even with write-ups written by the supervisor where he stated that he didn't do something because he didn't feel like it.

An old school manager once told me in 1989 to stack my write-ups next to a marker standing on its end, and when the write-ups got taller than the marker, I was fired. Then he made me do a write-up for misloads or something...but in my experience he turned out to be right.


Never bought my own handtruck
Irregular pkgs account for almost 10% of our volume, at least in my neck of the woods... how many 2 person routes would they have to put in to deliver these??
Probably a lot. Just the amount of area they would cover would be tremendous. I like the idea of a limit per day. Some days, it really beats you down.